Inside Britain's Last Surviving WW2 Cruiser | HMS Belfast

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'Inside Britain's Last Surviving WW2 Cruiser | HMS Belfast'

It's a 12,000 tonne light cruiser moored on the River Thames in the middle of London. It's the last surviving vessel of its kind from the Second World War. It was involved in the sinking of the Scharnhorst, played a critical role on D-Day and later the Korean War. This is the HMS Belfast.

In this video James Rogers, a war historian, dives into the story of one of the world’s best known warships. The ship's service in the Royal Navy extended from the beginning of the Second World War to the height of the Cold War, during which its capabilities were tested and developed.

We’re going to find out what made HMS Belfast one of the most impressive cruisers of the 20th century, and why so many people still feel a connection to this vessel today.

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The fact that the UK didn't save HMS Warspite still astounds me. If ever there was a ship that deserved to be preserved as a museum, it was Warspite. It amazes me that a nation that constantly touts it's centuries long naval tradition, would simply scrap a warship that served, with distinction, through two wars. I mean, here in the States, we've got museum ships that never even saw combat.


Greetings from Salvador, Bahia, Brazil! I have visited HMS Belfast during my stay in London in August 2018 and did some pictures and videos for myself, as well as an excellent visit to Imperial War Museum which I enjoyed a lot. I am studying Royal Navy's history since the 70's (I'm 65) and like to research RN's operations in WWI and WWII. Great video and good History lesson, thank you for sharing. All the best!


I had the great pleasure of having dinner on my birthday aboard HMS Belfast. I was then a member of the Association of Dunkirk Little Ships being the owner of Lazy Days, the association held their Fitting Out Supper, and I invited members of my family along. They turned up with a birthday cake, which we shared with other diners of course. I can't remember the year, but it was in April and the London Marathon was the next day and I had a hangover.
My elder stepbrother served his National Service fighting in Korea as part of REME. Thankfully he came home.

Thank you for posting and stirring great memories.


My maternal grandfather served on and tragically died on HMS Edinburgh, Belfast's sister ship. It is a legacy of the superb seamanship of the crew and the almost unbelievable strength of the design that kept Belfast afloat after hitting the mine. Similarly Edinburgh was hit by 2 torpedoes almost cutting her in half, yet she limped on, faced down 3 German destroyers sinking the Hermann Schoemann and forcing the others to flee. It is a tragedy that HMS Warspite was not similarly saved for the nation- but if only one cruiser or battleship could be saved from WW2- then I am delighted it is Belfast, a ship of great historical significance. Thankyou for this video, I found it very moving.


My Granddad served on the H.M.S Belfast. Doesn’t like to talk about his history but after seeing this I’m proud to be part of the many families that served along side my Grandad <3


During a Christmastime visit to London in 1990, I went aboard HMS Belfast on a tour. Wow! What a ship! It was beautifully preserved, spotless and appeared as if she'd been commissioned the week before. The displays were thoughtfully placed and well-constructed, including mannequins wearing authentic uniforms. How I wish my American brothers took such great care of it's maritime history as our British cousins. I bought the book about the ship in the gift shop and leaf through it occasionally. Priceless addition to my militaria collection.


I'm a ex fisherman 22 yrs I have been 2 times on his Belfast. My uncle sailed on HMS Hood before her lose. I'm also a amateur navy historian from a young age. This is the most interesting video of HMS Belfast I have seen so fare.


My grandad was a main turret gunner on the hms Belfast his name was Alexander Thomson when he passed the hms Belfast association came to his funeral with a big 6 foot round poppy reef and a smaller poppy reef for each of his three sons and daughter they have my full support forever and ever 🫡🇬🇧🙏🏻


Happened to visit during a rainy day and ended up getting a private tour around by one of the lovely volunteers. One of the best tours ever on an amazing ship!


Belfast represents a different time and technologically, but is still a marvel of engineering.
Rik Spector


Thanks for guiding me through the biggest memorial ship of Europe. We have a treasure of our own at Gdynia - the World's oldest existing destroyer, the British-built 'Bottlewhisky' BŁYSKAWICA. All the best to 'Belfast, Belfast!', Her guests and Her people, both women and men. ♍👍🇵🇱 All the best to the UK, and to the RN. Ladies & Gentlemen - the King!🇬🇧


My old boss had his hearing seriously damaged on D-Day.
He was on an MTB, under the guns of Belfast when she fired the first salvos.
In about 1995 I took my young son to visit her.
On the front deck I stood him on the wires of the railings and he had his arms out, just like in the film Titanic.
Below on the dockside were about three coach loads of Japanese tourists, taking hundreds of pictures of him .
A very memorable day on a wonderful ship. ✨️


Really cool
And absolute respect to everyone who served in them times


That ship is well worth a visit for anyone traveling to London. Well done.


Had the pleasure of visiting in February it was well worth it, chatting to a former crewman was a particular highlight.


Love it, when I was a kid we’d visit family in London (we’re from Manchester), whenever dad asked “where do you want to go today”? I’d always reply “HMS Belfast”, he’d look at me and smile “again”?, he brought me up on WW2.


She is still a beautiful awesome ship. I didn't get the chance to go aboard her but I was there in the 80s and seen her from the outside. She still looks like she could go into combat. God bless England and her great people.


An amazing ship with an amazing history. It's a shame that more historical relics like this aren't preserved, though the insane cost of doing so is understandable.


You know, I see how much care has been taken in keeping up this ship. It greatly saddens me to see how much neglect happens to museum ships when they could be so much more....


Great video being a Londoner I've been on the Belfast a few times so glad the captain saved her for the nation when you think the uk built the most battleships ever & we never kept one for the nation that was a crying shame.
