Native American Flutes Relaxing Music - 3HR Long Indigenous American Indian Flute Music

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This audio visual is ideal for Relaxation Therapy, relaxing Spa Music or as a calming sleep aid.

Indigenous Native American music is most commonly noted by soothing high pitched notes of the aboriginal american flute, a woodwind instrument that varies in size and design.

The Native American Flute is know also as the American Indian flute, American Indian courting flute, courting flute, Love flute, Native American courting flute, Grandfather's flute, Indian flute, Native American love flute, North American flute, Plains flute and the Indian courting flute.

The Flutes are often made of milled lumber and other wood such as River Cane, Cedar, Redwood, Bamboo, Juniper, Walnut, or Cherry. Traditionally, native American flutes were crafted from tree branches or stalks. More modern Clay instrument variants exist today.

It is unknown which of the Native American tribes created this music but it is likely one of the following three tribes bares influence in the flute's sound: Teton, Yankton or the Santee tribe, or even a smaller group of people who spoke the Dakota, Lakota or Nakota dialects.
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I’m a Navajo residing in Phoenix, I use this music to take me back home mentally and use it to strengthen my body, mind and soul.


I love Native American Flute Music. When my Arabian mare died, I thought I would die from heartbreak. We spent 21 years together. She was my best friend and soul mate. I asked master Native American flute-maker Charles Littleleaf, to carve her image on to the end of the flute. I have attached some of her tail hair and the flute is cut from a piece of wood from a 1000 year old redwood and embellished with a turquoise gemstone and Mother of Pearl. An eagle, my totem bird, sits atop the flute looking out for and protecting her. When I play it, she comes to me in my dreams, just like Charles promised she would. This music speaks to my soul. It soothes and it heals and I can easily drift off to sleep listening to it. Thank you for posting this beautiful video and accompanying music to help me meditate and relax. ox


Ever since I was a little boy, I’ve felt a deep affinity for Native American culture, especially the spirituality.


Im playing this outside and the birds always fly in for the concert! They sing differently not kidding.


I am battling PTSD from a tbi.
Why wife found this for me, she is of the Blackfoot, 39 years on June 8.this music is helping me cope.


I'm originally from Monument Valley, and it's been months since I've been home. Thank you for sharing these images with me. I needed to see the red rocks and desert again. This is the furthest and longest I've been from home.


my great-great grandfather was the RAVEN not sure if He had any Children with His Native American Wife But this music calls to me like no other. Thanks for Sharing


Love the beautiful scenery which I'm so taken with...Love our Native Americans!!!!


A great, great grandchild of Scottish immigrants who came to this land 150 years ago, I encountered this music on a visit to NM, this past Spring, and was totally enchanted by it. As it brings peace to me, thus my wish of the same to those who make it.


My family is part Lakota Sioux. We've never been able to dive into that part of ourselves until recently. Songs like this, Lakota lullaby, and others on YouTube have helped my family reach into our very souls. And connect with tradition and spirituality. Thank you for sharing this 🙏 🪶 🪶 🪶


I’ve always been feeling that I’ve belonged to the Native American culture and listening to this makes me feel that we are not alone


Native American flute music calms me like nothing else can.


Helps relax every inch of my inner being my mind heart and soul at coffee time and connecting with our Lord Jesus Christ For Bless all my Brothers and sisters of God and thanks for sharing your talents my native American family Love you all Spiritual Warrior


I play this over and over at work in my office. It's so peaceful and tranquil! Thank you for sharing this...God Bless you in Yeshua's name


I used Navajo Flute Music with a headset to deliver all my babies naturally! It really soothed me through the transitional phase of labor. I know i have Cherokee and Creek in my blood but this music has always stirred something primal in me.


No matter what happens or what happen in the past you are Blessed and you belong here 😁


so glad it's not some fake synthesized flute like most on YouTube.. I need to hear the air flowing through the Spirit and flute..


The beautiful views on the video and pictures soothes your soul. It just reminds me of the stories that my great-grandmother would tell me how how our people fought so hard to protect mother earth and our environment, and the importance of all people to be civil to one another because we are all connected with nature.


i agree with all the comments I have read- this is Beautiful music. I use it to ground me and fortify me when I wake up and it dissipates my fears about facing the day. Thank you indigenous peoples everywhere!


Putting on a face mask, lighting a candle a listening to this. It calms me and refreshes me after a long week. I love it.
