Rain and Native American Flutes - Relaxing Music

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Rain sound and new age instrumental of native american flutes and nature sounds for relaxing, sleeping and meditation.
Indian flute relaxing music.
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How does one put down on paper how they feel in their heart, but in this time of sorrow I have got to vent just a little. I am 86years old my wife LOIS passed away on Friday the thirteenth.she was 85 .we had been married for 65 years, we had a wonderful life together, GOD BLESSED US with 2 boys and 2 girls, they then produced for our family 9 grandkids, 22 great grandkids and 3 great great grandkids, this is what I mean BLESSED, lord only knows how many great memories for me to remember.well thanks for the great sound, LOIS and I went to sleep almost ever night, listening to flute music, my grand mother was Native American, full blooded Cherokee, North Carolina I think, my dads side, guess that is why I loved the sound .( by the way Lois didn’t have the virus) she had heart failure.well thanks for letting this old man vent a little, GOD BLESS TO ALL, THE CALF. WILD MAN.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍👍👍👍👍😪😪😪. I still have my crying times..


Having a bit of Native American blood, I close my eyes and imagine what it must have been to live here before it's discovery.
There's a sense of peace and comfort sitting among my tribal family, by a fire, listening to the rain and the sound of a flute. How wonderful it must have been to truly live in freedom among Mother Earth.
Living for thousands of years and only taking from Mother Earth, as was truly were doing something right.
Peace Brothers and Sisters


My son has fallen asleep with this song for the last 7 years. Every night, he asks me to play this song. This song has been a blessing.


Im an Osage Native American, I’m also a US Marine, this helps me sleep at night as well with my anxiety and anxiety attacks. I’m blessed to be Native American and alive. Goodnight to everyone around the world from Texas.


I am a flute player and when I hear this music it takes me back to the days of my ancestors. I know having native blood this music is a projection of the feelings in our hearts. I really hope sometime in the really near future the US government will start ro hear the indigenous voice in such matters of human relations and protecting the environment so our children will be able to see all of Creators beauty and animals that exist now but will be gone if we keep on destroying our Mother Earth...


This music helped me to sleep during the darkest time in my life. Couldn’t sleep due to sadness caused by being sick. Please pray. May the mother nature protect you all.


This makes me feel so calm. I needed this. Been feeling so sad, and my anxiety is killing me. Also, feeling so alone, everyone that I love is leaving me behind. I feel lost, maybe a little depressed. It's hard to hide from my parents how I really feel with so much going on at the moment. It's hard to live the day. And just by listening to this, something tells me that everything is gonna be ok. So I still have hope .
Take care of yourself. You are loved. And I appreciate you. Be safe . Be happy and I wish to you all a good life. Never forget your worth and remember. Hard times have an end. Keep fighting. I will too. We will be happy and have a beautiful family one day with a really good job and really good friends. 🧡


This reminds me of home when I was a child. We only had a lane like this for a road. I remember snuggling my mama while the thunder rolled outside. She would sing to me. I felt so safe, protected from the storm and I would drift off to sleep. I miss my mom. Sweet dreams to everyone that are finding it hard to settle down. Bless you all.


Sometimes I imagine sitting with a tribe in a cave 5, 000 years ago, sheltering from a storm while we sit around, relaxing, & listening to the flute player. Crazy.


There’s no other rain and flute video like this one. 😊😊😊


Oh how I wish I could have a little cabin in the middle of nowhere along with these soothing sounds. I will be all in my element. Thank you for this! Love & Light to all🌠


You've managed to chill out over 29 million people!! I think you should get some kind of award for that!!!


May God's peace settle in your heart and remain there forever! Rest in the Lord's embrace! From Grayson. GA! 🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️


This is still the most relaxing thing I've ever heard even 5 years later. Thank you so much for releasing this.


Listening to this for the First Time, July 2020. I knew I wanted to hear Rain and Thunderstorms. But the achingly beautiful Flutes and the instant Goose - Bumps I got are an over whelming surprise. Thank You, from Colorado


I don't comment much but 15 minutes in I was in tears. This is so beautiful and really has a beautiful energy, as corny as it sounds, this music made me wake up again. The world man it's just so beautiful in it's own way, but people can't notice it and sadly some never will. This music just really makes you find peace and love and I've never been so happy to feel it. Thank you for this video.


Gn from Arizona. And may all of you have peaceful dreams.


This is Peaceful to listen to love it who's still LISTENING 2021 2022


imagine one day coming from work or school and you come across this forest. you smell the trees, and fresh rain smell the closer you walk towards the forest. you had a rough day today, but this forest fades everything out. the sound of the flutes comes from the guards singing you peacefully to this beautiful forest making it impossible to ever want to turn back to that dark world. goodnight everyone love from new york 💞


I'm native american. I'm from the Potawatomi tribe and I am also part Kickapoo.
I was Just passing through some severe depression. I am healed now.
Beautiful music. ~Gishmokwe
