Secret To Keep Your Home Smelling Amazing 👌|| DIY Air fresher || HOMEMADE deodorizer

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When I was a young kid, in school we made little air fresheners for our moms for Holidays. We used cloves in an apple and orange and decorated it with ribbon to hang, and fancy stick pins. I was so proud to give to my mom. I can still smell it today, and I’m 64.


If you’ve ever bought those air fresheners that have the gel beads inside, after they’ve dried up, empty out the container, clean them up and reuse them. Since they already have the lids cut out, They’re great for this idea. I also used one to hold baking soda and put it in my fridge. It looks nicer than having just an open box of baking soda sitting in there. Thanks for sharing your wisdom! Much appreciated!


I love cloves. I am irish and cloves in a hot whiskey is for sickness. Without the cloves it doesn't work. Thank you for sharing your ideas with us x


Use dried lavender instead of fabric softener to avoid the chemicals! Works great!


I would use all the ingredients mentioned except the fabric softener which I never use...I prefer to use Mint Oil Essential Oil in some oil from the kitchen to mix it into a moist mixture...Thank you for this idea for clean fresh air in the home


I love cloves. As a child, at Christmas time my mother and I would poke cloves into oranges or clementines and set them by the fireplace and in the kitchen.
I’m having a big birthday party this weekend for my daughter so it’s the perfect time to make this to keep the loo smelling fresh. Thanks for sharing!


I think this is a great idea. Salt is good on many levels and I absolutely love the smell of cloves and orange essential oil. Thank you so much for sharing


Many people are allergic to fabric softener, even unscented. I have asthma and breathing the chemical in fabric softener (and most cleaning products) triggers attacks. Many of us who suffer from chemical triggered asthma can’t even go near the cleaning and laundry isles in the grocery store. I suggest using real lavender, even essential oils would be a good alternative. Will be trying this with the essential oil. Thanks for posting and love how pretty this looks. Looking forward to more of your videos.


You also could use a nail and hammer to make holes in the jar lid with the lid off the jar. I would be afraid of ruining and dulling my knife. After making holes from the top down, turn the lid upside down on a hard, flat surface with a piece of cloth under it (so the lid won’t get scratched) and use the hammer to flatten the sharp edges of the holes punched by the nail and hammer.


A hammer and nail would be safer to puncture the lid. Take it off the jar and put the lid on a piece of wood before hammering. I love this idea with the cloves and orange! Thank you for sharing!


I've been collecting glass jars and didn't know what for lol but now I will make this for every room in my house ☺️


We have soaked synthetic wigs in fabric softener to soften them and the whole room smells amazing for the 1-2 days. I’ve been looking for another way to use fabric softener to make a room smell good, I am so glad I came across this video to give it a try! Thank you!


This idea is TOO precious . Simple easy cleanup . Leaving behind a Sweet/Aromatic Memory that can be shared . TOUCH, SIGHT, SMELL.


I'm impressed with your cutting skills. Never seen a lid cut out and shaped so beautifully


Spice jars, like cinnamon, have a shaker top, grated Parmesan, wash and save container. Diatomaceous earth, will absorb the essential oil, takes a long time to dry out, just re-moisten and keep going. Cloves are excellent to repel wasps, save the little bags that garlic comes in, fill to make a sac of cloves to be used for a nice scent or baseboards to repel insects and rodents. Doesn’t seem to work long term to keep dog walkers away, though.


Followed your recipe. Absolutlely works great. Thank you thank you! 👍


Yeah, don’t use chemically ridden fabric softer. Essential oils in moderation is light years better.


Having pets, I'm always looking for ways to make sure my house smells great and not like my pets ! 😁 Thanks, I'm going to try these. Thank you 😍


Fabric softeners have un-named “perfumes” that are actually toxic chemicals - “perfume” can be made from these toxic chemicals. A lot of things around the home have this “perfume” - shampoo, detergent etc. I have gotten rid of all these and use only natural products.


What about using Epsom salts that’s already got oils infused then adding cloves… I think I will try that too. Thank you!!