Apache Spark Internals: RDDs, Pipelining, Narrow & Wide Dependencies

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In this video we'll understand Apache Spark's most fundamental abstraction layer: RDDs. Understanding this is essential for writing performant Spark code and comprehending what's going on during an execution.
00:00 Introduction
01:11 Traits of RDDs
04:34 Code Interface of RDDs
06:44 Understanding transformations
08:20 The DAG - directed acyclic graph
11:38 Types of dependencies
15:26 Optimization: Pipelining
17:47 Implementation of transformations
19:58 Summary
00:00 Introduction
01:11 Traits of RDDs
04:34 Code Interface of RDDs
06:44 Understanding transformations
08:20 The DAG - directed acyclic graph
11:38 Types of dependencies
15:26 Optimization: Pipelining
17:47 Implementation of transformations
19:58 Summary
Apache Spark Internals: RDDs, Pipelining, Narrow & Wide Dependencies
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