Bissell Lift Off Not Spraying Fix!

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Bissell Lift Off carpet cleaner not spraying? This might be your fix. The water storage tank has been indented on the bottom not allowing the water valve to sit deep enough in the receptor for the valve to be opened. Turn your tank upside down to see. Where the water valve screws on, look to see that the tank is perfectly flat. If it is indented around the opening, you need to bend it outward. I used a heat gun on the low setting, heating up the plastic til it is pliable, then pulling the opening up and letting it cool and harden. This allows the valve to seat fully in the receptor and deliver water to the machine. Mine works perfectly again!
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I just actually fixed mine using my wife’s hairdryer, thank you!


Awesome Fix! I was ready to open her up. Saw first video about the pump, then saw this one. I use hot water off the stove all the time(not boiling), thought the heat was too hot this time. Ended up using a spray bottle to finish the job. Next day took the heat gun, leveled out the spout and Viola! Full Water Pressure! Thanks a Bunch! Life saver


Brilliant..thanks!!! Took the whole thing apart and nothing looked obvious... Note: for those without a heating gun, I just slipped a small bolt inside the valve to extend the stem... Worked good! 👍🏻


Thanks heaps, I lent mine to someone who left it in their car. Had to buy a new brush attachment because it was so warped. Had issues since. I never thought of the warped tank. Cheers


EXACT fix I needed! Wish I had watched this before I took it all apart looking for a stuck pump. Thanks for posting this!


Thank you!
I have been using very hot water and distorted the bottom where the spout come out of the tank.
It stopped pumping and I was just about to disassemble to look at the pump when I found your video.
Used my heat gun to pull the spout back out, and now it works again.
Nice job saving me time and money!


Thank you. This worked perfectly. I just dipped in boiling hot water and that was more than enough heat.


Wow that worked for me thanks this was one of the best fixes save me a lot of headaches and money! Thank you so much again for posting 😺


The problem I'm having is that I don't get any spray from the floor nozzles. I have taken them off and cleaned them, no clog to begin with. The hose and wand work fine so I'm assuming it's not the tank. I believe it could be the heater is full of gunk from not running hot water through the machine after using it and then the machine sitting for a cpl of years. The wand does not use the heated water, I believe it pulls it straight from the clean water tank? Problem is I don't know where the heater is. I have it tore down to where you are in the video so before I go any farther, is the heater in there somewhere? I didn't notice it in there on your video. I also didn't notice it anywhere in the bottom part of the handle when I took it apart. Maybe it is in the base somewhere near the tubing that goes to the nozzles as the machine is pretty hot on the bottom when trying to use it. Any help would be much appreciated! I'm getting very frustrated lol I did order a new clean water tank with a new cap & insert cause my blow dryer method failed me. It was only $18 so if my tank is still good, I'm not out much out of pocket. Thanks


Steve, thanks for the video. Your solution worked perfectly on my carpet cleaner.


Watched your video after 3 others and you were right on the money


Thanks and what you suggested worked perfectly


I’m gonna try this with a blow dryer. Hopefully it works


how do you remove the part the hose wraps around, i dont see any screws left to remove to get the casing off.


I’ve had mine pulled apart and everything works fine, except it only sprays when the nozzle is way lower than the unit?
Heated up the tank and still no good. The screw on lid does need a new O-ring, so will try that next....
Thx the vid m8 👍


How do you get the the screws that holds the round thing the hose wraps around?


that fixed it I used a small propane torch


That is the same problem I'm having..different bissel..mines a proheat model..& it's hard plastic so cant reshape it..going to try a screw in it to see if water goes thru..don't have correct size screw right now..but is there anything else to solve the problem? Thx for the video
