IPCC Climate Change warning: 12 years to save ourselves (but we won't bother)

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Sky News, Politics Live, BBC News at Six, Channel 4 News, Newsnight 8 October 2018

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The debate about whether man made climate change is happening is over. The fact that some morons and conspiracy fruitloops don't accept the science is their own problem, but their idiocy will not e tolerated on this channel. If you're a denier, do not leave comments here or you will be blocked. *This* *is* *not* *up* *for* *debate*


'Would you stop eating meat to save the planet?!' Answers : 'Yes, today, but maybe not tomorrow!' 'Yes, but I wouldn't deprive my children from meat!' 'No, why should I, I don't have children and I only have 12-20 years left to go!' 'I have never had any food, thanks to the monetary system which held back food until prices were high enough to let go of grain, now you're not going to leave me out of my opportunity'... and millions of more answers, depending on what people had, what lives they lead, what opinions they have... . Comes to one thing : 'Saving the planet beyond your own life span' is not something even Chinese collectivism has been trained for enough. So this answer is very complicated, though a full 'Yes!' is urgently required. Globalism is good, it kills democracy as we don't have that luxury anymore and the synchronisation of the digital evolution might make you think there is a God watching... but don't forget our size and the singularity of events is 'second to none', meaning 'there is no second reference to our observation', which automatically makes it our 'normative'. That is why people believe there is a 'reason' in 'to happen'... whilst they are making it up themselves.


It is time to ignore people with cognitive dissonance as they are not capable of understanding why they are wrong they will never improve.


Sigh... and we will hear the same in 12 years time after the climate has not change a bit. How many of those doom scenarios did we survive already. It seems humanity needs to be scared to give some meaning to their lives.


1.8 Caius now!
What the hell are you talking about?
Oh this was from "Oct 10, 2018"
We are toast!


The solution is simple - all new cars and trucks must be electric, all houses and businesses must have solar panels and energy storage systems. Convert all current cars to electric that can be converted, the ones that can't be converted are junked. Have a car policy similar to Japan's car policy, car's must be renewed every 3 years. But it has to come from the UN and all countries have to accept this policy and make it standard policy immediately. It comes to willpower and what people believe, I know people that don't believe in solar panels and so don't put it on their roofs and then conplain about the high cost of power prices.




Umm.... I’m only 7 years old and I will die at the age FRICK....


We're going to sail past 2 degrees C like there's no tomorrow...lol...lol...


ireversibel already... the positive feedback already start it


Use the car parable to people they don’t understand global climate averages -we (humanity) drive in a crowded double-decker London bus without seat belts and airbags for passengers towards a solid wall that is 80 meters away (the 80 years left till 2100 AD) and the driver has 12 seconds (the 12 years)
to pull the brake - in the best case we will slam against the wall with 15 miles/hour (1, 5 Celsius) in the worst case with 30-40-60 mph. (4, 5-6 Celsius global average temperature increase). Science discovers day by day that the speed meter isn't accurate and we drive much faster towards our demise than originally thought and that the distance is not 80 meters but it can be as few as 20 meters/yrs - skeptics say its already game over by 2030 - runaway climate change, tipping points, self re-enforcing feedback loops, exponential and non-linear growth of the scale of those changes (methane release, ice free arctic ocean in the summer, burning of the Amazon selva, crop failures due to totally unstable weather, with a row of extremities during the vegetation period, weakening of society to tackle an ever growing number of climate related losses and crisis. A third of arable land has been lost in the last 40 years already, only a fraction of primordial forests remain, ocean fish stock are collapsing, half of the Great Barrier Reef is dead already and the insect genocide is happening - 70% loss of biodiversity and biomass compared to the population census made in the 1970s (Puerto Rico national forest) or 1988 (German national parks). We are right now waaaay beyond saving the rhinos by converting former royal Sherwood style game reserves into National parks and by stopping the trophy hunt which takes a few pinstripe suit legislators to pass the law and a few field rangers to implement, we cant command the melting glaciers to re-grow and carbon-dioxide to crawl back from the atmosphere by passing bills - unfortunately.


no mention on how many kids people have thats so sad


People don't even think this is real. Our US President, need I say more. We need to stop electing people like this and get the right people in office so we can get this is high gear and stop this from happening. Our children and grandchildren are going to pay for this. I don't want to go to my grave knowing my children are going to live in a hell on earth.




Some people ask me how big the set back our species will encounter, will be : we went from 100 000 000 to 8 000 000 000 'units' in 2000 years, knowing our relative size and impact in relation to other species, whilst having evolved in let's say 100 000 years, so x80 in 1/50th of the time. If you count nature's inter synchronicity locking theory, we might go to 9.5 -10 billion, which is x100 in about 1/50th the time frame, same size planet, maximum abuse of resources. There is no 'thorn of God', (like religious people believe) it's just natural equity or lack thereof. We will soon experience a set back, as humans, in that order of magnitude. 'soon' is a matter of not too many decades, 1-4. I hope we had more.


There is nothing any county's government can do past planning anything that will stop rapid arctic sea ice melt leaving the first full blue ocean event up north in 6 years or less. Long stretches of open water can lead to very large ocean waves mixing warmer salt water with cooler surface melt water near Greenland's coast thawing out permafrost full of concentrated methane 80 x the greenhouse power of Co2. The northern jet stream patterns will become deadly all the way down to the equator. We just don't get it yet how close we are to experiencing two major tipping points at one time. It will be surprisingly obvious that we all missed the bus 25 years ago and the oven knob is broke off set on high. We broke earth for all life forms larger than microbial life that doesn't use oxygen to reproduce. We put a gaping hole in our last life raft but we haven't messed up the moon yet.


This is so hilarious and sad... has Anyone heard of Sun Spots and what will happen during the Solar cycle


To be fair I'm a bit fed up with the "eat less meat and the planet will be green" argument. We need more radical actions such as banning non zero emission cars from urban areas, improving public transport, a lot more renewable sources, more reusable and/or more durable products, and of course more sustainable agriculture too. That sector hasn't seen any green project since it's existence.