How to Bonsai For Beginners

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Learn how to Bonsai for Beginners. In this video I show you how to create a simple Bonsai tree from a young piece of garden centre material. You don't need any fancy bonsai tools to do this! Hi I'm Adam btw!

All you will need is:
Root Rake / Bent Fork (this is what I used)
Garden scissors for pruning branches / roots.
Aluminium Wire

When I first got started with Bonsai, my first assumption was that bonsai were specific trees! When in fact, any tree can be made into a bonsai!

When deciding on the species of tree to use - I reccommend finding a tree that is naturally "small growing" like young junipers or trees with naturally small leaves like buxus or azalea.

The species of tree used in this video is called a Juniper Squamata also commonly known as a "Blue Star" Juniper.

Thank you for watching the first video of NotionBonsai.

00:00 - Intro
00:20 - What is Bonsai?
00:55 - What to Look Out for When Choosing Material
01:31 - Working on the Roots
02:32 - Preparing the Pot
02:50 - Soil Type
03:16 - Repotting the Tree
05:25 - Choosing a Front / Pruning the Foliage
06:13 - Wiring the Bonsai
10:21 - Watering


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The wire can then be removed after the branches have set in place - for young matierial like this take it off in 6-10 weeks!


I have watched soo many bonsai videos, yet I learned more in this one video than all the others lol ...thanks for the tips me and my kids have started bonsai... we do alot with gardening and plants, so we wanted to give it a try. We appreciate the way you explain what your doing as you're doing it....very helpful ❤❤❤


I just (fortunately) stumbled upon this channel - wow I’m glad I found this! 👏


I love these videos!! I’ve been doing bonsai now for 4 years and I still love bonsai for beginners videos, there’s a lot of rumours that hold people back from doing bonsai and it’s a personal goal change that, you can bonsai any tree, it’s doesn’t have to be expensive, it doesn’t take too long, we don’t torcher trees!! This video is awesome, your awesome! My son and I really enjoyed hearing the basics again!!


I’ve watched multiple videos of people talking about every aspect of bonsai and felt overwhelmed. Thank you for your video which made me feel comfortable, confident and excited about starting this new journey. I’m not trying to emulate the Ming dynasty. I just want to enjoy creating something cool. Thanks again for making this feel accessible and chill; without compromising the quality of information. ❤


Nice pretty basic information to bonsai. Make sure to give updates on how your plants are doing. People will always look forward to that, and how they progress. Good video! Keep them coming. 👍 👍


Honestly! The absolute best video for beginners. I’ve searched for a long time. Thank you!!!!


Love your channel and your first video! I have always love bonsai from a very young age but am Quite new to make and creating bonsai. Your video has made it very easy to learn and understand basic principles. You have a new subscriber thank you! looking forward to your many new videos👍🏼👍🏼


Thank you so much!!! I have learned more from your videos than I have from videos of people doing it for 20 years! You did amazing at explaining everything and answering all the questions I had that nobody could seem to answer!


Hi you’ve just gained a new subscriber, I love your passion for this an it’s infectious as I’d love to give this a go, is there any way you can put links into you description for the type of tool and pots, planting material you use great videos and keep up the good work just started watching this so hope to make my way through them. Well done 👍🏻


You do a nice job on your videos. Hope your channel grows. You earned it


THANK you for making this so simple. I watched several bonsai videos last night and I decided it was too complicated for me to try. I’ve changed my mind.


Hi Adam, I just found your video. As a bonsai beginner, I found it very helpful and easier than others. I have subscribe to your channel and will be watching the rest of your videos.Thank you very much for the info. Bob


Really good video, I think well understandable for anyone :) I like your elocution!


Brilliant start Adam, I too have a couple of those spikey little trees that I am trying to train into bonsai trees, a very painful process indeed!!!


I am a newbie, fresh and thanks my friend you are straight-forward and break it down to where you make it less intimidating. Can't wait to see what else you post. Please keep at it


A favorite subscription of mine here. SO much useful information packed into one video and entertaining as well. Thanks Adam!


I just came across your channel and love your approach to bonsais! You explained everything so well and although I've been making bonsais for 15 years I learned more in this video than those I usually watch. Thank you! Keep up the good work! I subscribed!


2+yrs later... Still the most straightforward and least over overwhelming video I've seen on YouTube. Thank you @notionbonsai


A perfect tutorial for bonsai that i have been searching for beginners finally found today. Thanks for showing us how to start a bonsai ans specially the wiring part, why and how its done. I learn a lot. One day, i will make my own too.
