SEEK22 — SEEK and you will find

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What are you looking for?
Can you sense it? It’s the hunger you feel, right to your soul. It’s the desire written inside you, driving you forward. It’s a longing for something greater, something deeper, something more.

Every human heart is seeking the same thing—but you won’t find it in a steady job, internet fame, a sweet ride or even a Nobel Prize. Only one thing in life will satisfy the longing inside you. To find it, you must seek Him.

This February 4 – 6, join us for SEEK22 to encounter the Source of all your heart’s desires and find the true place of the Gospel in your everyday life.
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I liked this. It is so amazing to learn about others faith relationship with Jesus. It is so inspiring and encouraging.


i pray to God for passing my test. failed 4 times but he never answers me... gospel says ask and receive. i did that but nothing works...
