5 Things I Don't Waste Money On As A Simple Living Minimalist

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5 Things I Don't Waste Money On As A Simple Living Minimalist /

Simple living is about living with intention and purpose, rather than constantly chasing material possessions or the latest trends. It's about finding happiness in the things that truly matter and not buying into the idea that we need more and more stuff to be happy 🌱

One of the key aspects of simple living is being mindful of what we bring into our lives and homes. It's not about getting rid of everything we own, but rather being selective about what we choose to keep and bring into our physical and mental space. This means getting rid of clutter and things that don't bring us joy or serve a purpose

The importance of simple living can't be overstated. By choosing to live a simpler life, we reduce our impact on the environment and simplify our schedules, allowing us to live more fulfilling and meaningful lives. We also free ourselves from the constant need to consume and keep up with the latest trends, which can often lead to feelings of inadequacy and a lack of true happiness 😐

So, the next time you're tempted to buy something that doesn't bring you true happiness, take a step back and ask yourself if it's worth it. Remember that simple living is about focusing on what truly matters and finding joy in the present moment. By choosing to live a simpler life, we can find true happiness and contentment.

#sunnykindjourney #simpleliving #intentionalliving


Why I Choose To Live A ""Boring"" Life at 25

5 SURPRISING Lessons I Learned After Simplifying Life




RESOURCES (Affiliate links :) 👍



♪ Snow (Prod. by Lukrembo)

♪ Castle (Prod. by Lukrembo)

♪ Wine (Prod. by Lukrembo)


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One thing you don't buy anymore but used to? 👇😇


Not buying clothes anymore, no make up and don't go to restaurants. I walk everywhere, not using a car, don't drink coffee anymore and don't pay for the gym. Also, started having cold showers and don't put on heating, my body just flourished! Finally, I buy mainly from farmers and very little at the supermarkets.


When I was younger I worked in a coffee shop but didn't drink it. Years later when I got older, I found myself going to Starbucks daily for chai tea lattes. I decided that money could be put to better use and for the past ten years I have been making my own chai and matcha tea lattes at home. They taste just and as and I also don't waste my time waiting in lines and feeling rushed. I savor the experience at home which is the way it was originally supposed to be done not getting it to go in a drive thru.


Watching your videos gives me so much hope for the younger generation. It makes me immensely happy to see a person half my age with these values. I’m so grateful you share this message with others.


1. Stuff that needs an upgrade every year
2. Alcohol
3. Validation (of others - as an abstract concept like in dress to impress)
4. Coffee Lifestyle
5. Escaping (for example from a to stressful life)


Clothes (and jewelry)- keeping up with trends was an absolute killer. I wore something once and would forget about it, until I found it in my closet again and would feel guilty. Now, I barely buy anything, except for basics, if I really do need them (if underpants are falling to shreds, for example.) Now, my closet is full of intentional things that I enjoy wearing and almost no guilt.
Skincare and makeup was awful for me - had an excess always. Now, I reduced dramatically (still have a bunch of stuff, but enough to be satisfied) and I have room for everything and use everything.
Reducing is wonderful. I feel so much better having less.


I have been on my minimalism journey for about 5 months now. I was one to buy the 6 dollar coffee and most recent s22 ultra phone to impress others. I have found that when I started going deeper a lot that I did was not what I wanted but how society shaped me over the years. It will take time to break the hold. I'm working on what really makes me happy and not what will impress others.


I get bored quickly when traveling. I find getting to my destination and coming back with air travel is very, very stressful. I have lots of pets and find that I miss them to much if I go over 5 days. I live in the country and just enjoy my everyday life more than traveling.


It is so refreshing to see someone who thinks and lives almost the same way I do. Especially when it comes to technology and as a technology geek I always find something I can work around problems without having to have a Nasa computer at home, you just have to get it to work somehow and that makes you think more, be more creative and come up with new ideas.

I have the same with clothes, food and my car, which I only have to get to work or to get out of town on the weekend and go camping in the woods.

I also have a smartphone which is over 7 years old but I value the things I have and take good care of them. I don't throw away anything that breaks because it can be fixed. And so even small things get an emotional value because they accompany you for a very long time and are there for you as you are for them.

In addition, I work only 20 hours a week and study part-time health psychology to be able to help my fellow men with their problems and to do in the future what makes me happy instead of being stuck in the office and becoming depressed.

I am currently 33 years young and for the first time in my life I have the feeling that everything will be fine, precisely because I am used to getting by with so few things and I see that it is not the end of the world if I don't have 100 clothes in my closet. Even after graduation, I won't work more than 30 hours a week because I've learned to appreciate how many hobbies I can pursue with the extra time, how much time I can spend with my wife or planting something in the garden or being there for others who need me.

I will continue to follow your journey and look forward to each new video you post. Many greetings from Germany!


I don't often comment on videos but every once in a while if a video really resonates with me i love to share my support to the creator and this is one of those videos. this video felt very personal to me and i feel the same way about a lot of the things you talked about but it also felt like some important notes to take down and think about later, its like you were speaking to me directly. very glad i found this channel :)


We watched VHS tapes we bought for nearly nothing at secondhand shops, along with spare old VCRs, for years. We saved a lot of money, and we got a wide variety of great movies for twenty five cents or less.


0:20 Heels in sky, Western Spy!
But a very good video. I never get coffee at a coffee shop, only from the coffeemaker at home or at work. In the summer I do indulge in iced coffee drinks, but only bought in bulk from the grocery store.
As for validation, a writer famously put it as "A self-sufficient ego. Nothing else matters."


Very refreshing to hear you putting emphasis on a simpler but more rewarding and fulfilling life. The world needs more people like you.


Genuinely gain so so much value from these and I hope you keep making more!!! It is really refreshing as a young adult to know I have options and that others my age think like me also ❤😊😊

I stopped buying clothes based on trends and I feel so free. Thrift stores and repairing my existing clothes allowed me to connect more with what I consume and have fun doing it. It doesnt impact any longer on my ability to feel relevant or attractive.


Not buying or doing stuff to impress others is still difficult for me, at least sometimes. Especially regarding the way I look. I'd love to just be able to not care about what others might think.
One thing I don't buy anymore would be sitting furniture since I am into furniture free living.


I binge watched your videos the past two days. I absolutely love them and they are sooo helpful, peaceful, relaxing and insightful! That's a lot 😂 Keep goingg ❤️ ❤️


I do all of the same things as you. I also don't waste mental energy on toxic people or negative talk or gossip. Also so much peace and satisfaction in creating a life you don't need to escape from.


I FEEL YOU, I feel you a lot. BUT. There is something therapeutic in some regular spendings, that actually makes me very happy. Like, I do not drink Starbucks coffee every day, but I treat myself, after a hard day of work, coming back home, and just taking this tasty coffee with me. I do not like regular coffee, so it would just disgust me. Or, get-aways. WHY should I even EARN that money, if maybe tomorrow - I will be dead in the ground. Will the saved money make you happier in the future, when you're dead? We, humans, think that we are going to save money, and SOME TIME SOONER, we are going to be rich, investing in some things. But, its actually an opposite. I earn that money, and I earn them hard, to live the way I want to live. To get this amazing trip to the place I really wanted. Or to buy me some gorgeous skincare or good piece of clothing and feel better at a time. As I 30-years-old woman, I do not earn a lot of clothing, but EVERY piece I buy makes me happy. And I really value these moments of good coffee, good haircut or good time with my husbard during a trip. For that, I do not want to be sitting on my cash, and waiting for a better time. This time might never come, ever.


What a good video! Amazing thoughts...You seem very mature at your young age. I think these are good decisions. I admit, I regeret my lifestyle for the last 40 years. I wasn't aware how much money I have spent for unnecessary things. But eventually I woke up. Inner peace & contentment has nothing to do with material things. Rather I use thinks longer. Today I buy just necesarry items. For me, going to a restaurant is something special. Coffee and self-made cake I enjoy at home. The inner beauty - our character and attitude to life make us who we are.
I appreciate your thoughts. THANK YOU!


I wish I'd landed at this point at 26, it took me until around 37 to realise these points but glad I have at least ended up here. Validation is the biggest nail on the head and factors in everything you have mentioned, holidays, cars, clothes, alcohol (and the social aspect that comes with it)
