Lost History Found

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In this super short video, Lost History Found, we will explore ruins in the Southern United States. We will examine the Windsor Ruins in Mississippi and a Greek Romanesque Pantheon in Tennessee.

The video is a little short because I also made a course on how to make videos along side this original video.

At the end of this marathon my computer crashed and I have lost much of my work. I am back in the saddle now with a smooth running “reset computer”. It turned into a simple choice of hanging on to the past or moving forward.

Thank you for all the beautiful and informative comments. I look forward to reading them all!
God bless you all and have a blessed day!!!


My first course on How to Make YouTube Videos.
In this behind the scenes course I will show you all my secret video making techniques.

Chief’s food (my dog) ;)

The computer I used to make all my videos
(Includes video making program- iMovie)

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I had never even heard of the Tennessee Pantheon till now. The narrative is that it's a Replica of the Original Athens Pantheon built by this Confederate veteran Smith for the world's fair. LOL....UNBELIEVABLE!


There is no question that there was a world wide advanced civilization in the past. We are all connected to this civilization. No matter where you go in the world all of the buildings and structures are all built and look the same. Absolutely no denying that. Cheers


I find it amazingly stupefying how I have lived this life believing, heart and soul in this country, this world, which turns out to be a complete fabrication, and a bad one at that!


The Parthenon replica in Nashville is truly unbelievable. The first time I saw it in person I was blown away by its size, detail & perfection. I read the public “stories” behind its origins for the World Fair. The grounds had many large structures including a pyramid & huge body of water. This is the only building that remains. Truly a masterpiece!


Some people can't handle the truth. Excellent thank you!


If it was a mansion for thirty years and used by the army as an hospital you would think there would be a few photos taken for prosperity at least.


Great vid as always. The excuse in Aussie was that the convicts did all the work. Like the miles of seawall in Sydney Harbour no one has a clue about. It’s still there! It’s an engineering marvel! The official story as to how it was done is they threw down boulders and then waited till low tide and stood in waist deep water and built it. Yet is perfect and straight. And I have been there at low tide and cannot see the boulders. In parts I have measured the depth, as best I could, at eight metres. I know in other sections it is up to 15 metres.
That Pantheon is totally mind blowing. I think you have shown that before. But a good reminder! Just wow! I would love to see it for real. I have been to both Greece and Rome so would be good to compare. But you are right it looks like the real deal!


If it were private money that could make that ancient looking, weathered architecture happen, people with that much private money would still be building like that. Thank you Jon.


My personal comment is about the lack of photos taken of this so called mansion. I would think something so grand would have had many many pictures taken of something of that magnitude. Because of the lack of pictures taken it’s hard to believe anything was actually built there. My guess would be those columns are laughing down at us saying we been there done that


My Wonderful Jon - It is a Joy to Know You. The Freedom of Flow of your Consciousness is Sweet on the Soul. I await delivery of your book from amazon. Jon - you are a Good Man 🌞❤️👍


Columbus discovered America, we lived as hunters gatherers and we're all an evolutionary accident!
Great video again!
But for now... back to work to pay my debts, watch sports on tv in the evening, take my medicine to get better... and take some GMO food in plasctic bags to save the earth. I'm fine!


It's always the fire during renovations excuse. Thanks for the info, never heard of this place before.


I have been alive for a very long time, traveled all over the US, never heard of either or these buildings (sites) I have gone far & seen little apparently....goodness Jon, what you have brought into my world. I thank you so much!


I had to rub my eyes a couple times to make sure I was looking at something in the USA, much less, Tennessee! I was sure I was staring at something in Greece or Rome. What the heck! Unbelievable Jon. Because of people like you, the truth is finally being revealed. I assure you, we're very grateful for it. Thank you.


I really appreciate that you mentioned money was not probably a factor in the considerations of the constructions of these things. Clearly conservation of time and money was not at play when such beauty was painstakingly put together. That seems to be true the more back in time you go the less it seems people cared about money when it comes to beauty and artwork.


Been watching your videos since you had 9k subs.. glad to see your channel growing.. the truth will set us free 🖤


My money is on it already being there when they arrived. Just like everything else. Great stuff as always Jon. Stay well.


If you haven't done it already, please check out the 1897 Tennessee Centennial Exposition that the "new" Pantheon was supposedly built for. Lots of pictures on the internet of the "temporary" buildings.


It is hilarious how all have the same story. Accidentally caught on fire.


Thank you Jon for another great vid. As a product of reset people from the 3 largest colonies I think a lot about my ancestors who were somehow bamboozled off their ancestral lands & herded over to the colonies. I came across an interesting PDF titled they were slaves & they were white. It covers how in Elizabethan times the parasite aristocrats legislated the indigenous people off the land & criminalized their poverty loading them up into prison ships & sending them to the colonies. The rest who were landless were sold into what they euphemistically call indentured servitude then herded into factories & now today debt/wage slavery. They needed the survivors of these resets to dig out the cities that were already here. The massive cover up of the true history of the Americas is the most telling as it's impossible for any seafaring people not to run into the Americas going either direction one does not even need sails to reach here. What are they hiding? Perhaps biblical archeology does not pan out because the geography is completely wrong?
