Baby Reindeer | “Netflix Screwed Up” Fiona Harvey PASSES Background Check

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Baby Reindeer premiered on Netflix on the 11th of April 2024 and since then, has gone from a surprise hit, to global sensation, to shocking scandal. It now looks like the next stage is court, as Fiona Harvey has officially filed a lawsuit against the streaming service. Piers Morgan brings host of Popcorned Planet Andy Signore, criminal defence lawyer Mark Geragos, host of Outkick Tomi Lahren and the Daily Record’s Senior Reporter John Dingwall - who first uncovered Harvey as the 'real' Martha - onto Uncensored to discuss possible outcomes.

The biggest revelation is that Harvey’s lawyers have now checked her criminal record, and have found nothing to corroborate the show's claim that she went to prison. While Richard Gadd created the series, it looks like Netflix will be the one in Harvey’s legal crosshairs.

00:00 - Piers Morgan reacts to Fiona Harvey lawsuit
02:30 - Harvey’s case and Netflix failing to conceal her identity
05:20 - Mark Geragos reacts to Harvey’s lawsuit
09:10 - Tomi Lahren: "I’m so sick of these Hollywood big guys"
12:20 - Will this even affect Netflix?
13:00 - Is Fiona Harvey a liar?
16:00 - Richard Gadd’s response to characters being identified
18:30 - Will they settle out of court?
21:25 - Is Fiona Harvey dangerous?

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Piers saying Fiona was more of a ‘troll’ than a stalker to Laura is ridiculous and insulting. She made horrible claims about her, her husband and child, on top of years of torment all for giving her a chance. Yes she backed off eventually out of fear, that doesn’t make her not dangerous. It was disgusting to hear what she did to Laura, much worse than Gadd even.


This is a woman who traumatised many people. She absolutely SHOULD have gone to jail. And now she gets to further control and try to silence them. The prospect of this woman gaining millions from her crimes is utterly disgusting.


Her being portrayed as a convicted felon is not what ruined her “reputation.” Her behavior did that.


This is ridiculous. You had a guest on your show a few days ago saying Fiona tried having child services take her disabled son away from her. I wish she had jail time!


That woman saying ‘you can’t just ruin someone’s life because they’re a little bit off their rocker’ ermm. She tried twice to rip special needs children away from their parents and put into care for no reason what so ever. She is a criminal she just hasn’t been to jail yet.


Was disgusted beyond belief about Piers downplaying Laura’s horrific experiences - what the hell?? To have that lovely lady tell you her whole story, then you gaslight her is despicable! Shame on you Piers!


How ironic that Fiona Harvey says she daren't leave her house during daylight hours through fear of being harrassed. I hope she is now getting an inkling of how her victims felt during her reign of terror on them.


Sorry. Not buying it. Jail time or not, she's a psychopath. And frankly, if her STALKING behaviour was NEVER penalized?? Shame on her for believing she's entitled to one red cent. She's made 2 people's lives (that we know of) an absolute living nightmare. And now she's going to be rewarded??? She's asking for $100 million bucks?? No. All this hype is doing, is emboldening her to continue her behaviour.


Netflix have no case to answer because at the end of each episode this statement appears in the end credits “This program is based on real events: however certain characters, names, incidents, locations, and dialogue have been fictionalised for dramatic purposes”. As that statement appears anyone who believed it was totally a true story is at best naive. As Fiona Harvey chose to identify herself publicly as the “real life” Martha she did that to herself. On a side note I was stalked & I have personal experience as to how devastating that can be. To say that she’s “a bit of a troll” & not a stalker I would strongly suggest you piers Morgan do some research on the definition of stalking & the different types of stalkers. My one hope is that Netflix ties her up for years in litigation stopping her harassing anyone else & at the end she gets what she deserves ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.


I understand the point Piers has been trying to make about Netflix’s duty of care with regards to Fiona Harvey. But to minimise what Laura Wray experienced during her unfortunate interactions with Fiona Harvey is just appalling. Whether she has a criminal record or not, or was hard done by Netflix, the intense harassment Laura and Richard experienced is NEVER ok. Trivialising such matters and guesstimating what makes a “genuine stalker” is often results in a tragic outcome. And yo further victimise a victim by publicly diminishing their suffering is unforgivable. Bravo to Andy for trying to emphasise the gravity of stalking and harassment.


Stop defending her, she has left so many people scared for their lives, taste of her own medicine. She shouldn’t get a cent, any monies should go to her victims.


Just imagine living in a world where a criminal feels entitled to sue the victim, because the story wasn't exactly as she thinks it should have been told. The audacity!! Ths only outrageous thing in this, is the fact she was never in jail!! This woman needs to be put in jail, for a long long time.
Thankfully she was exposed!! Because everyone will be able to distance themselves for her.


Laura Wray DID take out an interim interdict for her. Fiona WAS served. The laws against stalking in Scotland are/were not strong and it was/is very hard to get the justice system to do anything in 1997 to 2002 for stalking. Laura did the best she could and showed Piers ALL records and documentation of the legal steps she took, including the interim interdict. Let's not forget here Fiona is a crazy stalker and there are multiple victims of her.


When did we resort to victimizing the offender?? Literally every true story that has been made into film has elements that are dramatized or embellished for entertainment - the fact that Fiona Harvey wasn’t convicted doesn’t diminish the horrible way she behaved with both Richard, Laura and god knows who else. Richard Gadd himself has said that certain elements were dramatized and that he never took Fiona to court because he felt sorry for her - also the story is based on truth but uses different character names so it’s not blatant defamation. Piers is here defending Fiona but he’s part of the problem by using her for ratings. Complete hypocrisy


Oh come on!!!! Did you guys watch the show???
Who cares if the charges weren’t fact, what she did is fact, and I hope when the truth comes out in the court case, she does face charges!
She stalked not only Richard and family, but also Laura and family/Colleagues and you guys are defending her??? Why?
SHE DESERVES IT! If she wins the stalker gets paid for her behaviour! How is that acceptable?
If this happened almost anywhere else in the world, she would have been convicted and I think it would of definitely deterred her,
You say she has been harassed and has received threats………… she harassed people and made threats!
I’m glad she feels afraid, she’s now feeling what she did to others!
It’s obvious to me these lawyers jumped on board not to defend her but to have the “took on Netflix” on their resume!
It’s a sad a$s day when people want to defend a stalker!
And Piers! How dare you minimise what Laura and her family went through, how the bloody hell would you know how dangerous a person is!
She was pretty effin dangerous, she ruined this persons life and stalked her for years, she tried to break up a family, have their severely disabled child taken away, and you minimise it!
You’re a soulless savage!


I hope that any money awarded to Fiona Hardy is immediately given to Laura Wray. She made Laura Wray’s life hell


what is wrong with these people... she is the victimizer. Why is she being treated like a poor innocent woman?


She’s a dangerous stalker Netflix have done people a favour.


Isn't the irony that Fiona Harvey is now afraid of leaving her own home when that is exactly what she did to others for years


So because she wasn’t put in jail means its all a lie…? And are we just going to forget about Lara’s interview where she was able to provide proof of what Fiona said never happened?
