Best Ways to Protect Yourself from Cyberattacks | TechTalk

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Did you know that 43% of cyber attacks happen to small businesses, just like yours? What’s worse, half of those businesses go out of business within a year of being attacked.

Here’s the problem: most businesses think their security measures will protect them from becoming a statistic. And why shouldn’t they? Isn’t that the entire reason we put security measures in place?

Unfortunately, even if you’re doing everything right, the biggest cause of security breaches, by a large margin, is human error, plain & simple. It’s something you simply can’t plan for.

So, do you just admit a cyber attack is an inevitability? A necessary problem your business will face in this hyper-connected world?

The short answer is yes.

One of the best safety measures you can take is admitting that your business is and always will be at risk for a cyber attack. Once you accept this very real possibility, you can start taking steps to meet the industry standard 6 Stages of Incident Response.

1. Preparation
2. Identification
3. Containment
4. Eradication
5. Recovery
6. Lessons Learned

In this episode of “Tech Talk,” we discuss the importance of these 6 stages and show you how you can implement them into your business’s safety strategy. Following these stages means you can accept a cyber attack is a very real possibility for your business, but one that you can manage, ensuring your business can face and defeat an attack, and avoid becoming part of a sobering statistic.

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