What is History for?

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The fundamentals about History and why we need it.

Produced in collaboration with Mad Adam
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"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." - Soren Kierkegaard


I think the reason why history seems so "boring" to some people is because the ones who were supposed to teach history to them--didn't really see the point themselves, or didn't even know much about the period or the people they're trying to cover. What we get is a piss-poor watered down presentation of facts and names--which aren't really interesting. History teachers make it seem like learning the dates for the upcoming test are the most important thing.

History should be taught like literature--it's a _STORY_; moreover, it's the study and recording of _OUR_ story. "What happened" and "what happened because of it" are ultimately more important questions than the question of "when it happened"; the dates should serve like bookmarks to a chapter, and we should read it not only to gain a deeper perspective of the world around us today, but also simply to have fun while exploring the question of what it truly means to be a person, and a people.


"Traffic is bad, but so was the siege of Leningrad." -- well that escalated quickly


This is why i love my history teacher. For him, the only important aspect of history is to understand, why history transpired as it did, and what consequens it had. Facts is not important as mearly facts, but as a tool used to understand. I am truly lucky to have him as a teacher, not only because he teaches history well, but also that he teaches what history is for.


This is how my first college professor explained history; he's solely responsible for sparking my interest in learning history - rather than just memorizing enough to pass tests.


Knowing about history has never been boring for me. This is mostly because my history teacher taught it pretty much the way School Of Life does


If history were taught this way in school, I might actually have enjoyed it.


History is more interesting when you have somebody teaching or/and talking about it who is actually passionate about the subject. They paint pictures with their words and intonation..kinda like Alain de Botton😉
This presentation would have been helpful back in my school days. I love this channel. So many teachable moments.


Terribly interesting lesson! Thank you! If history wasn't so important and enlightening for us, those in power wouldn't be so interested in changing it all the time. That's why we should also always make sure that we read the right kind of history. If you live in Turkey you will learn in school that Armenian genocide didn't happen. If you really want to know though, the sources to find out the truth are always there. The best solution I have found is the combination of history and literature. If you can read the story of one single person who lived back then around 1915, you'll know what happened. Literature gives you also the chance to identify yourself with those people and almost to live through those experiences. It helps you to develop a sensitivity for the sufferings of others. So next time you meet someone from Armenia you feel him as your brother, even if they seem to hate you at first, you "understand".


History was one of my favorite subjects from grade school to college. My greatest lesson from studying history is learning our mistakes.


What is history for? You see... *HISTORY* is the study of the past events.*Many* wondered why should *we* study about what happened back then.*Some* might have taken their beliefs that *history* is not their concern and it is not able to contribute greatly to their present lives. Actually, *History* plays the biggest role in the world. It is the *Events* that happened back then. Having to know *history* will be your finest knowledge. By knowing *history* you can hold onto many and various beliefs and able to understand how stuff works. If you are to know a certain event by studying about *history*, then that "Certain Event" will give you the absolute understanding and it will result on having to understand why is this stuff happening right now. Not only you will able to understand how stuff works but you will also attain knowledge that our ancestors wanted us (*Present Generation*) to grasp the knowledge they have wished to pass on. And that *knowledge* will contribute greatly to the present generation. That is why we have *time*. And their are many things you can do with *time*. I am sure that you understand what i mean. If youth would study history greatly, the greater their *knowledge*. And also, *HISTORY* will help you know your origin. I think you know what i intend to say. *Thank You* for listening.


I like history for history's sake. Its incredibly fascinating, and at times useful. Things are of course, as they are, because of history.

But what someone below me has said; not everything has to have practical value. I like to immerse myself in history because at times its truly incredible.

A lot of the impression of it being dull are the result of it being told in a very dull, uninspired way, facts upon facts of knowledge with no explicit reason to tie said facts together into something meaningful or fascinating. As such, it becomes merely dry information that clutters the brain before finally being forgotten anyway, with no enrichment of oneself or one's knowledge taking place whatsoever.


Deriving an idea from one of your other videos, I just realized that learning history is important even at a more intimate level. It's important for self awareness and getting answers to why's of the mundane life. Every event of the past potentially has had an impact on how I live today. It will help me understand the rules of the game better.
And off course it's important in terms of the problem-solving approach, as this video says.
Love your videos, thanks!


Knowing history isn't easy. You need to be patient and consistent. I'm glad there are alot of platforms who makes history a fun and excitement for students


History, to me, is so different from others perspectives. If your like me and know what history is for and enjoy hearing and learning about it its fantastic, or you are the other people who think history is a waste of time because you can't change it, or as I have heard before, ' It is only the stories of the victors which tell similar tales every time, never getting to listen to the side of the looser who has a much better one.' I love history, even though in school assignments can be long and seemingly pointless, it will only remain that way unless we really understand why we're learning it in the first place. Thank you for this incredibly well-done video!


History provides the context to today.


Quite sad that people don’t enjoy history. I have always enjoyed my history classes and I think it’s because I like to imagine the events in my head. Like characters from a story, Napoleon’s triumphant return from exile, Hannibal crossing the alps or Caesar crossing the rubicon. Seeing these events in my mind just fascinates me.


After finishing the playlist "The Curriculum - Part One" I realize how exceedingly helpful it is. Thank you for the time, effort and energy the channel has put into these academic shorts. They contain enough information to inform but at the same time spark curiosity and leave one with a hunger to understand, further, the lives and views of these individuals. I have spent the past weeks sifting through google searches eager for more on all these historical figures. Thank you again for providing the knowledge and wisdom of these people.


History is a great source of wisdom and experience, that's my personal reason why I'm interested in it :) also it's like a long story with battles, lost loves, struggles of money and power, successes and failures, all of which is pretty interesting on it's own!


My 7th grade history teacher told my class

“We learn history so we make sure no one repeats it.”
