Has The Future Already Happened?

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In our latest video, "Has The Future Already Happened? Is the Universe Predetermined?" we embark on a cosmic journey that challenges the very fabric of our understanding of time and destiny. Imagine a universe where every moment, past, present, and future, is not a flowing river but a vast ocean, existing all at once. This thought-provoking exploration draws on the revolutionary theories of Albert Einstein and the perplexing Andromeda Paradox to question the linear narrative of time we've always accepted.

As you gaze into the night sky, you're not just looking at stars; you're peering into a cosmic tapestry that holds the secrets of the universe. But what if we told you that this tapestry might reveal not just the past but also the future? Our discussion delves into the block universe theory, suggesting that time is an illusion and that all moments exist simultaneously. How does this reconcile with our everyday experience of "now"? Through engaging examples and thought experiments, we break down these complex concepts to understand the subjective nature of time.

But there's more. The video takes a deeper dive into the philosophical debate of free will versus determinism. Are our actions predetermined by the laws of physics, or do we have the power to shape our destinies? We explore how quantum mechanics and neuroscience offer glimpses into the unpredictability of the universe and the human brain, challenging deterministic views.

This exploration is not just about understanding the universe; it's about questioning our place within it. Do the limits of free will and the mysteries of time change how we live our lives? We invite you to join us in pondering these profound questions, sharing your thoughts and insights. Whether you're a science enthusiast, a philosopher, or simply someone curious about the mysteries of existence, this video promises a captivating journey through the wonders of the cosmos.

Join us as we delve into these mind-bending theories and experiments, pushing the boundaries of what we know about time, free will, and the universe itself. Your perspective on life and the universe may never be the same again. Share your views in the comments below and let's unravel the mysteries of existence together!

#universe #sciencetime #time
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This 70 yr old never stops learning...
Thanks for a great video!


General relativity and quantum mechanics will never be combined until we realize that they take place at different moments in time. Because causality has a speed limit (c) every point in space where you observe it from will be the closest to the present moment. When we look out into the universe, we see the past which is made of particles (GR). When we try to look at smaller and smaller sizes and distances, we are actually looking closer and closer to the present moment (QM). The wave property of particles appears when we start looking into the future of that particle. It is a probability wave because the future is probabilistic. Wave function collapse happens when we bring a particle into the present/past. GR is making measurements in the predictable past. QM is trying to make measurements of the probabilistic future.


I've had 3 precognative dreams in my life that absolutely came true. Specific words said, specific events happening. So I know for an absolute fact, information from the future exists SOMEWHERE, and somehow we can access it, even if just by accident.


I believe in super determinism because i think it is easier to fool a brain into thinking it has free will, than to actually give all life free will. It is a simpler construct.




Here is what puzzles me about present time and how Time “flows”.
What is so special that I’m sensing present time right now? Is it like I’m alive and flowing on a Big Bang wave that is heading into the future with everybody else around me riding on it and experiencing?
But what about before I was even born?; “present time” was still there and existed for everyone else prior. A person from the 1970s for example was in the “present time” the same way as I am now writing this. It makes me want to think that time does not “flow” but everything that will happen is already written and the people who are alive right now are just experiencing it which in turn is relative to each person.
Are we riding in the Big Bang wave of time? I’m not sure about that since time is distorted with gravitational forces everywhere in the universe and where there’s a lot of gravitational force time can distort. What about planets or objects that are really close to a black hole of which distorts the fabric of spacetime? Probably for them, we are in the year 5061 while for us, we’re still in the year 2020.
The notion of time as well as consciousness is very confusing and hard to grasp from many point of views.


This video just unlocked a whole new level of curiosity in me!


this gives new meaning to the phrase "I wasn't born yesterday"


I like the idea of determinism. That's similar to the plot of Kpax where our universe expands and contracts for all eternity and that we've lived the exact life we've lived. Gives new meaning to the term "soul mate".


I have a theory.
If the past present and future are all together in the 4th dimension something quantum theory also supports, what if somewhere in the future on your timeline (in this life or in another or other dimension) there exists a version of you that is much more intelligent, conscious, more evolved which almost seems like a god and then from the future guides you on your path and that is your subconscious.

That is what i think we experience as intuition.
That you in the future is talking to you in the now.
Is it possible that many people can confuse that with the word or feeling of god?
I believe there is a god personally I'm convinced of that but I think those 2 things are hard to distinguish.

I think that's why they talk about your higher self if the past present and the future are all there together in the 4th dimension and so in the third.

Time is something very interesting.


Time is the change of position in space. Time is space in motion.


I've begun to lean towards parallel universes, an infinite number of such universes, and that free will might be the choice about which universe we appear in next.


I experienced anomaly in time years ago. There were 3 of us in the cab of the pickup truck and we stopped for gas. My friend the driver got out to pump gas then he came to the passenger side placed his hands on the truck door and asked if we wanted something from inside the store at the gas station, we said no and as he turned to go into the store I saw blood dripping down his hand, I was shocked and asked the other friend in the cab did you see him bleeding and he said no and as my friend was walking away I looked and saw no blood. At that time he turned and started walking back toward us and returned to the truck and said he left his wallet in the glove box. He reached in grabbed his wallet and as he withdrew his hand from the truck he cut his hand on the window frame and the blood dripped down his hand just like I had seen about 10-15 seconds beforehand. The friend sitting beside me told the one who got cut, man, he saw that before it happened. It was crazy weird and nothing else like that has ever happened to me again.


The simplest solution is not to think of time in the sense of motion but rather as an individual time frame or just a single point, than both a deterministic and free will could both be possible simultaneously


What if there is a finite amount of matter in the universe, and we are all just an arrangement of that matter....and because time is infinite, the matter gets rearranged over and over throughout eternity. We have all done this before...over and over again.


You do have free will to make a choice, but oddly, whatever you do was always what you were going to do.


I have had many dreams that come true, Deja Vou's and fixative thoughts that happen later. I always wondered if it is a psychic gift or am I seeing the things that are predestined. That all makes me think that maybe simulation theory is more than possible. Have you ever played The sims? Then you will understand.


could we somehow be connected to our future self through dreams and intuition, and connected to our past self by reflecting on situations that occured earlier in life? Will we relive our life in an internal loop of time, will their be some changes, so we everytime we go looping are developing better lifesituations ? That will be the case if the sence of past now and future are wrong and it all occure in one.


So there's an experiment I'd like to try. Where you have 3 individuals. Two observers and one in action. This must be done at the distance of the first observers naked eyes distance at the point where the action can be observed as still being able to clearly observe but right at the end of this distance. The second observer only looks through binoculars and thinks he or she is controlling the experiment. The action will walk along a white wall in dark clothing and before he or she reaches the end enters a door. Now to the 2nd observer they tell the action to go in the door and ring bells or make enough noise so the 2nd observer can here. The first observer also wants the action to do something it wants the action to stop when given a signal just stop and stay still. Now the 1st observer says to the 2nd tell me when you observe the action enter the door but don't stop observation. And as the 2nd observer says he's entered the first gives the stop sign. What happens to the action and each observer? I already know what each will observe and hear and what they won't. So the first observer will only see the action standing there, but the second will see it enter and ring those bells along as he keeps observing? And to the 2nd as he scans the wall the action won't be there, but to the first, the action never entered the door or is ringing any bells. He's still standing still. Scary good experiment, eh?


The idea of future has already happened and free will is not over whelming. Einstein's theory of relativity tells us that motion effects time. So, if we are walking towards someone depending on our speed "how ever small", will tick slowly. If we were to over exaggerate this the individual will notice that the arrow on our watch is ticking slow and we our walking motion will appear slow. From our point of view the individual's watch will tick faster. Well, who is right? According to Einstein, they are both right. Time is in the eyes of the beholder. Free will exists. It would be a fallacy and against science to think that free will is an illusion. Who ever tells you that, they are trying to sell you something.
