To the Philippians 2:6 Jesus Equal with God

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Jesus is God; Paul describes Him as being in the form of God, and it not being robbery to consider Him as equal to God the Father in being.

He has been engaged in pastoral ministry since 1994, serving several congregations. He has authored books including Real Grace for Real People, and Cleanse and Close. He has been plenary speaker at symposiums and a presenter on several continents. He presently serves as pastor of the Fremont and Muskegon MI Seventh-day Adventist churches. Every morning he shares short Bible devotionals for those who want to start their day with God.




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The greek word HARPAGNON Paul used at Phil 2:6, literally means to 'seize' to grasp' as in a 'theft' to take therefore what is NOT ones own. It does NOT mean to RETAIN! Thus Paul is exemplifying Jesus Humility in rather than ( Like Satan) attempting to 'userp' his Father's position, did the OPPOSITE he 'emptied himself' ( Thus was not now a heavenly 'divine' person' but allowed his Father to cause him by Holy Spirit be born as an actual HUMAN, but a PERFECT human! Its so easy to alter the meaning to convay the OPPOSITE view!


The King James Version translates Philippians 2:6 this way: "Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal to God."

However, note how other translations render this verse.

New American Standard Bible: "did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped"

New International Version: "did not consider equality with God something to be grasped"

Good News Bible: "he did not think that by force he should try to become equal with God"

These translations are in harmony with the teaching of the rest of the scriptures that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and not God Almighty himself. They are also in agreement with Jesus' own words, such as John 14:28, where he says, "The Father is greater than I am."


The 'NEW ENGLISH BIBLE' (1962) Authorised by all major Christian churches, reads : "He (Christ Jesus) did not not think to SNATCH EQUALITY WITH GOD, but made himself nothing". How DIFFERENT to the KJV e.t.c "...Though HE WAS EQUEL WITH GOD"! the meaning is completely 'twisted' to fit in with an 'orthodox doctrine' promoted by the translators! ( 2 Pet 2:1-3)


*John 14 : 28 "The Father is Greater Than I"* your wrong

*John 3 : 16 - 18*
*Matthew 24 : 36*
*1 Timothy 2 : 5*
*John 20 : 30 - 31*
*Hebrews 2 : 17*
*Romans 3 : 23 - 26*
*Romans 5 : 6 - 11*
*Romans 10 : 9 - 13*

It says Jesus did not make himself equal with God he took the form of a servant to represent the fall of man and pay the price for sin on the cross. God sent his only Son to Serve not to be Served.
*Mark 12 : 28 - 34*
*Exodus 20 : 3*
*Deuteronomy 5 : 7*
*John 17 : 3*


Jesus is the only created being by God which is what is meant by only begotten son of God. Through Jesus all things were made.

1 Corinthians 8:5-6
5 For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as there are many gods and many lords), 6 yet for us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we live.
