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Please watch: "The ONE Thing Every Christian Should Be Doing But Most Are NOT!"
PHILIPPIANS 2 - What does HUMILITY look like?

Hey everyone welcome back to part 2 of our short series on the book of Philippians. We are taking one chapter a day and choosing a passage of scripture, making some observations and then looking at how we can apply this to our lives. Today we are in chapter 2 and I want to focus on verses 1-11. We are gonna break these 11 verses down into two parts. Verses 1-4 we will call “The Principle” and verses 5-11 we will call “The Picture.”

1. The Principle (v. 1-4)
a. If you have any encouragement from being a Christian; if you’ve been comforted at all from the love of God, if you have the Spirit in you and if you have any tenderness or compassion in you then have the same mindset that Jesus Christ had.
b. Do not be selfish; don’t do things with a selfish motivation
c. Consider others as more important than yourself
d. Don’t consider only things that are interesting to you but look into what is interesting and important to others.
2. The Picture (v. 5-11)
a. Now Paul says, “I’ve given you the principles but now I want to show you what this looks like by giving you a picture of selflessness and humility.”
b. He begins by saying, “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.” So he is encouraging us to apply what we are getting ready to read to all of our relationships such as our family, spouse, children, co-workers, church members, etc.
c. Mindset #1 – Sacrifice – “rather, He made Himself nothing” – The Bible teaches that Jesus was in heaven, a totally perfect environment. But He chose to sacrifice His perfect environment and position as the son of God to come to earth and be a carpenter. He was willing to give up something that was valuable to Him.
i. QUESTION: If we say we want to be like Jesus we must challenge ourselves in terms of how willing we are you to sacrifice your time or your money for God and for those we are in relationship with?
d. Mindset #2 – Servant – “by taking the very nature of a servant…” – It’s enough that Jesus was willing to sacrifice but He didn’t come to sit on a throne and have people serve Him. Instead He was always serving others (teaching them, healing them, raising from the dead, feeding them, washing their feet, etc.)
i. QUESTION: Do I look to be served more than I look for opportunities to serve others? Do I see myself as being above doing certain things when people ask me or do I have the attitude of a servant?
e. Mindset #3 – Submission – “by becoming obedient to death.” – So what we see here is that in order for Jesus to come to earth He first had to be submissive to His Father. Now remember, Jesus is just as much God as God the Father and yet He submitted His will for the will of the Father.
i. QUESTION: How willing are you to submit to people in relationships (husband, wife at times, your boss, it could be the flight attendant on the plane who tells you to put your laptop away) or do you always have to be the one in control having people submit to you?
f. Mindset #4 – Suffering – “even death on a cross” – Jesus was willing to suffer so that we might have eternal life. Sometimes we are taught that the Christian life is supposed to be easy but Jesus’ example shows that at times we may have to suffer.
i. QUESTION: How much are you willing to suffer in your relationships with other people?

So, what does it look like to be like Jesus? It involves being willing to sacrifice what’s valuable to you, serving others, a submissive attitude and a willingness to suffer if need be and the blessing is that it says that God exalted Jesus Christ. And if He rewarded Jesus for having these attitudes I trust He will do the same for you!
Рекомендации по теме

1) What am I willing to sacrifice?
2) How much am I willing to serve? (Do I see myself serving others/putting others before myself?)
3)How much am I willing to submit (to others)? Or am I the one that needs to be in control and for others to submit to me?
4) How much am I willing to suffer (for others, gospel message... ect)

Blessing: If we follow Jesus Christ’s example, and the father exalted Christ, in due time, He will do the same to us! (Humility=blessing)
❤️❤️ God bless you Allen Parr!


What I've learned from this is that I'm not humble at all. Perhaps I should stop and take a breath and review what my priorities and goals are, and rearrange my life so that the rest of things fit instead of fitting God into my life and most importantly I have to learn how to not drift away when I'm suffering, I really need to grow up in such aspects.


It was laid upon my heart to obtain a deeper degree of understanding regarding this principle.


Hi Allen.
As a brand new Christian I find your videos very helpful and Inspirational. Please keep them coming.


Mannn, I have realised that I am indeed a very prideful person 😣 I hope God moulds me to be humble.


Being humble is when you don't regard yourself above others... All people/lives matter... Apply this in your everyday life.


Appreciate your way of breaking down terms with understandable synonyms and practical applications. Well done young man. God bless you.


It helps to be more humble by reading the bible and thinking about what you read, especially Psalms and Proverbs, and any scriptures on humility and meditating on them, also.


“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians‬ ‭4‬:‭2‬, ‭31‬-‭32‬ ‭NIV‬‬)


You have the gift of preaching brother. May God continue using you to help others.


Gods showing me the way. That's all I know for now.


Amen, thank you Jesus for your example ❤ This is so helpful as I see pride in my life. Thank you for this Biblical teaching ❤


Nearly two and a half years after this, after studying for a message I was led to word studies about love and humility in servanthood. This has given me at least a great way to organize my thoughts to teach. It helped me understand better for myself and I wanted to say thank you for dedicating time to put lessons together like this. Please do more in this format. It blessed me bro.


Amen! I need this reminder badly. I'm too proud to be a servant.🙏


I've heard and read that verses 6-11 are actually a poem. I think that's really interesting. Also, I'm going to use this passage in a youth bible study this week, and in a sermon in a couple of weeks. pray for me, please.


Been watching. And. Feel refreshed to hear a minister preach and teach truth. Have been discouraged from watching most preachers on tv. Thank you for being here on youtube and God bless


SO good!! That was great info, delivered really well. I took notes and will put it to work. Thank you! 🙏


To really be humble, we have to completely submit and surrender to God, that's what Jesus did, and He was meek and lowly (humble) of heart.


My God! Have mercy on me. I have been a total mess.


I was searching for a way to teach my students about humility (a curious child asked me what humility is so I wanted to take advantage of this curiosity). Your video was a valuable discovery. I love your examples and how you summed up these verses. Thank you. God bless you with more wisdom and strategy for the good works that you are doing.
