What If Anakin Skywalker Trained a Zygerrian Padawan

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Anakin Skywalker was born a slave, and grew up to resent slavers, like Zygerrians. What If Anakin Trained a Zygerrian instead of Ahsoka? How would he handle the training of such a Jedi? What personality traits would such a student posses? How would they differ from his own, and would the two of them be able to bridge the gap between master and apprentice?

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Anakin gets a Zygerrian Padawan,
Anakin: "today's subject slavery"


"Her entire career was stinted because she struggled answering questions on exams"
...Holy shit she's basically me but as a force-sensitive alien catgirl.


The one thing I found in Star Wars that really cemented my love for the story, is a small but funny thing, all the jedi younglings and padawans would sometimes play pranks on Yoda, stuff like pinching his walking stick or reversing the controls on his hover chair


Kid. 4 generations just sat together, and listened to this. 3 biological parents, one biological and adoptive, one adoptive. My Dad, son in law, daughter, wife, granddaughter and me. The only one not tearing up over how you described Anakin and Nadette's bond was our granddaughter. But she is only 5 months, and asleep on her grandma's arms, so she gets a pass.

Amazingly written, and narrated, as always. And we love the music as well.

Well done, Kid.


wild idea:
what if the jedi were more open to attachments??, teaching to value attachments but not letting their feeling to cloud their judgement??


This story actually turned out much more wholesome and fulfilling than I expected. I love how Niden was mentioned to "start her own chaos" 26:15
I wasn't expecting her to actually be willing to turn on her own kind. It was a nice little twist to say the least


What if Revan (Revan Reborn) wasn't found in stasis until the first year of the clone wars? That would mean that Revan in his prime would be alive and well, and Darth Vitiate's spirit would still be dormant since Revan didn't awake his spirit at Yavin.


I love Anakin training a Zygerrian. It was a real change. Nice to see Anakin's growth and that of his padawan


Anakin and his padawan: Yes master use the dark side to kill the dark side.
What if Anakin took a page out the the night sister playbook and made a force order that embraced the dark side but was not evil like the sith.


this is by far your best story! I love Ni'den and the fact she's so timid ebcause of "what she is"
What a wonderful message


You essentially just rewrote the entire Clone Wars series and Revenge of the Sith in just 30 minutes, while Revenge of the Sith is more than an hour and half long with Clone Wars being over 12 hours. Wow


Hate how 90% don't actually talk about the video, so here goes nothing as i change that for everyone else:
Im halfway through the video but 14:30 rlly got me
I love the complexity of having a "bond" w someone but there being a huge divide
I haven't finished the video, but i could imagine how difficult it was for Anakin to see past his past (no pun intended)


Honestly the design for the live action zygerrian really threw me off for a while when I first saw it through tasi lowa (yords Padawan) and in general have always wondered what they’d be like as a Jedi. Honestly I find myself quite satisfied with both


Season 3 Ezra Bridger - good analogy. Dipping his big toe in the dark and seeing if there is anything useful.


- What if Anakin drank from the Font of Power and/or bathed in the Pool of Knowledge like Abeloth did?

- What if Vader returned with Thrawn to Lothal? / What if Thrawn won the Battle of Lothal?

- What if the Clone Wars were brought to Earth? (Cold War era or modern day Earth)
- How would nuclear weapons play into it, if at all?
- How would countries align? (Ex. NATO x Republic)

- What if Anakin was secretly the template for the Clone Army?


Titan Speakerman is about to go on a mad kill streak


I like this one, especially how Anakin changed his views and bonded with his student.


I really liked this one. Quite a bit of the theme of looking at someone for who they are, rather than what they are. It’s a big theme I’m using in the book I’m writing. I like that Anakin and Niden did get along well enough, but they didn’t get that close bond he got with Ahsoka. Some wounds just sting too much.


Nice story. One idea I had for a future video was what if Obi-Wan was able to access the World Between Worlds. I think if he did this, he would most likely save Qui-Gon, and by doing this, Anakin would also be saved now that he would have a proper master to train him.


This was amazing. I’ve been a fan of your videos for a while and it’s always fun to see your interesting SW what if’s. It was also fun to see Anakin training a Zygerrian padawan (Nadeen) getting shown some love. This is definitely an interesting scenario and it should definitely get shown some more love. Plus I think we can all agree that this is probably one of the most interesting/unique scenarios in SW…but it’s a welcome one. Also if Anakin did train a Zygerrian (Nadeen)…then it would definitely be an interesting opportunity to show another side of his character and make him even more interesting. It was also nice to see Anakin trying to move past his history with Zygerrians and his slave past getting shown some love, since he’s one of the strongest characters to exist and definitely is someone that is willing to try his best to pass on his knowledge to the next generation. Plus it was nice to see Anakin training Nadeen (the Zygerrian padawan) to become an incredible Jedi…afterall it was nice to see these two unique individuals teaming up, afterall these two have the greatest potential to become great fighters and truly wanted what was best for each other. Also it’s always nice to see just how much of a formidable duo these two truly are…and these two just seem to work well together. It was also nice to see Anakin move pass his slave past and saw Nadeen for who she is instead of what she is…and that was really heartwarming. Great job as always and I can’t wait to see what you do next.

I do have a few ideas for some possible what if’s:

1) What if Rey was a Mandalorian…essentially what if Din Djarin found Rey and took her in as a Foundling.

2) What if Ezra was a Mandalorian…something like how both his parents were Mandalorians who left Mandalore and went to start their own lives (you could still keep most of Ezra’s backstory) and potentially make Ezra and Sabine a couple (since Disney won’t, we have too…#ezrabine4ever.

3) What if Jango Fett and/or Boba Fett Joined the Republic…I think something interesting could happen with this.

4) What if Rey, Finn and Poe went back in time to the Clone Wars…this would make the World Between Worlds even more of an important focal point and I could also see them get along well with Anakin, Ashoka, Rex and the rest of the 501st (it would be fun to see Rey, Finn and Poe join the 501st)

I hope these are some amazing ideas for some potential What if’s
