President Russell M. Nelson | The Lord Jesus Christ Will Come Again | October 2024 Conference

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Preparing for the Second Coming: A Call to Faith

In this inspiring conference address given by President Nelson, he listeners to study the messages presented by the Lord's servants and to utilize them as a guide for truth. The message highlights the ongoing construction and dedication of temples worldwide as part of the Lord's directive to prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ. With personal anecdotes, President Nelson emphasizes the importance of temple worship, making Jesus Christ the center of one's life, and embracing the blessings of the Atonement. The conference address concludes with a call to devote oneself to discipleship and help gather Israel, as the return of Christ promises the best yet to come.

00:00 Introduction and Purpose
00:32 Salt Lake Temple Renovation update and 17 New Temples Announced
02:07 The Significance of Temples
05:31 Personal Testimonies and Experiences
08:03 The Power of Jesus Christ's Atonement
10:24 Call to Action and Conclusion

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Рекомендации по теме

History will look back on this talk as a Samuel the Lamanite moment.


New Jersey here we come! We cannot wait tho DC temple melts our hearts each time we see it on the highway❤🌾👩‍🍳👨‍🍳🐶


I can't believe it. I really can't believe just how deep we are into the millennium. I can't believe how close we are to the second coming of Jesus Christ. I will listen to this talk over and over again. I will study it back and forth. Did you guys hear what I heard? These are words of a prophet if God trying his best to announce to the world that things are changing. This isn't about public inage, or dealing with antis or exmos, this is about preparing ourselves for the second coming of Jesus Christ. What an amazing man.


Focus on the lord Jesus Christ!!! He loves you and died for you!!!


I am filled with hope and excitement for the day our Savior returns!


"The best is yet to come because the Savior is coming again!" ❤🎉 Thank you President Nelson.


Thank you, President Nelson. We can't wait!


How grateful I am to live at this time! Thank you, Pres Nelson for all you do for us members of the true church of Jesus Christ of lds.


I want to be one of the faithful and chosen! Let’s all strive to be ready for the Lord’s arrival, brothers and sisters!! 🤍🤍🤍


My Dad picked up a hitchhiker in the 1960’s. He said he was trying to reflect the love and understanding of a parent. He even took him home and fed him. The hitchhiker later pulled a gun on my father. When it misfired he quickly got out of the car.
I forgot about this until hearing President Nelson’s similar story.
My father’s temple ordinances were completed exactly one year after his passing. (When your spouse is the shift coordinator, things get accomplished!)
My dad is always watching over me.


We sustain you and appreciate your guidance in these times!


Thank you Pres. Russell M. Nelson. We love you and forever grateful for your love and service! 🙏🏼❤❤❤


The Savior is coming. The reason is do the second coming. Prophet right! My goodness Happy ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thank you President Nelson, I’m so grateful for you and your counsel! I love you!😁


The most profound and important talk by any President of Jesus Christ's Restored Church for The 2nd Coming is nigh @ hand❗ REPENT & Come Unto Christ for time is very short indeed. The current Prophet of the Lord is always the most relevant Prophet to those who are members of The Lord's One & Only True & Restored Church & to all of the world, for we are all a Child of Our All Loving Father in Heaven❗ Thank you for your Channel it's excellent 🙏💪🧔


Thank you so much President Russell M. Nelson! The Spirit was so strong as we listened to your talk. The Savior will come again! We thank Thee O God for a Prophet! 🙏❤❤❤


Sweet and humble man, thank you for your perseverance in Jesus Christ.


Thanks for sharing the talk (talks) here. So easy to find and to listen to again.


God is real, and He loves you. Jesus is the Christ, praise Him!


Thank you President Nelson, for a very clear and concise admonition of what is about to happen. This is why we Thank God for a Prophet. Took my breath away to hear this message.
