Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains | Russell M. Nelson | April 2021

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President Russell M. Nelson speaks at the 191st Annual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on April 3-4, 2021.

President Nelson teaches four lessons he hopes we have learned through the pandemic.

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Thank you for this great message of hope, faith and love.


I’m going to be honest I’ve gone through a lot and haven’t seen much or read much in the church, but this conveniently popped up in my recommended. It’s nice to watch and feel the spirit when you’ve been missing it for a while.


I love you so much president I love the Christ and father above all things ❤😊


It may seem odd that I am just now making this comment but I have listened to and read this beautiful sermon on faith at least a hundred times. I can’t begin to express my gratitude for this wonderful prophet of God.
The faith I need to climb the mountain in front of me does indeed require miracles. I have been focused heart and soul on every word herein and believe that we can actually receive those miracles in Gods own time and way. The power of the Savior to heal is absolute. There is not anything He cannot cure if it’s His will. That I know. Oh how I love Him and thank him for His mercy and love and for giving us a prophet.


I'm 12 years old and about to speak in sacrament meeting for the first time and I'm using this talk to help me write my own. I love this, even as a 12 year old, this message is so powerful to me.


Glad I got Baptized January 1995; Elders Drew Brinley& Derren Tibbets were so KIND.


Thank you president Nelson. I am currently going through something hard and this gives me hope. I keep coming back to this talk.


I am grateful to be a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The only true church upon the face of the earth, l am inspired by the teachings taught in the church and l know that if we abide by the teachings we will be blessed. President Russell M. Nelson has been called for our day.. I am grateful that he said that we might be disappointed by people but God is faithful to his promises and his Covenants. We must strive to be faithful all the time. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


"Faith is the power that enables the unlikely to accomplish the impossible". Love this soo much. Through deciding to serve a mission and getting a pre-mission medical check up, it was discovered that I had a rare disease that would have gone undiscovered had I not decided to serve and gone in for that checkup, which was more thorough than my normal yearly physical. I later found out that the results could have been fatal had I not been diagnosed at that time. Faith is real and powerful.


I love President Nelson. He is an incredible leader and man of God.


Thank you, President Nelson, for your faith and truth! Jesus Christ is our leader and faith in Him will move mountains!


Oh God my Father help Us All have more Faith in Jesus name Amen 💓🙏 Please 🙏


I need to listen to a prophets words more often in my crazy life on 🌏


I Will Always Worship with Love
Almighty God and Treasure my
Testamony by The Power of The
Holy Ghost all the days of my
Everlasting Life in The Holy Sacred
Name of Jesus Christ, amen.


Thank you very much our dear Prophet for the very nice thoughts and counsel came from our loving Father in Heaven! What a wonderful to hear and of blessings!!❤❤


I love the prophet he truly speaks the words of god and truly cares for each and every one of us! praise the lord Jesus Christ for bringing this wonderful church to the earth!


We thank thee O God for a prophet to guide us in these latter days. We surely are in the latter days and we look to Jesus Christ to end all evil and corruption that exists in the world. I am looking forward to 1000 years of peace!


Anything that brings us closer to Him is what it’s all about!


Great talk about developing and growing faith! I served on a mission, I read or listen talks or BOM every day ❤. Love this CHURCH!❤


I am so grateful for every one of these comments that give me hope for the strength in people who love Jesus Christ, His Church, and His chosen Prophet. It is so easy to feel very alone and this helps me tremendously!
