2 Minute Turf Talk - Carbon Myths Part 1
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There are a lot of “myths” perpetuated in our industry when it comes to carbon. And we have heard them all! EarthWorks has been a leader in carbon based fertility and started talking about the importance of feeding microbiology since the inception of the company. The carbon myth that we feature in this turf talk is one that states “you don’t need to add carbon to the soil because there is plenty of carbon in the soil.” The interesting thing about this myth is that it is almost true! There is plenty of carbon in the soil but most of it is undigestible by these tiny microbes that are responsible for breaking down ligneous carbon into forms that they can digest. The best analogy on this subject would be a human being chewing on a pencil to get energy. That pencil is carbon, and yes we could digest it in our gut. However it would take a very long time for us to get the energy that our bodies need and in the time it takes to break it down our bodies would run out of energy. The same is true in the soil, microbes need “available” food energy which is why the carbon based fertilizer industry is taking off. Carbon based fertilizers, like the EarthWorks line, provide immediate food energy for these important microbes.
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