2 Minute Turf Talk - How to Reduce Water Stress

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The biggest single input to any turf environment is the irrigation water. In this Turf Talk, Lawrence Mayhew shares some ideas on how to build the environment in the soil to create humus which can hold water. For every 1% of organic matter in the soil 25,000 gallons or more will be saved per acre in that soil. In the parts of the country where water bills can exceed one million dollars that is a huge savings and is clearly better for both the plant and soil. Lawrence also talks about how humic acids can help the process by creating a better environment in the soil to support a stronger microbial population. As microbes digest ligneous carbon, like roots and thatch, humus is formed, and water will be held in that soil. As many parts of our country are experiencing significant heat and drought, holding water is a must for the survival of our turf and ornamental plantings. Biological soil management may be one of the best ways that we can all help to manage water in the soil profile and reduce irrigation usage and keep plants strong.

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