Top Tretinoin Tips! 5 Ways To Use Tretinoin Without Irritation!

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My Top 5 Hacks for Avoiding Irritation & Peeling with Tretinoin! Beginners Guide! Thanks for Watching!
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I came to this video because I got my first Agency delivery today and wanted to learn how to use it. I really do want to say though that I was expecting a lot more "consulting" like at a dermatologist from Agency, which I definitely did not get. When I went on to ask a question about the treatment, I learned you get 1 credit per shipment to send a message to your provider and then after that it's $10 for more questions! I am already not much of a fan since I didn't get a consultation like I thought I'd have, have questions about the regimen, and will potentially have to pay to ask my provider questions.


I'm turning 42 this year and I'm just doing whatever Angie tells me to do. Her skin speaks for herself. I hope I'll age as well as her


I can't thank you enough for all of the skincare advice that you've provided. I've spent parts of the past few days watching so many of your skincare videos dating back a year or more, and I've learned SO much. Just finding out about mineral sunscreen has been a huge change for me since I'd given up the chemical sunscreens when they made me break out horribly. I'm now looking a purchasing a Nira Laser and an Omnilux mask in the hopes of reversing at least some of the damage I've done in the past. You a truly beautiful person in every way. Thanks again!


Angie, have to thank you for a few things: 1) I finally put myself on a gentle mature skincare routine with your advice. This past winter, my skin became super dry, super sensitive, & developed rosacea. Turns out, using skincare from my 30’s was too much for my present 61-year old skin. 2) I started with Agency two months ago and love it. I also have been using the vitamin C & CoQ10 sparingly. 3) Lastly, for the first time ever, I’m using sunscreen on my face. Game-changer for my sensitivity & rosacea. I use the R&R or CeraVe tinted mineral depending on the day. 4) With my skin looking healthy again, this has me using makeup again, using your application tips & suggested products. Thanks for helping me feel pretty again. Also, love your vlogs, day in your life, what you eat & exercise. I’ve made my own playlists, & having you in my ear makes cleaning & working from home like being with a great friend (you). Truly love your content, your honesty, your thorough research, & your sweet personality. Sending you my very best. A million thanks.💛


At 46 I just dived into this journey. I was so afraid for years because I already have dry flaky skin.... Perfect timing for this video!


I just placed my first order with Agency after the trial product. I’m grateful for your willingness to share your everything!! 🙌🏼


Fyi, I started following your series because I turned 50 last year and noticed that makeup didn’t look good on my skin. I was planning to go to New Orleans for my 50th Bash around Halloween and wanted to dress up and needed makeup tips for my more mature skin. Thus you!
Because of your videos I have adopted a skin care routine and boy, have people noticed. I wasn’t a sun worshipper but certainly was getting some signs of aging. Now I regularly hear that I do not look my age. I thank you for your honest advice and tips for looking as young as you feel. 😊


I started Agency in June, and I love it. It takes the guess work out and helps for a slow build in formulation. I've been solely using Agency since starting, so I'm ready to add something new. I received my first Timeless Vitamin C order yesterday. I can't wait to see the results!


I started using Agency through you about 6 months ago and I love the results I’ve gotten already. LOVE my Agency. Thanks Angie!! Wanna look like you in 10 years ❤


Love Agency. I am coming up on one year and it took me nine months to acclimate to the Tretnoin. I can see how people give up, but I was determined not to, and the providers at agency were very helpful.
Thank you so much for telling us about them


Thank you. I signed up with Agency last month. So far so good.


I’m so grateful for your knowledge and recommendation to Agency, They’ve really taken the guesswork out.


I started using Retin-A when I was 30 and I am now 67. Boy do I wish I had all these wonderful tips all those years ago!


😊 I think I was the person telling Angie about the wash off method, I know I did explain it in a comment a month a couple of months ago. It definitely worked great for me. My skin isn’t sensitive though, I have no problems using Retin A on my neck and chest.


Just began using Tretinoin through Agency. I’ve been following you for years. It just dawned on me to look into the cost of Agency vs what I was using. It’s relatively the same but a little less expensive. So I ordered and began using it around 3 weeks ago. I noticed the irritation and peeling because I was using it every night. Just before heading out on vacation, I stopped using it a few days ahead of time because I didn’t want my skin to be peeling. I also did a derma plane treatment. I do that at home about once every couple of weeks anyway. I had better results from my derma plane treatment with less irritation. I feel like it’s due to the Treatment that I’m receiving from Agency for my skin for moisturizing also at least. And today I’m in the middle of my vacation and I got to see this video and I’m very encouraged about getting back home and restarting with some time in between applications. So thank you again for a wonderful advice!


Thanks for sharing the "wash off method" 😊 I used a more cautious short contact therapy schedule successfully on my sensitive skin when I started tretinoin. Apply, wait 5-30 minutes (add time slowly depending on your skin's response), wash your face, and apply your nighttime skincare. In the clinical studies comparing short contact with traditional overnight application, results after a year were the same but irritation & side effects were significantly less.

I started with 2x/week for 5 minutes & monitored the response. After 3 weeks of happy skin, I added 5 minutes each week and then added a day every 4-6 weeks. When I got to 30 minutes 5x/week, I moved to once per week overnight application OVER nighttime skincare & moisturizer. (My skin needed almost 6 months to get there.) Once my skin was happy with that one overnight application per week, I added one short contact application per week and very gradually increased time & number of days from there.

It's definitely a marathon & not a sprint!


LOVE your hair this way!! Great length, shape, & color 👌


Good morning Angie! I started my tretinoin journey almost 6 years ago after trying and giving up on it decades ago because of lack of information and guidance from my derm, using it every night right off the bat and experiencing lots of irritation. This time, I started out with the lowest strength (.025%) then moved up to the .05% strength on my next visit to my derm, a year later. When she bumped me up to the 1% strength, even though I eased into it gradually, I was peeling constantly (even though I was only using it 3 times a week) and since I was still going to work every day and wearing makeup, that just didn't work for me, so I went back to the .05% strength, using it every day. Well, I guess our skin can change, and even when we're used to a product, it can suddenly become irritating. My skin got to the point where I could no longer use the .05% every night, so I backed off to 3 times a week, which is where I am now. I still get a little bit of peeling, here and again, but I figure this is a good maintenance regime for the long haul. I wish I'd known how to use it properly back in the 80's when I was first prescribed it but, better late than never! Great tips, Angie! ❤


Angie, this was such an informative, organized video! Thank you for this! ❤


The issue with these subscription models is you will end up with a load of bottles of product if you go really slow on usage, I know you can pause but I used Dermatica & ended up having to cancel & restart a couple of times as my skin reacted badly so I was only using tiny amounts and 1 bottle would last months which can then go off too 😏. So pleased for you Angie, your dedication is impressive. I switched to retinal in the end and get on very well with that & so much cheaper too x
