Feeling whole, held, and intimate on my own | Introvert Diaries

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Entering a NYC era, featuring lots of alone time, self care, and unconditional acceptance.. Thank you for joining me for these little pockets of peace. I wasn't going to upload because this weekend was so random but I missed you too much heh PLEASE let me know any video requests or topics you have for me, I'd love to know :)

TIK TOK: yaknowme_hitomi222
Spotify: thejauntforckandhm

-SONGS- (in order)
'We Fell in Love in October 'by Girl in Red
'If I Were' by Vashti
'Fade Into You' by Andrew Belle
'Apathy' by Gia Margaret
'Change' by Big Thief

0:00-1:24 lets catch up
1:24-2:16 outfit details
2:16-4:52 familial healing & intimacy
4:52-5:33 morning rituals
5:33-6:03 my favorite patch of grass
6:03-8:41 meandering thoughts
8:41-9:36 farmers market & cruising around
9:36-10:32 evening skincare
10:32-12:40 energy reclamation
12:40-14:39 explorinn' & feelin'
14:39-17:52 welcoming it all is freedom
Рекомендации по теме

I love reading Hitomi’s comment section, because you guys are just so full of love. Each and every one of you has things you’re going through and yet you keep showing up for yourself even when it’s hard, even when you think the whole world’s s falling apart and that there’s no way out of it, but you get out of it. In spite of all the hardships you keep spreading love and this world needs your beautiful souls. Thank you all for simply existing, I love you and keep going, you got this. Give yourself a big hug and a smile🙏✨☀️🫶


I’ve definitely been feeling heavy lately. I loved when you showed yourself eating with your dad and his gf. Im 26 and I constantly remind myself that my story with my family members is still being written and always will be. There have been so many iterations and this current one is one that I could not have even imagined, in ways that I have wished and hoped for and also not wished and hoped for. Imagining is so important but it’s so limiting because what actually happens expands far far far beyond it. So I’m just trying to be present in it all.


"it's a whole medicine journey to be with whatever you are, and however you feel, and know that it's okay" so much wisdom throughout your videos, just through your self-embodiment. you're a joy to witness Hitomi, truly heart opening <3


Another lovely video from this beautiful soul! You’ve been such a sweet inspiration, I hope I can help people feel some peace through my videos the way you do!🌿🫶


I watched this video after my therapy session today, and I knew it was the right choice. it made me feel so warm inside myself. I have been questioning if I am capable of creating a life for myself, that feels true and authentic to me. a life of ease and where I can simply show up and money is abundant and life is abundant. I think I am already on that path though, I simply have to continue tapping into source and being true to myself. I did a guided meditation that led me on an Amtrak train to travel the world, and explore myself and my art beyond society's light. and right after, I thought of Hitomi. she is genuinely such a light and free spirit, she very closely embodies what my higher self looks like, but also her vulnerability reminds me she is human and like us all, has so much work to do everyday. I want to travel like her, free myself from paradigms that hold us back. to free my spirit. I love this so much. thank you Hitomi for the light you share. it inspires me to cultivate and share mine <3


just moved to new york & resonate fully with the feeling of being at peace within the chaos. The noise & movement is so constant it becomes my stillness. Thank you for all your love & wisdom!


The, ,we fell in love in october’‘ song at the beginning is


I remember watching your channel for the first time 7 yrs ago when i was 18/19. seeing how far you've come makes me feel really happy for you. you go sis <3 your relationship growth with your dad resonates so much because me and my father have had a similar journey in this life. thanks so much for sharing again


hi hitomi!! currently solo traveling for the first time and i just want to say that all of ur content on the subject has really helped me stay grounded. so much gratitude to u 🩵🩵🩵


You’re videos always inspire me to want to treat myself better. My mind, my spirit, my body. I find myself stuck in the cycle of life and doing things for temporary feelings. But you can see the glow in your spirit and skin. How you take care of yourself, really shows. ✨


Not only did I just move to NYC alone and have been drowning in lovely introvert vibes, but i'm also reading A Court Of Thorns & Roses! Thank you for this beautiful vid 💚


its amazing how i can feel your soul shining. keep shining in this way Hitomi, its just so beautiful and inspiring to see<3


I love your vulnerability and perspective. Your channel has been such a safe place for me, I come here when I need to recenter and feel connected. Knowing there are other people out there that encourage deep and intimate understanding of our minds and those around us.

Thank you Hitomi for sharing!!

Also, your music taste is lovely. ❤


Without realising I had my hand on my heart the whole time watching this haha, if that isn't a metaphor for what Hitomi's videos do for me I don't know what is! 😂❤ would love a video on coming into inner power and contentment with being single whilst it feels like everyone in the world is romantically loved up right now, as well as feeling of undesirability/feeling definied by other's attraction (or lack of) towards you in a world which pressures us into desperately seeking long term commited monogomous relationships. Thank you so much, sending peace and love 😊


I started following you right when you moved to New York and watching you being there again now takes me back to those days and to see how much you (and myself too) have grown spiritually, emotionally and in maturity fills me with happiness and accomplishment. I remember meeting you in person at a picnic we had in Central Park with other followers too and seeing that you are now a happier person makes me feel glad to have accompanied you through the years. sending you lots of love the best wishes always <3


THANK YOU. I am in Oregon. You create divine videos. Words cannot express how much I am touched by your music choices.


I just discovered this video (and your channel). First I was like "is this another video of a rich pretty girl in NY, blogging about sitting in a coffee shop?" and then I decided to watch it anyway -- right decision, what a great suprise! I enjoy hearing your thoughts, you are so sweet and open and candid 🥺🌿I love how you describe your relationship with your dad and obsess over this fantasy book and reflect on topics. Thank you for sharing!


this channel and leah's fieldnotes are my comfort channels ❤


Dear Hitomi, thank you for your service to the world, thank you for the infinite inspiration you find in life, and for sharing it with this community. I can say that you have been a teacher in my journey and I want to extend this gratitude. I hope one day to share together✨🤍Thank you!! Angel.


Love watching you reconnect to nyc, makes me realize how much i take this place and it’s experiences for granted
