The Caribbean Disaster (*DISTRESSING CONTENT*)

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#1 -- "Berth #6" -- 0:51 -- This story is physically uncomfortable to listen to, and at the end of the story I will show you a video that is highly distressing.

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The fact that Christopher was more than willing to go back down that pipe to save his friends after barely making it out himself, speaks volumes to that man’s courage and willingness to save his friends.


Every single one of us in Trinidad has been shaken up by this tragic incident, and even more appalled by the company's lack of accountability. I can speak on behalf of our entire island when i say, thank you for sharing this with the world, Christopher and our fellow Trini brothers deserve justice and peace.


This particular one angers me, greatly. Angry that they didn't even try to save them. So heartbreaking that he tried to go back for his friends. He has a truly amazing spirit.


I'm from Trinidad and Tobago where this disaster happened. The entire country was livid over this....The 5 divers who passed away, their families got TT$5 millions settlement each today 22nd January, 2024


Sad thing is, if Christopher didn't survive to tell the tale the company probably would have covered the entire incident up / lied about it.


Thank you for covering this story. the worst part of it all, is that there were expert divers who were willing to risk their lives to save these men and the company and Coast Guards refused to permit it. I'm from Trinidad and Tobago and I can say the entire country grieved with Christopher. I pray justice is served.


I am Trinidadian and this was a terrible, tragic situation for us. Thank you for covering it, Mr. Ballen. Christopher is a hero!


Hi. Trini born and raised here and I just want to say thank you for the way you handled this story with sensitivity and care. I can say that this rocked our little twin-island nation in a way I'm not certain it ever has before. We all keenly felt this loss and still do today. It is by God's grace this family carries on.


I hope everyone remembers Christopher’s strength for trying to get back to help the others. I’m stunned, this was insane.


I feel so bad for Christopher. Imagine surviving a horrible ordeal only to know that your friends are dying on you and that no one is willing to assist them. I can't imagine such a feeling, actually. I hope that this brave man does not have survivor's guilt as we all see you as a hero Chris. RIP to those who perished.


I am a Trinidadian. This was so tragic. The company doesn’t want to take responsibility for this tragedy. Thanks for covering this unfortunate incident


I just wanted you to know that my husband of 41 years passed away last August & he watched your YouTube videos all the time & he really liked your unique narrative storytelling. He really liked you! He said you were a good man! He began listening to you after his leg was amputated in 2021 & he began spiraling out of control regarding his health. He no longer had mobility & he was only able to watch TV until his death. He was a Veteran like you & a retired Police Officer. I just thought you would appreciate being told how you helped fill a dying man’s time & diverted his anguish even if it was just for a little while! I felt compelled to let you know. Bless you & your family.


As we all know, big companies see us as replaceable and this story proves that.
Rest in peace and condolences to the families.


The picture of Christopher over the casket is truly haunting. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain he feels not being able to save his friends.


I'm tearing up all over again listening to this. I'm from Trinidad and we are still hurting from this. My prayers go out to the families affected. Thank you Mr. Ballen for doing this story.


I am an Trinidadian and it took me over a year before I had the strength to watch this video and to hear the details of this event. When it happened I just could not being myself to do it. This story affected us all as a nation. These men go through years of EXPENSIVE training and study just to do these high paying high risk jobs just to give their families a good life. These companies only care about profits and not their own workers. Thank you for telling their story.


Jeez this is terrifying. These poor men. I would have mentally checked out and died. Christopher is truly heroic. He did all he could. Even trying to risk his life to go back in. How awful it must have been for the 4 men to know they were just left behind.


It's unbelievable that they didn't make an effort to rescue them considering they sent them. My heart goes out to their families and to the ones that lost their lives


Christopher is a true and loyal friend, the fact the he wanted to go back into the pipes for his friends when no one else wanted to is REALLY heartbreaking. As a Trinidadian I'm now hearing the story in detail. That company is definitely to blame for there deaths. But no one likes to take blame at all. Thank you Mr Ballen...


Mr Ballen reminds me of my 6th grade science teacher. He was an awesome teach because I’m 42 and still remember him.
