The Troubling Signs for GM, Chrysler, Ford, and the Auto Industry (w/ Daniel Ruiz)

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Daniel Ruiz of Blinders Off Research walks us through his view of automotive stocks — giving us a sneak peek inside his proprietary forecasting model, and exposing the weak performance history of traditional industry and economic indicators. He concludes with his long/short stock picks, based on his data and analysis. Filmed on January 14, 2019 in New York.

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The Troubling Signs for GM, Chrysler, Ford, and the Auto Industry (w/ Daniel Ruiz)

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Here we go again. Sooner or later, the executives form GM, Chrysler, are gong to take a Chartered flight on shareholders money and fly to Washington and ask for a larger bailout than 2008.


"If you don't have a job, or have bad credit, or low income, you're not going to get an auto loan."
Umm, is this guy serious? The industry has built this fake recovery purely by selling cars to these type of people. My own brother in law sells Chryslers, says he can literally get anyone a new car loan. Income verification? Bah! Credit check? Only to determine how high a rate they charge you, not to decide whether you get the car that's for sure.


I have so many friends who are upside down on their auto payments


"EQUITY" in a car ALWAYS goes to 0 !!


If they are preparing for a huge demand, they will be hit with a rude awakening from Tesla and electric vehicles. They last longer, minimal maintenance, less costs for fuel


I’m wondering how many people are holding on to their ice cars and will trade into a new electric like me. I’m not buying new until it’s a big improvement in every way to get into a new e car.


I sold my last car 5 years ago before moving to a city where I don’t need one. Love not having that burden anymore, don’t really care if I ever own one again. The odd occasion when I need to rent a car I do start to miss it a bit, but given what a money pit they are I quickly snap out of it.


Are you kidding, cars are shortly to become history.
1. Blindness by LED's
2. Fuel prices at USD200 per barrel
3. Banks pushing electric vehicles (even Harley)
I could go on but you know the rest.


How does Uber, Lyft, Turo, CarGo, electric scooters 🛴, and increase of city center populations have on new car 🚗 demand? I would never buy a new car to drive Uber because of depreciation costs with each mile. Younger people couldn’t care less about cars and don’t want the hassle of ownership. We are 3-5 years before Tesla robo taxis will be cheaper than car ownership. At $3 per trip, why would you want to buy a brand new car?$?$?$? The US government is one Democratic president away from banning internal combustion engines and force everyone to buy electric cars and solar panels!$!$!$.


Be smart and buy an old 80's 90's car and learn to restore it and maintain it yourself, lots of young and old people do it, motor swaps are popular, put a newer drive train in an older body, the automaotive aftermarket is so big and helpful, you can really build anything now a days and keep it very reliable, buy and build an old car and never be worried about transportation again.


Wow, nice call. Carvana went from $29.00 to $78.20 since he made this call.


I'm sick of looking at these dork mobiles on the highway. They have no style and they all look the same. If someone gave me a brand new one I would not drive it! I would sell it and go buy a nice antique car with style. The 60's and 70's style auto are vastly more artistic and cool looking then anything you see on the road today! Except Mustangs.


I am 60, and have never bought a new car. I buy used, Toyotas, a couple low mileage older Chevy trucks, and recently two Hyundai's.I have never had any major repairs in the last 40 years, only maintenance, such as timing belts, wheel bearings, and oil changes.I paid cash for all but three cars, and I paid off the three car loans for these vehicles in a couple years.
If you follow what I have done, you will save 100's of thousands of dollars and a lot of time.


This guy seems knowledgeable and I agree with much of what he says, but man he glossed over one big thing that is impacting the auto industry and will so in coming years. I would hold automotive stocks like sticks of lit dynamite. How can you say all that and not talk about the switch to electric cars? These cars they sell these days are way to mechanically complicated and expensive. The #1 benefit of electric cars is the simplification of the powertrain and near zero maintenance. Forget the emissions question. Just getting rid of the 25 gear transmission is enough to cause consumers to switch. Why would you buy one of the over engineered and over-styled cars when viable electric cars are just a few years away? I'm sure in time car companies will adjust but if I were betting money I would bet that in 10 years time all the automotive company names are gonna change. It's gonna be brutal for a while and picking the survivors is no easy matter.


Gee you mean the average price being 26k for something that won’t last 150k somehow made cars undesirable?🤷🏼‍♂️


This video is funny because I know there are probably places where there are brand new unused cars just sitting around rotting.


Pretty much all of his stock predictions were wrong or completely off!


This is what happens when manufacturers want more than customers are willing to spend..


Half of Judge Judy’s client base seems to be drowning in car debt, and living on benefits. I think that’s the future.
