Don't Analyze His Mixed Signals! Here's Why He Sends Them

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This video covers why you shouldn't analyze his mixed signals and the real reason he sends mixed messages.

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We can’t date “potential”, we must see and accept what’s in front of us. It took me forever to learn this. To step out of the fantasy story line. To date the person in front of you as they are showing up. It’s hard, but you must do it.


Mixed messages means he is not all in with you. Keep looking ladies.


What do mixed messages mean?

1. The message IS - he just doesn't like YOU enough
2. He doesn't want a relationship with ANYONE but he gets lonely or bored
3. Passive reciprocation - you reach out all the time and he doesn't pursue
4. He is a serial flirt who flirts with everyone and it's meaningless

If you have to ask, you already know the answer - he's not serious about you

The measure of his interest is the amount of effort he puts into getting you back if he thinks you're gone


An open message to all women watching this from a man’s point of view! Set your worth and standards straight up and a man will respect you, don’t rush and give away everything too easily as again the man won’t respect you! If a man is interested in you he will chase you and message, want to see you etc! A man who is sketchy or pops in and out of your life for your attention isn’t worth it and could be using you! Regardless how good looking or nice or what ever don’t make excuses for this man! Be up front after getting to know him - I mean not on first date but set out what you are after and see their reaction - this will speak volumes! You are only wasting your time if you let things flow with no direction even early on and how many times even after 3-6m do people wonder why it never developed into something more! Know your worth, set your standards and you will find a high quality man who won’t use you for emotional or physical needs! All the best


Every woman in this earth needs to watch this video! Great video, Sabrina.


Thank you Sabrina. It’s so hard though because you want to believe that he’s into you. What sucks is after the dates he totally turns cold and distant and doesn’t text as much just short messages. Ugh it hurts so badly. I wish guys that do this could understand how it feels for once lol 💔


Leave us alone if you are not ready period!!!


This is me. Terrible. I finally said bye bye.


How's this for a mixed message: Sunday - guy says (face to face) "I'm in love with you". Tuesday - guy says (over the phone) "I'm not ready for a relationship". DOH WTF Dude.


If a man likes you....theres no question or doubt or confusing messages !!!


What’s different? Your skin is glowing and/or your makeup is on point. You look so beautiful in this new video. Whatever the change, keep doing it!


It can also be so that the guy got personal issues like alcoholic problem etc, and doesnt want her to know about it, or he cares too much about her to involve her in his miserable life


Thanks this is right on time. I knew this was the case but didn't want to admit it to myself. I didn't waste a lot of time though so it was a good thing.


Things I knew deep down, but really needed to hear from someone so thank you


Think it's more that they are not the right person for you! Insightful, but if a man can't communicate properly then he is not someone you would want to be with anyway! ♥️


Definitely agree with this info! This is common sense stuff, but when feelings get in the way, it's easy to forget.


I have never seen a person who looks so good with this under eye thing, it somehow fits her so well, she looks gorgeous.
Sorry, i just struggle with a feature like that and happy to see someone else rocking it.


Sabrina, you are an absolute gift. I love the way you explain things. I would love to get your thoughts on the phrases "absence makes the heart grow fonder" and "out of sight out of mind". The timeline of when one shifts to the other and the psychology behind it. I'm sure it depends on the situation but generally explain or maybe you could do a video on it. Love you, keep being awesome can't wait to hear your thoughts


Very useful info. Sounds like u described the exact situation I was in recently. Relationship, or so what I thought was a relationship that just didn’t go anywhere and left me feeling confused because of all the mixed signals. You’re insight is, unfortunately for me, pretty accurate.
