Base Building and You | Cult of the Lamb Guide

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This video discusses strategies on base building. It's pretty straightforward on establishing a functional base, but there are some other efficiency tips and tricks that can help things flow better so one doesn't run into issues midgame. You don't have to adhere to all the advice of course, having fun is the most important thing :)

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If you farm beetroot, cauliflower, and pumpkin you can make a 3 star meal that always stops dissenters from dissenting


The alternative to the Feasting Ritual is the Fasting Ritual. It locks your flock's hunger at max for three days, much like how the mushrooms lock your faith at max for three days. But it is unpopular, so follow it up with the Sermon and individual blessings.


Fasting Ritual and Resurrection are great. With Resurrection they come back at their current levels, so you can easily get followers over level 10 to help in dungeons, plus it takes care of your best deads bodies. The faith hit is less than your daily sermon, so its basically nothing.

Fasting is really good if you want to go deep into the dungeons or forget to gather enough food. Just follow it up with a bonfire Ritual and your good to go.

One prison was enough for me. The only decenters I ever had were from quests to take in a decenter. Barely an inconvenience; two days in gulag will fix them right up.


The confession booth is good because it levels them up and the higher level they are, the stronger they are when you turn them into demons


For the crops farms. I like to do the 6x6 field with the barn in the center and then take that whole thing and do a 4x4 of that and in the center of that whole thing is a 2x2 is filled with scarecrows. It seems to be real efficient and the scare crows cover everything. It works pretty damn good. Idk how many people have tried that. But if you haven't I'd think it's pretty good try.


"Don't be afraid to sacrifice people." That sentence rolled out of you VERY EASILY. 🙂


Would definitely recommends to get Omni before Resurrection. Getting stuck out on some of them long dungeon crawls and not making it back has caused major disruptions and setbacks throughout my playthroughs


Tips i learned,
1. You can go all game with Berry bowl, its not the best but it gets the job done
2. After you unlock betroot, i reccomend you farm it, can makr some good meals with it
3. After the heretic update, use the big shelter, you need about 7/8 for 20 followers, its pricy but worth ut
4. Always check food and faith before a crusade
5. Do crusades at night, no one can Die at night, no one will starve at night, etc
6. Make 4 rafineries, trust me
7. Farm the Red flower, its useful for medbay
8. Dont worry about gold
9. Pumpkins are useless, altough they are a good alternative to a Berry bowl when you dont have berriea
10. Mushrooms become useless after the quest
11. Dont sacrifice too much followers, after you finish Main story try to always have at least 19
12.the tabernacle is mostky useless, altough it is a great decoration
13. If you are low on faith, you can do
A. Sermon
B.funeral ritual
C. Quests
14. Dagger is shit
15. Dont forget about curses or relics, they are very usefull
16. Have fun


I personally prefer raising super strong high-quality followers, which is why I spam the Ascension and Alms rituals and prefer Wedding over Fight pit.


For me I choose the Murder opinion to deal with the old followers and only take them out at night then I either harvest or turn them to fertilizer


Great video, i would Just add a couple of speakers next to the crafting tables. Something like speaker, crafting table, speaker and crafting table.


Thank you! This was very helpful - I just needed to know where to start and what I can ignore.


I always put graves near where my followers gather because it raises faith every 2 seconds


For fishing, a mixture of holding when the bubble is at the top / bottom and tapping when it's in transition works amazingly, I've never actually lost a fish with this strat 😁

Also you can sell extra squid/octopus for 20 $ each nets great money really quickly


You can move the buildings?
You, sir, have blown my mind.


Honestly I know some things I could do more efficently - but eh, having a pretty base I enjoy is more important to me


I looked up how to make an outhouse in call to the lamb let's hope your video shows me how to get refined wood Update he might not have taught me what I was looking for but he taught me a lot of interesting things I'm subscribing Thank you for all the help dude


i read only the title and thought this was a mental health video, but hey starting a cult sounds just as good


the way the devs seemed to designed everything to basically not fit together in the slightest is infuriating. especially the farm layouts.


i didnet even realize they were follower requirements for the doors. the only one I I though they're were follower requirements were the 20 for the last boss
