Legendary Computer Programming Books: The Art Of Computer Programming #computerscience

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Next books to read on my TBR list.
I own a set containing Vol 1, 2, 3, 4A and 4B.

I don't know how difficult it is going to be, but I'm a little bit concerned if I am actually able to read them.

Had a quick look at other books (Rudins Principles and Royden's Real Analysis) and those are going to be a real challenge to read as well.

But providing a flow chart at the first pages sure is going to be very helpful.
I'm actually very nervous when I think about beginning TAOCP after finishing the current book I'm reading, which is a simple fiction story (Vicious&Vengeance).

It's really time to start my big reading goal which is TAOCP.
I'm even getting nervous writing this as it really seems to be an unreachable goal.
Think about it. 3800 pages, formulas that require a better understanding in math (I never did Sums (∑) or products (∏) up until now). I've seen it, seen others solve it on youtube, but never used it myself.
Perhaps it's time to learn.

Maybe this video from the Math Sorcerer is a sign that I should start this book and therefore the time is right to start my biggest reading goal on my personal TBR list.
200 pages are left to read on the other book Vicious&Vengeance.
Probably I'm going to finish it today.
And then, it's time for my big reading goal.
The reading goal I have the utmost respect of.
TAOCP by Donald Knuth.
