Why you should get chickens

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When we bought our farm almost four years ago- chickens were the first farm animals that we got. 🐓

Some of them we adopted, and others we raised from hatchlings.

We never realized how many benefits they would add to us and our home. Obviously, the price of eggs have tripled and having access to them everyday in our backyard is a huge blessing.

They eat bugs, provide incredible garden soil by composting food scraps, and are very low maintenance to keep.

It’s a true symbiotic relationship between them, our farm, and what we provide each other.

Having one less thing to depend on the grocery store for gives a lot of piece of mind.

If you live in the city & have a small yard, check your city’s regulations. Most actually allow for a small backyard coop and keeping hens.


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Best pets ever. Our rooster Fiona recently passed away and he was my husband’s BFF. He cried more for that bird than his grandma. Fiona didn’t crow - he honked. And he would come to the back patio and “honk” until my husband came out and picked him up and carried him around. He found treats for the girls & did a great job protecting them. RIP buddy.


Been raising poultry my whole life. People have no clue what they are missing out on


Most people don't realize that chickens lay eggs whether they are mated with a rooster or not. No rooster, no fertilized eggs.


It's not just the moral reason, but homegrown chickens lay much more flavorful eggs than those in supermarkets.


When I was a kid we hit a rough patch where we had not a lot of money coming into the household. The thing that saved us was us having chickens. We had German pancakes, omelettes, eggs and rice, egg bagels, for days on end. Some of those things I can't eat now because I ate them so much then. But I am forever thankful for having those birds around. God is great.


I had chickens for several years. I had eggs, fewer weeds, fewer pest insects, almost no grubs, and some of the best entertainment imaginable.


These hens I got are the most sweetest babies !!! I love em love em!! They are helping my mental health and motivating me to go outside . Before I’d just sit inside with tv and phone game


Several years ago we had a family crisis where we were barely able to pay the bills. But my chickens were laying 6 eggs per day. Along with a small veggy garden we did just fine. After weeks of this my doctor took blood and he read the results to himself. He said whatever it is you're doing, keep it up. You're doing great.


Chickens are just the best pets to have!


We need 2 get back 2 having gardens and hobby farms. Its the perfect balance in life...


Modern science has figured out a way of turning insects into an edible source of protein. It's called a chicken


This is why I have chickens. I get more eggs than I could possibly use so I give them away to my neighbors who have families. I have two dozen chickens and that means I get over 100 eggs a week but I only eat about a dozen a week. In exchange I get the extra fruit from their fruit trees.


Having Chickens 🐔 is very rewarding .They are alot of company


I love chickens! Never had them but have family members and friends that do. It's funny when you're in urban areas where I live, you can hear these gals cackle all loud. Just funny to be walking down the street near Broadway and 1st and hear what sounds like a farm 😂

And I looove eggs! I used to eat eggs everyday in the morning, but got out if the habit. I should get back into it. Some veggies scrambled with some farm fresh eggs with a little cracked black pepper...tasty filling and delish 😍🐔🥚


Super important conversation. We are ethical "pegans" meaning we do not consume meat and are high plant based but we use eggs from our chickens as additional protein. Our health is even better now compared to when we were vegan. We love our chickens and treat them as members of our family who will live out their lives protected and respected. 🙏💜🙏


Chickens, hardworking brave animals that feed themselves and many around them!!! I just offer some shelter and protection....good trade for eggs


If people are unsure about having them, I recommend getting bantam chickens. They are small, cute, and make great pets. That how I started my kids into chores and responsibilities.


Chickens are fun, mine follw me around like little puppies and fresh eggs can't be beat. Store bought eggs dont even come close. 🐔🐔


I think that having chickens is so much more rewarding than having eggs. I would have them even if they didn’t lay eggs because their fertilizer is great in the garden and in these times when gardening can be so expensive I am able to have rich soils with just chicken manure, compost, and fish guts and heads and crab shells. They also are entertaining to watch and my fruit trees and flowering plants are absolutely thriving with the added manure


I got tired of paying the egg prices at the supermarket so I felt me a chicken coop went out and bought me 12 chickens and man I am happy camper❤
