Why Keeping Chickens is a 'BAD' Idea | World Egg Crisis

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In this video, I explain and debunk 6 reasons why keeping chickens is a "bad" idea. Also, I give you my chicken retirement or succession plan for when our hens have stopped laying.

For Australian freeze dryer purchase info, use the link above and contact Harvest Right directly.

Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland, Australia, about 45kms north of Brisbane - the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online, so come along with me and let's get into it! Cheers, Mark :)

*Disclaimer: Some links to products in this description and comments sections are affiliated, meaning I receive a small commission if you follow these links and then purchase an item. I will always declare in a video if the video is sponsored, and since starting my channel in 2011, I am yet to do a sponsored video.

#eggs #food #chickens
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G'day Everyone, I deliberately didn't address the "cost" of hens and equipment because it's like adding the cost of your fridge or oven onto the food bill - it's a silly technical argument - plus keeping chickens has more benefits than just $$. Thanks for your continued support! Cheers :)


Some guy in Australia just did more with one video to help the egg shortage than all the politicians and experts put together.


If I'm having a stressful day you will see me heading out to the chicken yard with a 5 gallon bucket. I go inside, turn it upsidedown, throw out a handful of scratch, then begin to tell them my troubles
They gather round and absolutely hang on every word. I feel so much better when I head back to the house...


Love my chickens! We had an old girl, who was about 10 years old before she died. After she stopped laying, she helped care for the young pullets, As she aged, we noticed those young hens returning the favor, by taking care of her! They are amazing animals!


For some reason the mainstream corporate media (world wide) is on a mission to throw serious shade on home gardening, chickens and other self sufficient activities. Loved your video, greta info and delivery.


Your puns are on a superhuman level. We have 6 chickens and I laugh every time I see an article on why owning chickens are bad.


Older hens still deserve love (to add onto your list of reasons for their greatness). They've fed you for years; don't they deserve your care in their autumn years? I had a neighbor growing up who would just toss the hens out of the yard once they were 'too old.'. 9/10 times they'd get hit by cars. My grandpa started paying our neighbor a couple bucks for these girls, and we'd let them live out in our yard. They were the sweetest girls, I swear. Every time I'd come home from school I'd rush off the back porch calling, and the whole flock would come running.


adding my two cents here: I have 6 chickens that are about 8-10 months old (two batches of birds), which I feed mostly compost in my back yard, with a small coop that they also lay their eggs in. I have spent somewhere in the range of 40 dollars, total, for all of purchasing, feeding, and caring for these chickens, and I have recently been averaging between 2 and 4 eggs a day from them. There have been many noteworthy discoveries about them I've had, but my favorite chicken tip I can share is that if you pile dry leaves up, the chickens almost like scratching through them more than they like the food under, and I have used this to my benefit by piling fresh leaves on my compost and winter garden beds regularly for the chickens to scratch into better composted soil for me.


Ticks. Chickens eat ticks. In the UK, especially in Scotland with all our sheep and deer, that's a big thing.


I was raised on a chicken farm. We had 10, 000 chickens. My father sold eggs door to door like the milkman while my mom & my siblings & I gathered, cleaned, graded and packaged the eggs on the farm. You would think that I’d be sick of chickens but you’d be wrong. To this day I love the soothing sound of their clucking and even the smell brings back fond childhood memories.


I bought my hens 3 years ago exclusively for eggs but it turns out, they bring me so much joy that I literally don’t care what they do or don’t do. The eggs are just a bonus now. They are my flock of precious kittens. ❤


2, 23 mill subscribers. That gives me hope for the world. There's still wise people out there.


We have 3 hens in our urban backyard, 2 silkies and a australorp, I was hesitant at first and now I can't image not having chickens. They are endlessly entertaining, provide delicious eggs, and are great little companions.


There might be a shortage of eggs, but never a shortage of dad jokes! Well done Mark! It's what I came for and it's what I got. Eggcellant 😁


I have two chooks that are ancient. Pixie, who is more grey than black now is 20 years old and Doris is 19. They both still lay every few days and they still set together and raise their chickens together.


I don't want to 'ruffle your feathers' but regarding keeping roosters I don't know which side of the road to cross. Wife says get rid of them, I said "flock you!" I hate being so 'hen pecked'.


I have had chickens for now +20y I'm just discovering how what you say is obvious to me but new to others. Thanks for making this, you're doing god's work.


I'm impressed by the amount of chicken puns he came up with. He's a dad for sure.


When I was a child I helped raise chickens, mostly Leghorns. At one point 64 hens and 2 roosters. As a 7-12 yr old caring for them, and collecting eggs was my job. Fantastic life for a kid! Had a small brood of Bantam. 4 hens and a rooster. They followed me wherever they could, and when I sat, I would have a hen on each shoulder, and one on each knee. The rooster would fly up to my head. They were my best friends! Loved my birds!!


Far out, i thought the puns would stop after the intro but you kept em coming through the whole clip. Absolutely top shelf. Amazing work.
