How Did Palpatine Destroy the Only Jedi Artifact That Could Have Prevented Order 66? #starwars
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It is well known that Order 66 was meticulously planned to ensure that it had a very high chance of success. From manipulating a dark side artifact under the Jedi temple to dark rituals aimed at shifting the balance of the force toward the dark, Palpatine tried everything to make sure the Jedi, and most notably Yoda, could not foresee what ultimately was coming. However one Jedi artifact could have completely derailed Palpatines plans. Known as the Oracle, it was perhaps the most ancient object in the galaxy, believed to be around two million years old. It granted force users near it powerful and near perfect force visions of the future which could have allowed the Jedi to foresee Order 66. However, Palpatine paid some pirates to destory the Oracle, preventing his plans from being revealed.
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