What YOU can do about climate change.

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In this Our Changing Climate environmental video essay, I look at what you can do about climate change using individual, personal, and collective actions. This video, however, is not a simple list of the best things a person can do to change their lifestyle and shrink their carbon footprint, instead I start by looking at the way in which we’ve globally become fixated on individual solutions to climate change. We envision ourselves more as consumers than as citizens. As a result carbon footprint related actions like flying less and recycling are prioritized over voting, protesting, and system change. This video is all about doing both personal things to lower your carbon footprint like driving less, but simultaneously acting collectively to create a system in which having a small carbon footprint is feasible for everyone.


#CarbonFootprint #ClimateChange #IndividualSolutions
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What are some things you do to minimize your personal impact? What are some things you do to address the structural issue of climate change?


One of the issues I, and I feel like many others, face is the challenge of participating in activism when as individuals we are so beaten down by corporations and economic inequality. When you're stressed about making rent or paying off your debts, it is hard to find the time or energy to organize.


My Goal is to plant 50 trees in 2020. In 2019 i planted 12 Trees all around Orlando!


I've been vegan for 10 years. According to a vegan calculator i have saved: 4, 015, 000 gallons of water, 109, 500 sqft of forrest 73, 000 lbs of CO2. Except for that I bike as much as I can. And when i buy stuff I try to get it used or refurbished. But I'm far from perfect. I fly more than I should. My food packaging creates to much trash. There's always room for improvement.


15 years ago I started using reusable bags...yesterday my friend in another state told me because of my example she carries and uses reusable bags. This made me so happy!
Then I realized that all my close friends carry reusable bags now...I'm so happy! Last week another friend called and asked me about my bags cause she was sending her mom a gift and the state just banned single use bags.
I think the best thing a did was choose strong lightweight nylon bags with cute designs ( I know nylon is not the best but if I have use mine for 15 years it's more than paid its dues) they wash easily and fold into nothing so you can put one in your pocket or purse, if you have 3 in your bag it solves most issues that pop up in normal life.
I had tried a million bags but these washable tiny lightweight bags were the best, because of their convenience I'd acctually have them with me and not rolling around getting dirty in my trunk.
So yes one person can make a difference.


I've been vegetarian for 14 years, and vegan for an additional 2 years. Ever since I was a kid I have had an endless stream of adults tell me that "one person won't make a difference". Well, in Australia alone there are now more than 2 million vegans, and just about every fast food chain restaurant offers vegan options. I can walk into any supermarket and have a wide range of vegan options to choose from (beyond the obvious fruit and veg), and vegan restaurants are no longer fringe restaurants, but becoming more the norm. There's a long way to go to end cruelty, but individual change, and the willingness to say No, is incredibly powerful, it just takes time. Don't let them wear you down.


I'm taking a slightly different approach. I change my behaviour to use more reusable items, and I talk about it with others. For instance: I'm looking for a cable to connect my guitar to my pc, but everything I could find was packaged with way too much plastic. So I went around on YouTube to ask for alternatives and explained why I want to buy an alternative. I already see people around me change. I intentionally ask questions about the sustainability of things where people don't expect it. I'm trying to make those questions normal. Currently people look funny at me when I'm in a store and I'm asking for an alternative or for a different solution. But if enough people ask those questions then it'll become normal and they will start to take those questions into consideration.


Recently I learned how fast fashion was causing so much damage . So I encouraged my friends to reduce their shopping sprees go back to sustainable clothing and make them last longer .


A much needed video on this platform, well researched too. As for what to do individually a plant-based diet is crucial, which does not mean going 100% vegan but gradually reducing meat and dairy products to say, once a week. "Why? It's so good!" Because our food choices is the only way we, as inidividuals, can tackle methane and nitrous oxide emissions which are significantly more potent greenhouse gases than CO2, so the most urgent to cut.


I wish I could show this to everyone I know.


How about we hold the people that made this mess, responsible. The corporations and filthy rich.


An analogy I'd use is imagining one asking "how can I be anti-colonialist on a personal level?" in, say, the 1920s UK. It's nearly impossible for you to live your life in such a society without exploiting colonialism. Almost everything you buy, eat, and do would not be possible without the empire. The best you could do is politically supporting anti-colonialist policies.

Similarly, you can aim to reduce your own carbon footprint as much as possible, but if you're able to help vote in an environmentally friendly candidate into government who introduces green legislation it will do far more than any other individual action.

The only exception is cases where individual choice is the deciding factor. In many wealthy nations, for example, you are able to live comfortably with a plant-based diet, and not have much trouble finding suitable eating locations. In such a scenario, you personally switching to such a diet and helping others do the same is similar to voting (in that your action is small but directly contributes to a large collective impact). The same applies to cars vs public transport (when cars are not a necessity), railways instead of flying, and green energy vs fossil fuels.

However, most of the world lives in places where plant based diets, public transport, and green energy are basically impossible to use while upholding your normal standard of living. In such places political pressure is needed to make sure that these choices can be made (and if possible encouraged).


Thank you for mentioning the eugenics and inequality issues with those “solutions”. It’s great when people are willing and able to take personal actions, but when they hold that privileged sense of superiority over others, the consequences will quickly outweigh any good they’ve done.


Individual action AND collective action is required. People unwilling to undertake individual action WILL NOT agree with collective action.
Those that want government and/or industry to solve the problem, quickly back down when regulations effect their personal lifestyle/buying habits.
Individuals have to be willing to follow the leading of professionals in climate change mitigation.


Thanks for making this video, has got me pumped to be more active in holding my representatives more responsible. I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME) so living more sustainably is a challenge as everything requires more effort. But I do manage to shop locally, independently and low waste when I can (really lucky I live in a really accessible city for doing this)!


The best way to raise awareness towards systemic change (which needs a majority) is consequent individual action. It's less about rating individual action vs systemic change. It's more about the order in which we commit to *both*.


It's really noble to care for the enviroment and reduce a personal impact, however, the problem lays within the system we live in. the profit is first and enviroment is often neglected for the interests of the companies.

or to put it simply, Capitalism is destroying the planet.


Me and two friends had a very long (and at some points also loaded) discussion about exactly this conflict between individual action and collective change. Even after several hours we still didn't manage to properly crystallize our view on both and the roles they play. In just 10 minutes you managed to clarify my thoughts on the matter and concentrate on whats important - really excellent work! Thank you!


Thank you very much for making this video!
It’s very well made and researched💪🏻
Definitely sharing it


I recommend volunteering with Citizens’ Climate Lobby, a bipartisan group with a single focus of doing what is most likely to put the brakes on climate change.
