What YOU can do about climate change

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In the final episode of The Breakdown, we explore climate solutions, looking at the difference between individual and systemic change and ultimately why we must all join the climate movement!

The Breakdown is a five-part series on climate change: exploring how we got here, where we're headed, and what we can ALL do to make a difference.⁠ You can watch the first four episodes below.


This is an Earthrise production. To learn more about our work and how to take action on the climate crisis check out our Instagram and website below:

A huge thank-you to our creative partners at Studio 11 who helped bring this series to life:

Did you enjoy this episode, does it leave you with any questions? I'd really love to know your thoughts in the comments below. 👇🏼
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A superb series, that couldn't be more crucial at this time!


Can I say, this is an all too rare instance where a climate advocate has moved the public engagement messaging away from 'doing something' (perhaps not achieving much, but feeling good at having "done something"), and toward 'achieving something meaningful'. Well done.
I might add to what Fatima mentioned about there being a place for everyone in the movement - especially for those who aren't activists marching in the street.
Influencing your workplace to take account of environmental impact/consider and plan for how climate change will affect the business over the next 20 years as part of its strategic risk management, is going to be important to push businesses to do more.
As individuals, building community support (influencing people you interact with) is important to pushing this as a priority for voters (and pushing Government to take more aggressive action).


So I live in Poland. And I can tell, that individual action may change some friends, maybe a few % of citizens, but whole point of acting eco in my house, job, whatever - it’s naive. It really is. Unless there are some critical systemic changes, laws and restrictions, other individual actions only scores for our concience, and not for climate. People’d be more glad to see steps how to change the point of view of our government, with possible outcomes of those changes (good, bad, financial, societal, psychological), which papers present them and how; than simple „turn the light off”.


I think the US military is an underrated actor in the climate crisis


Hey Jack, one thought for more views is swapping the thumbnail. I passed this a few times accidentally mistaking it for a YT ad.


I like your approach at 1:24, because this is exactly right, and much more productive and true, than just saying “drive electric cars”, “eat less meat” etc.


It seems bizarre to me that we are answering this question with all sorts of answers, except the names of the companies and industries directly responsible for 70% of emissions.


System change is the key to stopping climate change ⭐️
However, when we ask for system change, let us not forget to ask for a change to a plant based sustainable food system. This is the way to not only stop but reverse climate change 🙌🏽.


Such a complete series! Not only identifying a problem, deconstructing it, but finally a call to action. So relevant, the sort of content that should go virtual/a trend!


This is necessary! Thank you for bringing hope. Here in Brazil we have Bolsonaro as our president, and the greatest forest we know is burNing everyday. Not only the multiple species of trees and animals, but indigenous tribes are losing their homes. It is absurd how the people could vote for someone so vile and evil as Bolsonaro.


There's nothing we can do, but try to be happy, be kind to others, and love your family. Times are going to get tough, we need to support each other. But Jack, technology is NOT the answer. It just won't solve the problem. It's about growth, we still expect growth, we still expect to buy crap we want, but don't need. As long as we want growth, we will be using the Earth's resources. This is what fundamental change is. Getting rid of capitalism and finding a new way to live. Can we?


great reminder that others care too, and that collective action matters more than being overly concerned with what to do for the world by yourself. thank you for this!


This is the tipe of content that must be spread! Thanks Jack and the team behind this series!


I’m absolutely loving this series 🙏 keep up the amazing work!


Would be interesting to also the personal steps one can take next to the political one outlined in this vid! :) Vegetarian vs meat eating for example, donating to reforestation schemes, transportation, growing a garden, reducing consumption, go thrift shopping for second hand clothes, less consumerism for electronic goods, recycling & educating others etc. Great content btw :)


Knew you would raise your resonating voice for this scary matter... <3 THANKS! We need more so called "influencer" to do so. #dontcallitbadweather


This content is what I've been looking for. Thank you. It's now time for change


Wish Jack and his peers would start to at least acknowledge the elephants in the room, such as the fact that the U.S. Military Is World’s Biggest Polluter and has a bigger carbon footprint than 100 countries combined.


International conference"Global crisis. It's already affects everyone" was really shocking and eye-opening about climate changes. We all urgently need to act and build the Creative society to survive.


Thank you for bringing this to my as well as so many others' attention, more specifically, cause I was wanting to know what I could do to better the situation for our planet. I would like to leave earth knowing that we did all we could to better the situation. It is good to hear that we have time.
