'No They Won't Sir' ... GSM puts commanding officer right!

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This is after the arrival of HM Queen Elizabeth at The Scottish Parliament on Edinburgh's Royal Mile in October 2021.

The Guards are being drilled by a commanding officer who was reminded by Tony Gibson, Garrison Sergeant Major for Edinburgh (aka "The GSM") of the sequence of movements!

Nice one Tony!
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As a young and inexperienced officer, I was the 'officer on parade' leading a passing out parade. The inspecting officer, a General, walked towards me to take my salute and I noticed that the top button on his tunic was undone. Without hesitation, I said "you are improperly dressed sir. The top button on your tunic is undone." He immediately corrected his dress and, following the exchange of salutes, inspected the troops. I was sure that I was about to get a blast from my CO and RSM, but, in fact, received a wonderful letter from the General thanking me for my initiative! I still have the letter to this and have been retired a long


"The only reason that soldiers would follow this officer is out of curiosity to see what he'll do next."


Ah, yes - exercise in Germany in the late-80's, freshly minted as an officer:

"What do you recommend, sergeant?"
"I recommend you give an order, sir, so we can be getting on with things."
"Right. <turn to face the troopers> Mount up, lads. We'll be advancing in staggered line towards the crestline and engage the enemy if we see
"Not that order, sir. Try a different one, sir."
"We'll be advancing in column towards the crest where I shall dismount and have a look, and we'll go from there."
"Much better, sir."


I remember being told by the RSM "No sir we are not going to do that" and we didn't 😂🇬🇧


Lt knows he's had it when a Sgt says "A word please Sir".


Being able to inflect the word "Sir" to mean everything from " you're a bloody idiot" to " my God, that plan is genius" is part of the job description.


When I was stationed at Colchester 16AAB (2002-2005) I watched a rugby match between 2 & 3 Para. Also that day it happened to be an RSM last week in the military and was given the grand job of being the sponge and water boy. During the match one of the players got injured right next to where I was standing. Whilst lying on the ground the shout went out for the sponge guy. Next thing I see is the RSM running down the touchline with his bucket and then kneel down next to the injured player. Instead of getting the sponge out, the RSM looks at the player and in a very loud whisper, which only RSM’s can master, said “get up ya c**t”. To which the player jumps up, says “Sir” and then runs back on to the pitch. Those within earshot pissed themselves laughing and the RSM ran back to his waiting area!! Brilliant 😂😂😂


As a young Grenadier, I did a guard of honour for President Mitterrand’s state visit in the early 80’s. In those days the guard would have an early morning rehearsal to make sure everything was in place and nothing was missed. During the rehearsal we were given a shoulder arms order and to my absolute horror my SLR carrying handle got stuck under my greatcoat sleeve and I was out of sync with the rest of the guard. In an instant the late great Alec Dumont who was a legendary GSM shouted in a volcanic voice “young man if you do that this afternoon, I will take that rifle off you and bash it over your head”! A moment of utter embarrassment and shame that I still remember as if it was yesterday. 😊😊


Heard on the first day of officer training at Sandhurst.. RSM to platoon of young officers. "From now on, I will call you sir and you will call me sir. The difference being, YOU WILL MEAN IT"!


You don't mess with the Sergeant Major, don't care who you are. Love the sound of the hobnail boots marching. Looking great boys!!!


It must be incredibly difficult to be a junior officer unless you’ve come up through the ranks you are at the beginning of your military career potentially having to command men with decades of experience I wouldn’t have the confidence.


always consult and listen to your senior NCOs. I was an officer and my brother was an SNCO. I had very productive discussions. We were both successful.


In Saxa Vord we were having a AOC inspection and march past. The officer in charge turned his back to us and after a slight pause whispered ' Are you at shoulder or order arms?' Someone replied back 'Shoulder Arms Sir'. Just as well he asked otherwise he would have given the order 'Shoulder ARMS' and no one would have moved. Dont know if any other officer picked up that we should have been at Order Arms for the inspection. We all kept stum.


Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, because drill is not my specialty, but I’m guessing the formation cannot move without their weapons shouldered, correct? Hence the GSM stepping in?


Classic case of Sir this may be your company, but these are MY soldiers.


That is one of the things your experienced SNCOs are for.
Keeping you right when you are about to make a cockup.
He made GSM for a reason.


Error politely pointed out, error then corrected.

That's good teamwork and why we have the finest soldiers in the world.


Great thanks to Tony Gibson for giving the nice order to the poor Lieutenant.


In one of his war memoirs Spike Milligan gave a description of the level of power of each officer from general downwards (the general is allowed to talk to god, whilst the 2nd Lieutenant is allowed to talk to the trees). The RSM is god.


Had a Major stand in front of a formation of brigade drill sergeants and gave the command: “Ok everyone let’s go this way, follow me march.” No one moved except the silly ass Major who turned and stepped off down the road. When he realized he was alone he yelled back: come on guys, you know what I meant.” SGM took over the formation at this point. Later gave the Major a full-on ass chewing in front of the Bde commander.
