ACNE and the Skin Microbiome: A Holistic Approach to Healing Your Acne from the Inside Out

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Dr. Rajsree Nambudripad, MD is board-certified in Internal Medicine and founder of OC Integrative Medicine in Fullerton, CA. In this video, she explains how Acne is caused by Inflammation🔥 and disruption of the Skin Microbiome, and how this often reflects the Gut Microbiome. She describes the GUT-SKIN Axis. Learn how bacterial imbalances (dysbiosis) of the gut or Leaky Gut, can cause dysbiosis and acne on the skin. She explains the key role of diet in gut health as well as acne. Learn the key food and supplements that are good for your skin and can help prevent acne. She explains how she evaluates patients with acne by doing key blood tests and often a gut microbiome test. She reviews her holistic treatment protocol for acne involving diet, lifestyle, and key supplements.

00:00 Introduction
01:51 Skin Microbiome
04:39 What are the ROOT Causes of Acne?
12:08 Holistic Approach to Treating Acne
15:59 Healing the Gut Microbiome
19:31 Key Supplements for Your Skin
22:04 Lifestyle Tips For Your Skin
26:21 Case Examples
28:53 Summary

➡️Watch Dr. Rajsree's video on Leaky Gut:

➡️ Watch Dr. Rajsree's video on Constipation:

➡️ Watch Dr. Rajsree's video on Keto Diet:

🍓Dr. Rajsree' Triple Berry Smoothie:

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This information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this video and website are for informational and educational purposes only. No material in this video is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or medical supplement approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, and those seeking personal medical advice should consult with a licensed physician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have seen in this video. No physician-patient relationship is created by this video or the information provided. Furthermore, neither Rajsree Nambudripad, MD or any contributor to this video, makes any representations, express or implied, with respect to the information provided herein or to its use.
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I've suffered with this on and off all my life.. since I've been cleaning up from the inside out. Now I noticed a huge difference! Ty 🌹 💐


Thank you Dr rajsree for excellent wisdom absolutely amazing as always love the way you teach and explain everything I appreciate the information thank you!


0:19: 💡 Acne is a common skin problem caused by inflammation and a disrupted skin microbiome.
4:20: 🌱 Acne is caused by inflammation and disruption of the skin microbiome, which can be influenced by the gut microbiome and the standard American diet.
8:37: 🔑 Hormonal shifts, unstable blood sugar, and yeast overgrowth are key factors that can trigger acne.
12:54: 🥗 Increase intake of omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fats, and avoid certain oils and refined sugars for healthier skin.
17:31: 💊 Taking digestive enzymes and L-glutamine can help improve gut health and treat dysbiosis.
21:39: 💆‍♀ Managing stress, taking zinc supplements, and using collagen with hyaluronic acid can help improve skin health.
25:45: 💡 Increasing intake of vitamin C can help address post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation caused by acne.
Recap by Tammy AI


Very very good job and complete presentation. Thank You!!


Thank you so much for sharing this information! Much love from TX


I know it's been a year since you posted this wonderful video, but I'm going to start with this regimen tomorrow. Im61 years old with a terrible breakout of acne and folliculitis on my scalp. Nothing has worked so far, and my doctor wanted to prescribe Accutane, and I said no. I already ordered most of the supplements you're suggesting here. I let you know in a few months. Thanks for this wonderful video.


My word, you are so well spoken! You can run for office. :)
On a more oily skin note: I knew it! Somehow I knew, that washing off the natural oil is bad.
My own observation: while washing my face with tap water my skin got more irritated during the summer. Using filtered water helped to solve this problem.
The same goes for short hair: regularly washing my head with water helped me cure dry skin and even pimples.


This video was supposed to be about acne, but it was about so much more ❤️ it


Thanks very much for the informative video on acne. I have candida overgrowth which is causing acne on my skin and leaving post inflammatory pigmentation. That's the summarised version. so your video really assisted me. I was also wondering if you do consultations for people who reside in the UK?


Very helpful video, thank u so much🌺❤️


Wow doctor this was such an amazing video, very well said. I’ve suffered from facial & chest acne since a teenager up to now which I’m 25 yrs old. It’s definitely genetic bc my siblings also have it. I believe that my acne stems from leaky gut or something related to my stomach. I often suffer from bloading & more. I’ve been doing the elimination diet for around a month now and not much signs of improvement but I have faith that it will get better. Quick question, do you take on patients virtually? Tia.


I’ve recently developed a histamine intolerance and haven’t found out the root cause yet, but I am in the process of testing for SIBO. I am wondering if you know why I have developed a strong aversion to certain smells (the worst being the smell of other people’s breath (even though he/she doesn’t have bad breath). I have also noticed that I find it difficult to break a sweat. Do these symptoms reveal anything to you?
Thank you so much for your videos and advice. I find your style to be such a straightforward and calming presence amongst all the anxiety-provoking information that I have encountered during this uneasy time for me.


Can you do a video on hindronitis supatriva. It’s in inflammatory skin disease it’s a very painful disease and they say there’s no cure. Thank you for all your information.


Thank you dr!If you do the right things with your diet, how long will it take to see some change in your skin?


Thanks for giving us such kind of information. I have seen your all video. I am suffering from SIBO, thyroiditis, fatty liver etc since 15 years but recently I knew that It may be scleroderma.
So if possible plz. make a video about scleroderma.
Which supplements I have to take?
Again thanks and keep it up.


Thank you so much!!!
I’ve been taking l glutamine, probiotic eating prebiotic rich foods including inulin took sacchromyces Boulardi, my skin cleared up so well! However we got back from Cancun 3 weeks ago and I have two huge problems! I developed cystic acne and on my right leg I developed photophytodermatitis! Just one ugly big splotch. Please what could it be how to treat photophytodermatitis though it says it is lime & sunlight derivative I feel it it is from the gut!
How do I fix this?


Hello Dr, I recently started using bi-identical progesterone topical cream, and after the first use I got couple chin acne flare ups... Is this normal side effect to this new change? Thank you!


Good morning doc i am new in ur site and i love it hopefully u can help me about my acne


Ma’am what’s the cause of stubborn fat deposition in upper arm, lower belly and thighs in PCOD patients? And what can be the possible cure for that?
