Did Jesus Die on a Cross or a Stake? Here's the Evidence.

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I've compiled historical evidence to respond to Jehovah's Witness claims that Jesus died on a "torture stake".
We will look at the Greek word "stauros" and it's meaning, ancient images of the cross, historical documentation about the shape of Jesus' cross and give some time to examine how the Watchtower abuses sources to teach false things.
Christianity does not stand or fall on the shape of the cross but it seems to me that the Watchtower does, and in this case, it falls.

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I accidentally confused two language resources. Brown Driver Briggs (abbreviated as BDB) and the work of Bauer, Danker, Arndt, and Gingrich (abbreviated as BDAG). I quoted from BDAG but misremembered the names of the authors as Brown, Driver and Briggs. Sorry about that. Here's the actual quote from BDAG that I couldn't put onscreen.

"a pole to be placed in the ground and used for capital punishment, cross (Diod S 2, 18, 1; Plut. et al.; Epict. 2, 2, 20; Diog. L. 6, 45; ApcEsdr 7:1 p. 32, 8 Tdf.; AscIs 3:18; Philo, In Flacc. 84; Jos., Ant. 11, 261; 266f.; Just.; s. also CSchneider, TW III 414, 4 and JCollins, The Archeology of the Crucifixion, CBQ 1, ’39, 154–59; JBlinzler, Der Prozess Jesu3, ’60, 278–81; EDinkler, Signum Crucis ’67; JFitzmyer, CBQ 40, ’78, 493–513), a stake sunk into the earth in an upright position; a cross-piece was oft. attached to its upper part (Artem. 2, 53), so that it was shaped like a T or thus: †"

Arndt, W., Danker, F. W., & Bauer, W. (2000). A Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament and other early Christian literature (3rd ed., p. 941). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


My coworker is a Jehova’s Witness and told me Jesus died on a stake. My response was, Jesus could have died on a circle but the point is that He died for your sins. Great video pastor. I see your point about discrediting our Bible.


Love how you challenged people to study the Bible and not just rely on what other people say! So good :)


Even if Jesus did die upon a STAKE, it would make no difference in the message that he sent and the love ❤️ that he shared with the world 🌍


At the end of the day, the bible does not say that we are saved based on our beliefs on the shape of the cross. Our salvation rests in the belief and acceptance that Jesus died for us.


From the book "The Elements and Watchtowers", which is Wiccan literature:

"In Witchcraft the magickal circle is divided into four quarters. Each of these quarters correspond to a direction on the compass: East, South, West and North. These quarters are called the 'Watchtowers'".

Now if I was to point out to a JW how the word "watchtower" is used in witchcraft, they would most likely object that they don't attribute Watchtower the same significance.

Well guess what... neither do Christians give the cross of Christ any pagan significance whatsoever. We see it only as a reminder of what Christ has done for us.


We don't "stake" our salvation on the shape of the wood that our Savior died on... However, I'm interested in hearing your conclusion to your research on this subject. I just finished hearing your PREVIOUS message (on the unforgivable sin) and definitely found it informative! So I safely expect that I will LEARN a thing or two on THIS subject, that I've barely researched before. (Leave it to Mike Winger to provide more information on a particular subject, in merely 46 minutes, than I've learned in a lifetime!)


I appreciate all your work. I used to be a Jehovah’s Witness. I woke up to their lies about 2 years ago and have been free from them for the past 9 months. You are spot on about them needing the device to have been a stake. You’re also spot on about it not really mattering to real Christians as it doesn’t matter how he died but THAT he died for us. The sad thing is Watchtower downplays both Jesus’ status and the importance of his sacrifice with their teachings, especially by teaching their followers that salvation is gained by association with their organization. I am thankful that I’ve been able to escape with not only my faith in Christ intact but strengthened. Again thanks for your work (I love your blood video!). God bless you.


"Its a pagan symbol"
Well even if it was. It was Roman and the Romans were pagan.


I was raised a Jehovah witness, but left quite a few years ago. When I went to Athens, I asked 5 random people about the word “stauros”. They all had the same consistent answer. Basically, there was no word for “cross” in the Greek language so they used the word Stauros. This was a “placeholder” at the time; but 2000 years later we wouldn’t know that unless you are very well educated in Classical Greek.


I love how Mike says "I don't know, " when he doesn't know something. That's wonderful.


Love how Mike genuinely want JWs to come to a right understanding of the scriptures and for believer to know why they believe what they believe.


Just so you know. Jehovahs Witnesses consider themselves Christians but to separate from false Christians we call our selves Jehovahs Witnesses


Mike, thank you so much, I studied with the JW's since I was a kid and ended up getting baptized in 2014 to then be out by 2020 at the onset of the pandemic. My story with them is quite complex and sad. I can tell you the Brainwashing is Real. Is July 2023 and I am still struggling with the Deity of Jesus and other teachings that were deeply engrained. I thank you so much for your episode on this topic and for this episode on the Cross. Truth be told I am still struggling with the Deity of Jesus but am very open now to visiting Christian churches with an open mind and confident that my Lord almighty is answering my prayers as is evident in me coming across your videos. Would you mind doing a video on Holiday Celebrations specially Christmas and Halloween? I don't understand why Christian Churches would celebrate these two given their history. I am forever grateful for your content and wish your Church was local to me. By the way, if there is a Church that you might recommend in and/or near Brooksville, Florida I would greatly appreciate it...Forever Grateful Ex-JW....Liz No Nonsense!


There are many things I believe we will ever know or understand but the most important thing is that we understand how much God loves His Creation to have sent us our Saviour! The most precious gift!! Watching from Germany


Mike, I am new to your channel, and your topic caught me as someone who has recently come out of the Watchtower after 40+ years. Your information on the P manuscripts was worth the price of admission. To think that the authors, in the earliest Bible manuscripts, used the cross as shorthand for stuaros is a game changing piece of information. I would hope you would revisit this, as the Watchtower just discussed these P manuscripts in a video this year. I am sure that if the evidence for the cross was pointed out in these manuscripts, they would quickly remove these from the view of their followers.


Honestly, it really doesn't matter how He was executed. The point is in the significance of His execution. If it were done in broad daylight, and in public view, would be more important points of contention (not that it is by any means contentious. We [mostly] agree that it was).
The physical implement of his torture has no bearing on the intensity of His torment. If it were on a stake, or a cross, an iron maiden or a cradle of judas. the point is that His death provided the payment for all sin, that the temple tore in two (gentiles now had access to God) and that Death was overcome. There is now a pathway made for all to salvation.


Jesus overcame the satan, sin and death. His resurrected life in us, empowers us to do the same.


Yep Jesus was crucified upon the Cross because the sign was nailed above his head not his hands


Keep rocking the cat cam idea!! Love it! Also appreciate your time to explain these questions biblically, thoroughly and clearly! God bless your ministry!!
