5 Best Tips for Buying Sunglasses

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Learn my 5 Best Tips for Buying Sunglasses!

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Some of the Sunglasses brands in this video:
- RayBan WayFarer (classic design seen in many famous movies)
- Ray Ban Aviators (one of my personal favorite - it's all about the attitude)

Maui Jim

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Do you know the difference between Polarized vs Non Polarized Sunglasses?

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About This Video:
In this video Joseph J. Allen, O.D from DoctorEyeHealth reviews his best five tips for buying sunglasses in 2018. If you are researching the best sunglasses brand or sunglasses style, then check out this video. These tips cover the key features of sunglasses and showcases some of the best sunglasses brands you can find. Sunglasses can be hard to pick out so I made this educational guide to help you find the best sunglasses for you and your lifestyle. This video showcases Vera Bradley Sunglasses, aviator sunglasses fro RayBan, Tom Ford Sunglasses, and Maui Jim sunglasses. In this video you’ll learn about my best five tips for purchasing sunglasses and some features nobody should overlook!
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1:22 Tip #1 -> 100% UV light protection or around 400 nm or less
2:18 Tip #2 -> tint (color) of sunglasses:
> gray - brings down brightness, keeps color vision intact.
> brown (amber) - improves depth perception (driving, any outdoor activity). Plays with your color perseption if colorblind.
> pink - reduces glare and brightness (snow)
> green - good for outdoor
EXTRA TIP: Look for gradient glasses (dark at the top of the frame, light at the bottom). Helps if you go indoor and outdoor a lot
5:49 Tip #3 -> Polarisation filtre reduces glare.
7:04 Tip #4 -> Style
9:24 Tip #5 -> Quality, well made pair of glasses that lasts and look cool


You Get What You Pay For : No, not with sunglasses necessarily. Ray Ban 10 years ago were cheap to buy. They had lost their pricing power. Then Luxottica bought the brand and simply doubled the price to make them "exclusive". Same product, but now 2-3 times as expensive as the day before Luxottica bought them. So no, sunglasses are a fashion item. Yes, nylon or crown glass will add to cost. But after a certain low minimum ( typically $20), for the vast majority of brands you are paying for the name/brand/fashion cache. You think Gucci design and make their own sunglasses to sell for $800 ? No. All the big fashion brands outsource both the design and manufacture to Luxottica. They give this manufacturer early access to their upcoming collections. Luxottica then make the designs, get approval, and make them all together in the same factory. Same production lines, same process, yet some will cost $150, and some will cost $800. It's all branding. And Luxottica own the biggest lens manufacturer in Europe. And they own big chains for glasses sellers like Sunglasses Hut. They even own heritage brands like Persol. So no, higher price does not equal better quality. Look at Barton Perriera. They have their "Joey" glasses in the new Bond movie. So they've leveraged that to produce 5 new variants, labelled "007", and charge $500 for them. Just simple price gouging of Bond enthusiasts. They are no better quality than a $200 pair.


*I recently discovered your channel; very useful eye care videos.
-Does UV protection eventually go away?(especially for people who don’t/can’t buy the most expensive brands)
-How often should we replace them?
*Thank you!


Don’t mind the trolls doc. You’re awesome. Question: Do transitions protect from UV light?


Ray-Ban and Maui Jim use to be go to brand sunglasses but then I discovered Serengeti. Originally developed by Corning, in 1984 and then acquired by Bushnell. It is now apart of Bollé Brands. I find Serengeti to be optical superior to most other bands.


anyone here because driving when the sun is about to set is nearly impossible.😂 the sun be blinding me.


I had my sunglasses made for my own prescription .. but how do i know if it has UVR protection or not ?


wow...should look for these things the next time will be checking for a new sunglasses.


I have a pair of Maui Jim with glass lenses, the optics on these are great and worth the price. The downside of a glass lens is that they might crack if they hit the ground which mine did, but it still works.


I like Maui Jim Bamboo Forest green tint polarized the most because that blocks out peripheral vision sun.


My grandma was legally blind after cateract surgery in the late 70s, since then I have never gone outside without good sunglasses. I first used RayBan aviators with the brown lens for better contrast when driving, but $120.00 every month or two while I only made $5/hr when they got stolen ended that pretty fast! I was looking for cheap sunglasses that had 100% UVA & UVB when I noticed some wraparound style (like from "Terminator") that were made by the same company that made the sunglasses my grandma was given to wear after her cateract surgery, Solar Comfort, and I have loved them ever since! I used to get them from Walmart but their selection (of Solar Comfort) has diminished by 90% in the last 6 months so now I get them from Walgreens for about $20.00 a pair.


I'm an optician and this guy is phenomenal.


You are one of my favorite YouTube because you are so educational 😊


That grey Ray Ban Aviator looks gorgeous.


I've worn Maui Jims for years. I've gone back and forth between brown and grey lenses. Currently sporting grey with blue mirror finish. I hike and kayak, and have a mild preference for brown, but am agnostic when it comes to decision time. I also get my full progressive bifocal prescription in them, as I sometimes am in a kayak and need to read a map. :)


I used to own Oakley, Ray-Ban and Costa but after losing $300 sunglasses I began looking for equal quality at a lower price and it's not hard to find. Arnett's are also made by luxottica and are equal in every way to the Maui Jim's and Costa. Native and hobie also makes a tremendous lens and has incredible frames. All of these can be had for 80 to $100. Serengeti also makes great lenses in the 150 range


I very much appreciate the summary at the end of your videos. I also enjoy and learn a lot from your videos.


I mainly use grey (almost black) and green tints. Grey/black for regular wearing and green for driving. Grey ones are aviator style and green ones are way farer style


Just got a pair of brown polarized HD lenses- and wow I am so impressed by my vision quality!


8:36 exactly happened to me with oakley square wire. I returned it but I was wondering what was happening. Thanks
