Where Did the Papacy Come From?

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The pope might be the most recognizable symbol of the Catholic Church, and his significance has actually grown over time. Where did the idea of the pope come from, and how did it develop over time?




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I feel sad because I didn't know who Jesus was. Now that I'm older, I'm searching diligently to understand his teaching... feel honored to travel down this road..


If we think about our Catholic Church, I hope the First one that Comes from our mind is Jesus our savior.


Of course, Father, we Orthodox see things differently. May the Holy Spirit bring us together one day 🙏🙏 🙏


Thank you for your honest, historical teachings. As a Greek Orthodox, we hold that the early church place for the Bishop of Rome is one of honor and First Among Equals. The block to ending the schism involves the current status of the Bishop of Rome and infallibility.


Hello brother, i'm a mexican dominican friar, thanks for the video, God bless you


As an Orthodox Christian it is heartening to see those in Roman Catholicism begin to drift toward the Orthodox position in terms of ecclesiology.


Yeah, and here's the problem. The patriatch of Constantinopole wanted to be regarded as the 'second, right after the Pope', later the Pope wanted more power... And due to this greed from both sides the Church divided. In fact, there was no problem as long as all bishops were treated equal, just with having one that was 'first among the equal'. Saint Peter was one of the Apostoles, yet he never claimed to be better than the others. He didn't appoint them, it was Jesus who did. And now we land in the modern times, with both the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church having a problem with this authority. In our western Church we have one Pope, so bishops can have a bit more power, but they are still appointed. In the eastern Orthodox Church there are autocephalous patriarchs and the bishops can't even consecrate the oils... I mean come on, the Orthodoxes claimed to defend their independence and the rule that the Pope is first among the equal... What we all forget about is that the Pope, the patriarchs, the bishops, all of them have received the same sacrament, the same orders. None of them received any higher ones than the others. And I know, there is a risk of heresy if we don't control everyone, but there is a pretty simple way to resolve it. If all bishops felt equal, then eastern and western bishops wouldn't have any problem with assembling on a Council together. And the Council could actually decide what's right and what's wrong.
And from a practical point of view. The archbishop of my diocese originally worked in a diocese a few hundred of kilometers south to me. Then he was a bishop of the diocese a few hundred kilometers north to my diocese. So basically the Pope can appoint someone we have never heard about. Wish we could still participate in the decisions in a normal way...


As a United Methodist minister, you filled some gaps in my understanding. Thanks for the videos


Don't get too caught up with the papacy, God is very much the head of catholicism and he is so great, and mighty, and powerful.


That was the best explanation that I have ever heard to explain the papacy. As a historian as well as a former Catholic, or fallen as my father puts it, I have never been able to reconcile the Pope with scripture even with the verse about Peter that you mentioned. You have done what the Jesuit Professors we’re unable to do, give me a good historical and biblical convergence. Thank you Father for these videos. You are helping to draw me closer to going back to the church than I have been in the past 35 years.


I'm an inquirer into both the western Catholic Church and the eastern Orthodox Church. I do admit, I'm kind of at a crossroads; I can't quite decide which path to take. But this video is very helpful in understanding the role of the papacy, which is perhaps the biggest obstacle standing in my way.


Do not trust in princes, Or in mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.


The verse in Matthew quoted at the beginning shows Jesus saying of Himself, that He's the Rock. Not Peter. In the Greek text, ROCK in the verse refers translates to PETRA, whereas Peter's name is translated petros. PETRA is bigger than petros.


Better question is why is the papacy so corrupt


*Fabricated list of popes*
Exodus From Rome Volume 1: A Biblical and Historical Critique of Roman Catholicism
*Mercati’s research confirmed just how inaccurate it was. His results were the following:
- Six Popes had to be dropped: one (Donus II) never existed;
- two (the supposed third and fifth Popes Cletus and Anacletus) were the same man.
- But three new Popes had been found: Boniface VI (for a few days in 896), and possibly, Discorus (for 22 days in 530) and Leo VIII (from 963 to 965).
- In the case of no fewer than 74 Popes, changes had to be made in such matters as their names and dates.
- Thirty-seven antiPopes are listed, the first of whom—Hippolytus of the 3rd century—is still considered a saint. From four legitimate pontiffs the designation of sainthood was removed.
- Because of sketchy records and the questionable validity of some papal elections, Pius XII will probably never know whether he is the 256th successor to St. Peter or the 260th—or someone in between.*

*90It is clear that the Vatican, over the course of centuries, has produced fabricated lists of Popes to support their illegitimate claim for an unbroken chain of papal successors from Peter to the current Pope, but in so doing have admittedly altered, removed, added, and in some cases, invented Popes to give this appearance of uninterrupted historical continuity.*

*The Vatican has not produced such a list that has stood the test of time and therefore the claims of apostolic succession it makes for the papacy are historically invalidated, fraudulent, and partially fictional. Not only is this proven from the “historical” list that has repeatedly been amended and altered, but the method and manner by which some of these Popes were actually selected only reinforces the obvious truth that the Roman Catholic teaching of apostolic succession is quite simply bogus.*

*In the tenth century, Rome and the papacy had become so corrupted and rife with sexual immorality that this period of papal history has been graphically labeled by the Roman Catholic Cardinal Cesare Baronius as “the Papal Pornocracy.”*

*91 During that horrendous period, several Popes were actually elected by mistresses, prostitutes, and paramours of the Popes themselves! The most notorious was the whorish mother-daughter combination of Theodora and Marozia who were mistresses to the Popes. These two women alone were directly responsible for creating and appointing nine Popes (not counting anti-pope Christopher) covering a span of thirty-five years!*

*92 Indeed, Pope John XI (931-935) was the illegitimate son of Marozia and Pope Sergius III (904-911)!*

To believe that during this particular era that nine of Christ’s so-called appointed Vicars, Holy Fathers, and alleged direct successors of the Apostle Peter were legitimately chosen by adulterers and fornicators, who are excluded from the kingdom of God (see 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and Ephesians 5:5), is blasphemous to the highest degree. And these very same nine “Popes” elected by the nefarious duo of Theodora and Marozia still remain on the Vatican’s official list of legitimate Popes today! These Popes cannot possibly be genuine successors on this basis alone—there is certainly no biblical warrant here, and duly constituted authorities ordained by the Word of God did not elect them either.Another glaring hole in the chain of Rome’s apostolic succession occurred with the Great Western Schism (1378-1417) when there were three Popes at one time vying for the Chair of Saint Peter. The problem began when the Catholic Cardinals elected Pope Urban VI (1378-1389). Urban ruled with a heavy hand. His constant violent outbursts peppered with degrading insults of the Roman Curia quickly convinced the same body of Cardinals, who had elected him, to quickly depose him and elect Clement


Wherever the bishop appears, there let the people be; as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church.
-St Ignatius of Antioch (c.37-107)
Love this catholic quote a lot 🔥


"any hope of reunification one day...will require understanding and some tremendous work of the Holy Spirit". The unity of the Church is much on my mind lately. I'm Church of England myself and greatly appreciate your efforts towards increasing understanding between branches of the church. Let us pray for ongoing work by the Holy Spirit towards unity. Let us start with love of Christ, love for each other, and understanding, and grow from there


The Pope appoints bishops, archbishops, and cardinals, and he can discipline those who stray from church teaching. Even back in the day, the Pope didn't micromanage dioceses. Moreover when the bishops want to introduce new translations of the missal, they ultimately have to be approved by Rome. This presentation was overly simplistic as to the relationship between the pope and bishops even in today's post Vatican II world. For those who have little or no understand of these matters, this presentation is misleading.


The Roman Catholic Church
1. The Church is one.
2. The Church is Visible
3. The Church is Forever
4. The Church is Truth
5. The Church is messy.
6. The Church is a Kingdom
7. The Church is teacher
8. The Church is mystery
9. The Church is hierarchal
10. The Church is Holy
11. The Church is Apostolic
12. The Church is sacramental
13. The Church is Catholic
14. The Church is dynastic
15. The Church is mother
16. The Church is real.
17. The Church is authoritative
18. The Church is the bride of Christ.
19 The Church is the mystical body of Christ.
20. The Church is unchangeable


This is one of the worst parts of the RCC, the fact that they think they need a Pope. The Lord Jesus Christ is the mediator, and one does NOT need another mediator to meet with Him.
