Chat About Extreme Hunger, Overeating, Bingeing in Recovery

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I saw many questions on Tumblr about extreme hunger, bingeing, overeating in recovery and want to give my thoughts on this.

I am here to share my experience and what I learned after having bulimia and orthorexia and finally being able to fully recover. I share my knowledge, stories and offer support and encouragement to you if you need it. I am not a trained eating disorder recovery, mental health or medical professional. So please know that I do not have all the right answers and you are responsible for your own health at all times. Thank you for watching my videos and I hope they help you in some way :) Please subscribe to my channel if you do not want to miss any future videos!

Amazon links to my book:
(If you can't find it on these links then simply type in the book name into your country Amazon search box - BrainwashED: Diet-Induced Eating Disorders. How You Got Sucked In and How To Recover)

DISCLAIMER: The information in this video or in my other videos is based on my own experience. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice of trained medical or mental health professionals. The viewer should regularly consult a physician, therapist or counsellor in matters relating to his/her physical or mental health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. In the event you use any of the information in this video or other videos on this channel, the creator assumes no responsibility for your actions.
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i eat even thoughi am not hungry :/ all the time constantly


I’m currently recovering from bulimia and I binge and overeat a lot and I always feel like I lack control. Thank you for this video. Whenever I ate too much, my mom always called me greedy :( but really my body is just malnourished.


I have the problem of eating most of my calories during the night. Like I think I'm healing from my negative mindset around food, but I'm scared to eating in front of other people. I might appear calm like I'm not binging but eating at night alone is reflective that I am still not comfortable eating. Definitely going to try eating more during the day.


I think the mindset around the exercise is probably the most important part for it.

I'm lifting weights during my recovery and doing walking. But my goal of this exercise is NOT to burn calories at all. I've completely accepted the fact that I will gain fat and don't even think about how my exercise will burn calories. I lift weights because I like feeling strong and it gives me energy, I walk because I'm training for a race and it's meditative for me. These goals give me something to build my self-esteem around besides my ability to control my eating and look "attractive" in the mirror. And help me love other things about my body besides its ability to look "lean".

I think that as long as you eat however much you want, your body will probably compensate for the caloric burn of exercise by giving you more hunger cues.

But if you're even partially doing exercise because you want to burn calories, I agree that you should cut it out completely.

What do you think about this?

Edit: Decided to stop training for the race, because I was tempted to deprive myself of the food I wanted to keep my performance high during my training.


Thank you for being so positive and accepting.So helpful for me in recovery... When I want to give up I watch your videos. You are truly a light and an inspiration❤


yes yes yes love your point about being mentally free from exercise so important!


thanks for this and all your other informative videos. really helped!


I love all your videos! So eductional.


You look so pretty in this video.
Good topic!


how do uou know when extreme hunger turns into bingeing?


so does this means that my middle of the night eating at 3:30 am till 4am after sleeping for 2 hours is normal? and i can eat breakfast again at 9am that day?


I use exercise as my stress reliever for the day. I am getting over bulimia, which I’ve had off and on for 16 years. Do you think I still need to stop exercising?? I have four children, am in nursing school and am age 41 and need something to get out negative energy everyday!


I still don t understand the difference between bingeing and extreme hunger, in terms of volume.


So if you don't exercise in recovery your weight can be maintained without it once you have gone through recovery? :) Thank you for the video.


I've had severe weight gain and stretch marks 3 months into recovery 😕


im recovering from anorexia nervosa but i binge at least once a day mainly on bread i have really strong cravings and i am so scared that its not going to stop i eat so much and i am scared im going to develop binge eating disorder i dont know what to do should i let the binges happen or should i try and stop myself


Can you explain to me, cause I m really worried that during recovery eating vegan food (lots of carbs: banana rice easy to degistive ect because i have problems with my stomach to eat for example legumes) will build mostly fatty tissue instead of muscles ;( please can you answer. thank you for any help. i love your videos xx


Today I ate around 4000 calories.. I am so scared about gaining weight.. I am at "healthy weight", I don't have period again (because of relapse...) but I wanted to increase slowly.. But today EH was stronger than ever... I am scared of my thoughts tomorrow.. I want to recover but I am afraid that tomorrow (and few next days) I will restrict because of it and want to compansate.. :((((


Can you have extreme hunger even though you are not underweight ?I have been restricting for about a year now but never got underweight(lost about 7 kg) I'm trying to follow the Minnie maud guidelines, and according to them I need around 3000 calories (I'm 14 years old) but I'm scared to follow my extreme hunger and eat above 2000 calories because I fear I'll just get obese :-( And I also haven't had my period in 8 months.I have read that these guidelines also applied for normal weight people but I guess I just really need a reassurance another question, what are the consequences of having an eating disorder in your teens (growth and development) ? I'm so sorry for the long text


Did you gain weight from the extreme hunger? Did the extreme hunger at night end when you ate unrestricted during day?
