Extreme Hunger During Recovery- DEALING WITH HUNGER

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In this video, I talk about extreme hunger during recovery and how to deal with hunger all the time.

If you're struggling with hunger all the time, and you're dealing with hunger pangs during your recovery, this is a good video to watch.

I'll talk about binge eating vs. extreme hunger and binge eating during recovery and how to avoid it. It also applies if you're dealing with extreme hunger during in recovery.

Let me know what you think,



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Who are you talking to in this video? Are you talking to people who meet the strict criteria of BED or are you talking to people who restrict and then binge? These two types of people are not the same, and it is irresponsible to put them in the same category.

I haven't done research on people with BED, but I have done extensive research on people who have restrictive eating disorders. Studies done by Marzola and Mayer along with many others including the Minnesota Starvation Study have shown time after time that periods of overfeeding are required to follow after restriction. Then studies done by Zamboni, Mayer, and Berner (among others including my own experience with extreme hunger) then show how the body redistributes and uses the extra calories. Extensive studies done by Walter Kaye and Samantha Brooks among others show physical and chemical differences between people's brains with restrictive eating disorder and those without restrictive disorders. Yet, you say "something tells me" you don't need to eat that much? What tells you? The wind? The universe? Your mother?

You also cite that we should feel hungry and ignore a natural tendency to eat because "life is uncomfortable?" Where does that end? Should I hold in my urine because I already peed? Should I avoid sleep even though I'm tired? Should I repress my heartbeat from elevating while I'm exercising because my working muscles already have some oxygen? The body tells people they are hungry for a reason. In people with restrictive eating disorders, those reasons could be repairing bone, muscles, and integument along with repairing unfortunate problems with hormones. It takes ALOT of calories to repair that, and those repairs are not able to be calculated on an online calculator.
You say we are "designed to be hungry." Well, yeah. WHY? Because it tells us when to eat!! For survival! When those people who were in a famine found food all those years ago you think they eat reasonable portions? Two bananas? HELL NO. They feasted! They were in a period of famine and then they feasted. What you might term a binge.

The body is designed to keep us alive--to meet our needs. Extreme hunger is part of that. Nobody wants to eat 10, 000 calories on a given day--to eat past the point of fullness. I didn't. My body led me to until I didn't need to anymore. Now, you couldn't pay me to eat as I did in extreme hunger. I'm guessing and hoping you are not posting this video to talk to people who have come from a past of restriction, but if you are going to talk about extreme hunger (an event that comes commonly after restriction) you should be careful with what you are saying.


First of all: thank you so much for doing these videos. They help me a lot.

I‘m almost there at breaking the cycle but when I don’t binge for a couple of days I feel depressed, like something is missing. It’s not like I don’t want to or that I am not capable of it. The main issue is that I don’t know yet how to cope with certain emotions without binging


messed up leptin and ghrelin levels can be a very common result of massive restrictions. I also disagree of the effect of cutting down on fats and favoring high volume food as it often is an issue for people with EDs that they lack fat for the production of satiety hormones. Extreme hunger doesn’t equal binging. It means that you’re still hungry after a normal sized meal or an hour after it. It doesn’t mean losing control and stuffing down all sort of junk. I think it’s very important to follow it as a restriction towards it feels like a mental restriction with is an ultimate set up for binging. As the body is able to balance itself out again, extrem restriction always!! gets less and less. But not following it in the first place could keep people in a binge cycle in my opinion :)


Kevin, what are your thoughts on whole food plant based high volume diets, ie Starch Solution or Eat to Live. It seems that many people who gravitate to these diets have eating disorder histories and have just found a way to still eat massive amounts of food without gaining weight by cutting out yet another food group (fat). Not knocking veganism, by the way. A healthy balanced vegan diet is great. I am specifically addressing the highly restrictive versions of the diet.
