David Butler & Mike Day | The Ancient Temple and The Sermon on the Mount PART I

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In this episode of the "Ask the Experts Interview Series" the Paul brothers have a discussion with David Butler and Mike Day about the extensive research and study Dave has done to find the plain and precious truths in the scripture to understand the “mysteries” of God.

D. John Butler (Dave) is a lifelong member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His training is in law, and he also writes fiction. He has written two books on his finds in the scriptures entitled “Plain and Precious Things” and “The Goodness and The Mysteries”.

The Stick of Joseph YouTube channel seeks to make the Book of Mormon accessible to all ages by making engaging, entertaining and informative content.

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I just finished reading David's Book on Plain and Precious Things. As a Jew and a Believer in the Book of Mormon I can only say he has done an amazing job. Definitely worth the read!


I was glad to come across this in preparation for my temple prep class on the plan of salvation this Sunday. Last night I was reading Alma 11 and came across “mysteries of God” and went and the entire chapter came together in a whole new light.


David Butler's books need more exposure. They radically changed the way I read scripture. They are a must-read for anybody who reads the Book of Mormon.


The best move you could have made. David Butler & Mike Day are Legendary instructors of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have Dave John Butler's book Plain And Precious Things and The Goodness and the Mysteries The books came out before he started writing novels. A must-have for those who desire to dive deeper into the gospel and find Jesus Christ. As far as Mike Day host of "Talking Scripture", this channel is hands down the best YouTube Come Follow from the past, hence (Legendary). I was introduced to Mr. Butler through a Talking Scripture episode EP | 73 if you want more watch it as well. One last plug for The Stick of Joseph I am excited to take this journey of the Book of Mormon with all of you. Hang on!


Mike Day is the seminary teacher I never had! I so appreciate these episodes and Talking Scripture and Unshaken and Follow Him. Scripture study and institute classes in my pocket while I do chores and run errands in between wrangling kiddos! Now if only there were audio formats for the suggested books….. that’s like the only way I can actually “read” and finish books (that aren’t 90% pictures) these days 😂


This is amazing! Great content! I watched again to make notes as I’ve been trying to understand the temple more. It’s very interesting to me that when you are an endowed member the scriptures open up to you in a way that no others can see! It’s like a secret code maybe? The endowment is all over the scriptures! It’s amazing! Really a miracle to me. When you have that knowledge, personal revelation opens up in your mind to find further meaning and it swells inside. It’s amazing. What a blessing! Thank you for this content. Learning about the temple in a deeper way is so fascinating. Personal revelation and the mysteries of God are revealed through this important ordinance.


I’m 16 years older than Dave? I am going to celebrate by buying his fantasy book!


I love Dave. My old missionary buddy in Genova when he was studying Hebrew. His fiction is fun... loved Witchy Eye. I remember the first time I met him playing basketball at the MTC. It has been fun to watch his walk in life and literature. Thank you for this gift!


I was in Dave's ward for a few years. He would teach sometimes. They were the best Elders quorum lessons I've ever been in.❤ I miss being in his ward.


Wow you 4 had great synergy with the Spirit connecting dots. I can't get enough of Talking Scripture and you guys and now to have you all together with such a wonderful guest was amazing.


The discussion on Matthew 5:48 was so insightful....'be ye therefore perfect'... which was translated from the Greek as a command. Dave says the underlying Greek was a future statement of 'you will be perfect'. I've never heard this before. How many of us struggle with the thought of never being good enough for the church. Learning about the translation of this single verse helps me feel better, that I'm doing alright! Just stay on the straight and narrow and we'll get there.


Ahhh! I feel like I’ve been waiting for more Mike Day + David Butler episodes forever!!! Thank you for having them both! 🙏🏼 So stoked for this series!!! 👏🏼😃👏🏼


Good video.
Once the student is ready, the master will appear. The secret is realizing, the master was there all along.


Long story short:

In the 1980s, the University of Utah hired two Coptic Egyptian Linguistic Professors to translate some texts from English into Arabic. The LDS Church learned of the professors' presence in Salt Lake City and asked them to proof-read the recently translated Arabic Book of First Nephi.

Previously, the Church hired a bilingual American to perform the Arabic Book of First Nephi translation and wanted a native speaker to proof-read for accuracy and grammar. The professors both refused. Eventually, the Church persuaded one professor to perform the proof-read.

Long story short continues:

Upon completion of the proof-read, the professor told the Church NOT to publish this transcript, because it used extremely juvenile Arabic. "Publishing this transcript which is so simplistic and mediocre will embarrass the Church", he said. So, the Church asked him to translate the entire Book of Mormon. He refused. Eventually the Church persuaded him to perform the entire translation.

Some months following the completed Arabic translation, that Egyptian Linguistics Professor spoke at a seminar in Salt Lake City. My father attended that seminar. One attendee asked the professor to comment on his general impressions of the Book of Mormon. The professor replied, "I do not know who wrote the Book of Mormon, but I do know that it was not written by a 19th century, 24 year old, English speaking American".


When you were talking about the peaceable things this scripture came to mind.

Moses 6:61
Therefore it is given to abide in you; the record of heaven; the Comforter; the peaceable things of immortal glory; the truth of all things; that which quickeneth all things, which maketh alive all things; that which knoweth all things, and hath all power according to wisdom, mercy, truth, justice, and judgment.


This discussion really reminded me of how David Alexander talks about Temple Ordinances as a Bible knower before even participating in modern temple ordinances beyond vicarious baptisms. So cool.


I loved when you had Mike Day on last time. Can't wait to listen to this one.


So stoked to see both David and Mike on! Awesome job, my brothers


Holy cow, that went quick! So much good stuff, please share more! I’d love to hear more from both David and Mike.


Love these videos that focus on the spiritual messages in the Book of Mormon. This is what the book was written for. The geography ones are interesting, but that is not the focus of the book. It is to bring us to Jesus and follow him to God.
