Part II David Butler & Mike Day | The Ancient Temple and The Sermon on the Mount

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In this episode of the "Ask the Experts Interview Series" the Paul brothers have a discussion with David Butler and Mike Day about the extensive research and study Dave has done to find the plain and precious truths in the scripture to understand the “mysteries” of God.

D. John Butler (Dave) is a lifelong member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His training is in law, and he also writes fiction. He has written two books on his finds in the scriptures entitled “Plain and Precious Things” and “The Goodness and The Mysteries”.

The Stick of Joseph YouTube channel seeks to make the Book of Mormon accessible to all ages by making engaging, entertaining and informative content.

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Last night, I took five pages of notes and when part one ended, I literally went, hahaha!!!! This has been a FEAST!!!! I haven't even started part two, and I am already freaking out with excitement....LOL


I'm thinking about going back to church


I think David Butler should definitely go thru the entire Book of Mormon with you. ❤


While working in my gun room, I listened to both episodes, back to back, 4 times ... on 4 different days. After 10 listens, I might absord 50%. Thanks guys. Nice fire hose.


🤯 I couldn’t watch both episodes in one sitting. I had my scriptures out, taking notes, pausing, rewinding, re-listening to parts over and over, and I just feasted, hard core! I’m just 3 weeks away from being able to attend the temple again, after a MIGHTY fall from the church in 2018. I’ve been trying to prepare myself in the BEST way possible to once again receive the blessings of the sacrament, Priesthood, and Temple once again, over the past 18 months since my faith has been rekindled. After discovering Mike Day in your previous episodes, I’ve listened to all of the (Mike and Bryce) Talking Scripture episodes from the BOM in 2020, D&C 2021, and I’m in Joshua of the 2022 series, and I just can’t get enough of the WORD. I’m so grateful to be able to catch up all of the come follow me that I missed in my APOSTASY, and for discovering your channel, of which I never miss an episode! You guys rock, keep it up! Thanks!


I just drank from a fire hose streaming with great insights and wisdom. A must-watch, please give me more!


This will forever change the way I see the BOM. Amazing stuff.


Hey guys, I’m one of the few who hung on through the entire thing and just want to say thank you for sharing. My love of the Savior pushes me to learn everything I can that will help me complete my journey back to the tree. I can’t tell you enough how much I’ve enjoyed each podcast for The Stick of Joseph (even signed up to contribute at the Lehi level), but also I’m a huge fan of Mike’s stuff! I’ve learned so much from listening to Mike and Bryce over the years. I heard Mike talk about Dave some time ago and now I’ve read both of his books. To have all 4 of you in one room together was epic! Thank you!


Ya'll better hurry up lol i enjoy these too much. Thank you Paul brothers for recording this and sharing it with all of us, and thank you David Butler and Mike Day for just being Awesome. I appreciate all the additional light and knowledge my brothers in Christ!!


My mind is blown after watching these two episodes. I will never read these scriptures the same way ever again! Great episodes!


I simply love your podcast! Stay strong 💪and safe guy's . God bless you brother and God bless Israel


My heart is just burning with excitement and wonder. This makes total sense to me. Why wouldn’t Jesus want to bring all His followers to the highest and holiest way to live in this life? The child birth / straight and narrow way brought me to tears. We are the portals for God and co-creators with Him. The ultimate thing we can do as a woman. Love all of this times a million!!!!


I was one of the 5 people who stayed to listen to the end of the 2 videos in one sitting


How about once a week with David Butler?


Glad to be one of the 4 people that stuck around! 🙌 Great stuff, guys! Thank you!


The temple ceremony did used to be one very long ceremony. It has only been broken up for convenience. Major insights can be made when you string them all together. It is an enlightening experience to do them back to back.


Thank you so much for leading us through this entire process of scripture. I didn't watch when it came out, but around a year later I sincerely enjoyed coming along on this journey of discovery with you.❤


Awesome. I've been developing my faith after 20 years being inactive. I was never ordained an elder because I quit going at 17. I now strive for my temple ordinances and my priesthood. This is making it much more necessary. I've been trying to consume my scriptures. Now I know why I am not getting much more out of them by rereading. Thanks guys. I will become a patreon patron.


🔥 I’m glad other people are seeing this. The whole point of the temple initiatory is to be prepared to serve in the temple. The first time you go to the temple you go for yourself then every time after you go for the dead, more importantly for your own family so they can partake of the tree of life, symbolically of course.


Wow. Wow wow wow wow. So much goodness here. I love seeing the dots connected for the revealed truths the Lord has given us.
