Fallout New Vegas - Secret Mr. House and NCR Alliance Ending (deepfake)

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Mr. House: I've upgraded my on-screen avatar capabilities to show emotions. What do you think?
Courier: [Speech 75] *Silently raises thumbs up*


I mean, that is an actual ending in-game. If you talk General Oliver down via Barter, NCR is promised cosetions as part of their withdrawal from the Mojave and then House allows them a free hand in conquering the weakened Legion territory by guarding NCR military supplies through the Mojave to the east side of Hoover Dam.


I don’t know why but their facial expressions make this the most hype duet ever performed.


Can confirm that this is 100% legit and is a secret ending for NV.


Mr.house after kicking general oliver and general oliver when he is surrounded by securitrons


I wish that the facial animations were this good in vanilla Fallout NV. Also, I’m assuming that Mr H. is singing to Jane. General Oliver looks like he needs to cut back on the jet use.


Now this is just brilliant, can't believe it has been unnoticed!


An NCR-House alliance would be the best thing that could happen. The NCR has a lot of stuff that the other factions can't provide, such as healthcare, education, and a decent industrial base, and Mr. House's technology would really help improve its ability to deliver these things.


Is it just me, or did Mr houses face fit the song perfectly?


7 year old me in my head on a car ride with the radio on after a long gaming session.


I never knew I needed this until I saw it


Alright, it's time to break this down logically. The NCR is a top to bottom democracy, or the closest thing we find to it in any wasteland. Laws, civility, a military and a society built around loyalty to ideals of freedom and common good. It has industrial facilities because we know for a fact trooper armor, ranger patrol armor and Service rifles, as well as other NCarmy gear, are all 'standard issue'. Standard issue denotes that all the weapons of this sort within an armed forces are exactly the same. This means things like interchangeable parts, which of course means the NCR has heavy industry at it's disposal, and while certain things like the less numerous weapons in the Republic's arsenal could be from pre-war weapons caches, those handy with weapons may notice the service rifle is a unique design. It borrows elements from real-world weapons like the AR-15 and the FN-FAL but is unique in exactly how the elements are put together, making it a home-grown design, suggesting R&D divisions the NCR has developed outside the mainly civilian-minded agricultural research divisions. Light manufacturing is also heavily implied, as anywhere from small workshops with no heavy machinery to large workshops outfitted with industrial strength sewing machines could feasibly make the flak vests and body armor of the NCR troopers, though how numerous they are of course suggests large-scale light manufacturing capabilities. Loading screen tips of course tell us that Ranger Riot armor is made out of the desert Ranger trench coat and Ranger patrol armor, specifically in workshops within the NCR, denoting industrial capabilities at all levels within the NCR. Beyond industry, the NCR has construction resources well in hand as well through quarries and other such operations run on pre-war machinery and processed by hand to be made into useful materials. Agriculture is fairly simple, the NCR clearly has thousands upoun thousands of farmers and a regional economy practically built on farming, as there are enough farmers that by 2281 a good ammount of farmers have migrated towards Vegas in locations such as the NCR Sharecropper farms and the outlying homes and farmsteads outside Vegas, most of which have crops planted outside. We have less tangible evidence for but a lot more charachters ingame to vouch for a thriving livestock industry, a key component of agriculture and the aforementioned set of scientists to look for ways to expand agriculture across the region. So, Society, Industry, Agriculture, the NCR also has logistics suppourt. Mind you, logistics are not great going into the Mojave wasteland, but elsewhere we have ample reason to believe things are quite good on the transportation front. Logistics infastructure comes in two flavors for the NCR. Light and heavy. Light is of course the caravans which are able to provide limited logistics capability within a reasonable area but are not great over long distances. Caravans are what the Republic is limited to in the Mojave, but the convicts at the NCRCF had been pulled from all areas of the NCR to repair rail lines in the Mojave so the NCR could establish heavy logistics in the area. Trains, able to traverse great distances easily but not able to reach smaller areas and thus reliant on caravans for the last leg of any journey. If the NCR win at Hoover Dam they go back to solidifying their hold on the area, improving their logistics and building rail lines. Because of all this, Society, Industry, Agriculture and Logistics, we can tell the NCR is the most stable force around by quite a bit, the two runners up, Legion and Brotherhood both missing part or all of these things the NCR has.

The Legion lacks heavy industry, and all their manufacturing is done in workshops, meaning they can never outproduce their opponents, and while they have the most stable light logistics out of any faction they have no heavy logistics caoability whatsoever.

The Brotherhood in turn lacks nearly all industry, except for incredibly small-scale workshops and possible ammunition manufacturing. They lack agriculture entirely, and it is frankly a mystery how the Brotherhood sustains itself in this way, because it has no logistics capability either in it's current form.

After all this talk of Society, Industry, Agriculture and Logistics you're probably sick of abstract factors which can handily be used to deliniate different factions in Fallout, but I have one more to go. Technology. All the factions have different levels of technology, the NCR maintaining good technology to go with their good standing in all other aspects, the Legion maintaining little to no technology while the Brotherhood sacrifice everything on the altar of very good technology. However, House has something the other factions do not. He has high technology, pre-war weapons fresh out of the box after two centuries, placing them on a pedastal even higher than the Brotherhood by default, but the old man has still one more ace up his sleeve. He has the ability to make things. Other than House, all blueprints for high technology have been lost, which makes House a goldmine to side with if proper production of high technology assets could be established.

This is what makes the NCR and House together the most logical choice. The NCR is stable. Maybe not stable in the grand scheme of things but stable for the Mojave because it has the best of all categories. The NCR has production of heavy mechanical components underway, as they had to build their own coal trains to run rail lines, we know for a fact, which means they have the potential to go even bigger than that. What is House besides a man who decided to go even bigger? This is a savant with the know-how to run 'A vast economic empire'. With the resources of the NCR behind him, House could re-establish high technology. His plans in-game call for Vegas and Vegas alone, but if he dared to dream bigger than his own projections, House would realize the NCR has the reach and the leverage to make his dreams of rebuilding the world a reality while he is the one with the knowledge. With their help, House achives his visions. With his help, the NCR becomes even more technologically advanced than the Brotherhood in time and an unstoppable juggernaut. Truly a match made in heaven.


This is beyond a work of art, pope fiction could never


If there wasn't that (deepfake) note, i would've never guessed that is one


Beautiful. Should be something like a dream in an episode of a non-Bethesda New Vegas tv-show.


remember when AI was just goofy shit like this


This is the most beautiful video i've evr seen


This is a good deepfake. Oliver looks more realistic than real people


I wish I could do this the other way around, siding with the NCR. Such as using Big MT technology to put house's brain in a jar. Still getting his technical help to deal with the Tunnelers, but the Courier runs the Mojave, and integrates it into NCR, in exchange for representation in congress.


More desperate than Brotherhood-Legion alliance.
