Does Jude hold a 2-phase return?

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In this video, we continue the rapture series looking for return language and if any of the NT authors described a 2-phase return of Christ.

0:00 Recap of Parts 1-12
1:17 2-Phase Return Views
2:05 Jude 4
3:56 Jude 5
4:37 Jude 6
5:40 Jude 12
6:34 Jude 14-15
9:58 Jude 17-19
11:58 Jude 20-25
18:22 Outro

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Love this series. My favorite was your Daniel series I love how you broke down the 70 week prophecy with the 6 decrees being climatic in the 70th week. Nonetheless, this might be just as good or better. I love eschatology.


Happy New Year! Glad you are making videos again, your approach is greatly needed to studying, as most don’t proper divide the scriptures. Just a few points I would ask you to consider.

First, while the New Testament does seem to talk about two ages, that is because they were writing in one age while being on the precipice of the next age. There are other points they write about the 3 Ages. There have been Three Full Ages, and a Fourth Age which shall be different than the other three is currently about to begin. The ages must be understood to rightly divide scripture and to Understand the book of Revelation.

Second, John writes in Revelation a separation of the Rapture event and the Return event. This is not the typical argument of Rapture Chapter 4 and Return Chapter 19, but instead the rapture and return is separated by a very brief act, making the two nearly at the same time. Rapture is mentioned in Chapter 16 and 18, Return is in Chapter 16 and 19.


Coincidentally, this morning I heard an exposition on 2 Thess 2 that is a contrary viewpoint. This person quoted 2 Thess 2:3,

"for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first ..."

The Greek word for falling away means departure, which indicates the believers departing first from the earth before the Antichrist is revealed.

I find this viewpoint a possibility, but I don't think it's compelling. If it were compelling, it seems like it would be buttressed in other NT passages. As it is, this take on 2 Thess 2:3 stands alone.


since Jesus return is 2-phrased, does this mean God's wrath is also 2-phrased: once on the Cross, again on Jerusalem and still to come on the Great Day. are we confusing between Christ's bi-phrase returns with God's wrath which is tri-phrased?


Jesus' return isn't in 2 phases. The rapture is not a return of Jesus. Over and over Jesus says it will be a complete surprise. That is impossible except in a pre-trib rapture.


Good commentary brother, I do have an issue and an interesting question;
If Enoch was not inspired writing then what business does Enoch have prophesying about end time events that make it into the canon through Jude? This passage is not OF Enoch because he does not possess the power to do so. Wouldn't this make it inspired?



While it is correct that none of the authors explicitly mention a 2-phase return of Christ, I am going to point out why this is definitely not as strong an argument as it might appear.

Before I get into that take note that every reference to Jesus "coming" in this video presupposes a post-trib scenario, which makes it nothing more than circular reasoning. If we were to presuppose that they all refer to the rapture event _except_ when otherwise specified then it paints a totally different picture.

In any case, it's important to point out that the strength of an argument from silence can only be evaluated if the likelihood of its inclusion can be firmly established. But this is not something we can reasonably do with any degree of certainty. We have no idea which rapture view had been passed on to the church orally in the decades before Paul wrote his letters. Consequently, things that may well have been common knowledge at the time are less likely to be discussed in any detail.

Brett tries to address this by suggesting that Jude would be a likely place to find such a quote. Why? I find it hard to follow the reasoning here. Every single one of the NT authors make appeals to the churches to live godly lives so that they don't fall away. This would apply no matter which rapture view one has so what exactly is this supposed to prove?

Living a holy life is just as important in a pre-trib scanario as it would be in a post-trib scenario:

"But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted *worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, * and to stand before the Son of Man." (Luke 21:34-36)

I think a more likely place for any of the authors to mention both events would be when giving a detailed time line of end-time events. These are unfortunately few and far apart which further diminishes the likelihood that we will find the kind of explicit quotes you seem to think should be there, but notice that when a time line IS present we can actually discern two events taking place, not one. Here, for example is a reference to Jesus coming:

"Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him.." (2 Thessalonians 2:1)

Here we see Paul making sure to qualify that the "coming" he is referring to is the rapture. This he needs to do in order to explain why the Thessalonians have not need to be upset by what they were being taught.

Later on in he same passage he once again makes sure to qualify which coming he is referring to:

"And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming." (2 Thessalonians 2:8)

Similarly in 2 Corinthians 15 Paul lists two events. The first is where he comes for those who belong to him, which is then followed by the destruction of the wicked:

"For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him. Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power." (1 Corinthians 15:22-24)

Nowhere in either of these passages or anywhere else in his writings does he indicate that these two events occur simultaneously.


Are the rapture and 2nd coming 2 different events? Are you 100% sure?

“And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.” (Matt. 8:26)

O ye of little faith, why would anyone who truly believes in Christ fear the tribulation or even death for that matter? Don’t you believe, “To live is Christ to die is gain”? (Philip. 1:21) Don’t you have the Holy Spirit, the seal of God (Eph. 1:13) in you? Don’t you believe that Christ has swallowed up death if you truly believe? O ye of little faith!

So where does the rapture theory come from? The misinterpretation Darby and so many others of Matthew 24:36-41 (one taken, one left behind). Open your Bible and take a closer look.

Matthew 24:36-41 parallels Luke 17:26-37 (one taken, one left behind), however, in Luke verse 17:37, the apostles specifically ask Christ where the ones being taken are going for it is written:

And they said to him, “Where, Lord?” He said to them, “Where the corpse is, there the VULTURES will gather.” (Luke 17:37 ESV)

Now, based on Christ's answer, does this sound like anyone is being taken up into heaven? Nope! It’s actually a future prophecy given in the Book of Revelation where it is written:

“Then I saw an angel standing in the sun, shouting to the VULTURES flying high in the sky: “Come! Gather together for the great banquet God has prepared. Come and EAT THE FLESH of kings, generals, and strong warriors; of horses and their riders; and of all humanity, both free and slave, small and great.” (Rev. 19:17-18 NLT)

To simplify the teaching further if you still don’t get it, just read Matthew 13 as it explains it best (it’s the same story; the parable of the wheat and the tares). Read Christ’s explanation of the parable yourself as it is written:

“ Jesus answered, “The man who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man; the field is the world; the good seed is the people who belong to the Kingdom; the weeds are the people who belong to the Evil One; and the enemy who sowed the weeds is the Devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvest workers are angels. Just as the weeds are gathered up and burned in the fire, so the same thing will happen at the end of the age: the Son of Man WILL SEND OUT HIS ANGELS TO GATHER UP OUT OF HIS KINGDOM ALL THOSE WHO CAUSE PEOPLE TO SIN AND ALL OTHERS WHO DO EVIL THINGS, and they will throw them into the fiery furnace, where they will cry and gnash their teeth. Then God's people will shine like the sun in their Father's Kingdom. Listen, then, if you have ears! (Matt. 13:37-43 GNT)

Who is taken first? The wicked! You better hope you are not taken anywhere, but left here on earth in God’s kingdom!

Read Psalm 37 (the Heritage of the Wicked and the Righteous), it’s the same story. It’s self-explanatory.

Look at Christ’s explanation of the parable of the net. It’s the same story, as it is written:

“This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and SEPARATE THE WICKED from the righteous and throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Matt. 13:49-50).

The wicked will be uprooted from the earth by the angles and the righteous ones will remain when Christ comes to establish his kingdom here on earth (Rev. 11:15, Rev. 21).

Christ said upon his return it would be like the days of Noah for a reason. Who was taken and who was left behind? The evil ones were taken away in the flood and Noah with his family (God’s chosen) were left behind and kept safely in the ark on earth.

We see the same scenario manifest with the plagues of Egypt in Exodus. The Egyptians were affected, the Israelites (God’s chosen) were protected by God and were not afflicted.

Again, in the fall of Jericho: Rehab and her family (those who helped God secure the victory) were kept in safety while the rest of the city was destroyed.

Again, in Sodom and Gomorrah: Lot and his daughters (chosen) were taken to a place of safety while the wicked ones in the cities were destroyed.

How many times does the Lord have to repeat himself? The world continues to look and look, but still can't see.

"The meek will inherit the earth" (Matt. 5:5). The promise made to Abraham is that his descendants would inherit the whole world (Rom. 4:13).

One of the greatest problems with‬ ‪the rapture up to heaven theory is that going up into heaven is not, and‬ ‪has never been, the reward of the‬ ‪saved. Christ said, “The meek shall‬ ‪inherit the earth” (Matt. 5:5).‬ The promise of the saved is eternal life (John 3:16). If you read the Bible for yourself like I did, you will find there isn’t one single Bible verse that says we “go up into heaven” (the throne of God). Not a single

“THEN the Son of Man WILL APPEAR, COMING in a cloud with great power and glory. WHEN these things BEGIN to happen, STAND UP AND RAISE YOUR HEADS, BECAUSE YOUR SALVATION IS NEAR.” (Luke 21:27-28)

Christ said clearly, “raise your heads because your salvation is near”. Everyone will still be on the earth when he returns! This is the 7th / last trumpet (1 Cor. 15:51-52). Christ tells us himself we will be on the earth at his return and the pre-trib rapture (or any rapture up into heaven) is a lie! Scripture can’t be broken (John 10:35). Christ said it and any true Christian should believe what Christ said, not the fabrications and inventions of men or their “eisegesis”. There is no room for debate with the word of God. It is very clear as it is written:

Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices shouting in heaven:

“The WORLD HAS NOW BECOME THE KINGDOM of our Lord and of his Christ,
and he will reign forever and ever.” (Rev. 11:15 NLT).

Don’t you believe in what you pray? Christ taught us in the Lord’s prayer this: “thy Kingdom come”. Again, we aren’t going anywhere, the Kingdom is coming here (Rev. 21).

Christ already predicted the world would come up with the foolishness of the rapture up into heaven. In his own statement of fact, Christ NEVER advocated the rapturing of His followers out of the world to be taken up to heaven for it is written:

“I DO NOT ASK YOU TO TAKE THEM OUT OF THE WORLD, but I do ask you to KEEP THEM SAFE from the Evil One.” (John 17:15) How clear!

Doctrine must come from the Word of God, NOT the teachings or human wisdom of men who don’t have the Spirit of God.

Are you going to continue to believe in false teachings and eisegesis of men or the actual and factual word of God?

Still don’t see and think God’s people get whisked away before or during the tribulation? Go to Revelation 9 at the 5th trumpet for it is written:

“Then locusts came from the smoke and descended on the earth, and they were given power to sting like scorpions. They were told not to harm the grass or plants or trees, but ONLY THE PEOPLE WHO DID NOT HAVE THE SEAL OF GOD ON THEIR FOREHEADS.” (Rev. 9:3-4) God’s people will still be on the earth for the 7 trumpet judgements, but will already be transformed into spirit beings on the earth before the 7 bowls of God’s wrath (Rev. 15:5-8) which will have no effect on true believers who will meet the Lord in the AIR upon his return. (1 Thess. 4:17).

The truth can only do one thing for us, "set you free". (John 8:32)


That is assumption that he took it from the book of Enoch. He could have just have referred to what he knew Enoch stated. The book of Enoch could have just took and used that truth..


Two Raptures...
How many Trumpets were made for the calling of the people? Numbers 10:2
How many songs sung? Rev 5:9, Rev 14:3.
How many MULTITUDES in heaven are there? Rev 5:10, Rev 7:9.
How many times does he call out, COME UP HITHER? Rev 4:1, Rev. 11:12.
How many times does the servant go out to gather guests? Luke 14:21-23.
How many sets of sheep are there? John 10:16.
Enoch, Noah...
You really dont see TWO Raptures?
Then you have closed your self off. And this is as far as you get in knowledge.


"Does Jude hold a 2-phase return" Why not teach the word of God? Why do you have to add ignorance into it? Matthew 24:27-31 kjv. What does the Lard say?

*"in that day"* The great and terrible *day* of the Lord.

Matthew 11:27 kjv

Matthew 13:37-50 what does the Lord say? - *The End of the World*

John 6:54 - Again, what does he say? - *I will raise him up the Last Day*

This is repeated by the Lord over and over!


1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 - verses 15&17 *nothing happen until the Lord returns* Matthew 24:27-31 kjv

1 Corinthians 15:51-58 kjv - *you will be judged and judgment is at the Last Trump - The End*

Hebrews 9:26-28 kjv

Revelation 3:10-12 is Revelation 18:4, 10 & 19

And the Wedding Revelation 20:7 kjv.

Returns but *ONCE* for his bride (rev 18:4) and Psalms 110:1 kjv.

*in that day*



He’s Coming Soon

When Jesus comes, the rapture question will be clarified,

the church will be unified,

the saints will be glorified and the sinners will be horrified.

When Jesus comes, the devil will be stultified,

the nation of Israel will be vivified,

the sonship will be satisfied and the entire Bible will be verified.

If you think the coming of Jesus is a probability or a possibility,

you missed it.

The coming of Jesus is inevitability.

Acts 2:36-38; 4:10-12; Ephesians 4:5; Colossians 3:17 KJV


"Does Jude hold a 2-phase return" Why not teach the word of God? Why do you have to add ignorance into it? Matthew 24:27-31 kjv. What does the Lard say?

*in that day* The great and terrible *day* of the Lord.

Matthew 11:27 kjv

Matthew 13:37-50 what does the Lord say? - *The End of the World*

John 6:54 - Again, what does he say? - *I will raise him up the Last Day*

This is repeated by the Lord over and over!


1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 - verses 15&17 *nothing happen until the Lord returns* Matthew 24:27-31 kjv

1 Corinthians 15:51-58 kjv - *you will be judged and judgment is at the Last Trump - The End*

Hebrews 9:26-28 kjv

Revelation 3:10-12 is Revelation 18:4, 10 & 19

And the Wedding Revelation 20:7 kjv.

Returns but *ONCE* for his bride (rev 18:4) and Psalms 110:1 kjv.

*in that day*



Why do we not believe what Jesus said, it is his return so, we do people twist scripture and not follow Jesus? He said when he returns he will come with angels and separate the evil from the good. Like in the days of Noah. We will see this and exercise it. Jesus had the last word on this issue. Nothing about a rapture. So do not be shocked when we all are in judgment and all raised back up to life. Follow only Jesus as he will return and he said what will happen. End of debate, end of story.


For me now, a born-again Christian since around 1972, the gospel is one gospel not four. It is comprised of all the books from Matthew to Jude. It is not the Old Testament which was a preparation for the coming of the Lord in the flesh and His sacrifice for the sins of man. And I'll have no further truck with the Book of Revelation. It's total nonsense to me. It speaks with a different voice to the gospel, not one of its prophecies has ever come true, it was delivered to some guy on an island in the middle of nowhere by an angel with no witnesses to attest, and it teaches a totally different gospel to the one Jesus, the apostles, and Paul (the thirteenth apostle) preached. Read Galatians 1:8-9 and then the first verse of Revelation. It makes me angry to even write about it because it has deceived generations of Christians for about 2000 years depending when it was added to the canon of the New Testament. The last two verses of Jude make a magnificent ending to the Bible, the last few verses of Revelation are a grotesque abomination - the voice of an impostor.


Know This!
Deuteronomy 6:4 KJV

If you want to know God - know the father,
If you want to see God - see the Son,
If you want to feel God - get the Holy Ghost,
The father is eternal, the son is external, and the Holy Ghost is internal.

To wit, that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them: and has committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

It's All in Him!
Deuteronomy 6:4 KJV

If Jesus is not God of all, then he is not God at all!

According to the Bible there are no persons in the Godhead. The whole Godhead is in one person whose name is Jesus. In Colossians 2:9, the Bible says, "For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily". Jesus is not in the Godhead, the Godhead is in Jesus. The word Godhead is in the Bible three times: Acts 17:29, Romans 1:20 and Colossians 2:9.

The Greek word is theios. The Godhead is the deity and being of God. The Godhead consists of who God is, what God has and what God does. Like it or not, Jesus is God in human form. God is sovereign and he does anything he wants to do and in the case of saving man's soul, God chose to remain one and act as three.

If you are going to take everything that God does and make that a person, why stop at three persons, why not four, or five? Why not nine or ten? God has done many, many wonderful things! If everything that God does or every way he reveals himself has to be separate "persons", there would have to be way more than three persons in the Godhead, but when you understand it, the fullness of the Godhead does not dwell universally but bodily, in Christ.

Mathematically then the correct formular is not 1 + 1 + 1 = 3, but 1 x 1 x 1 = 1, because Jesus is the one.

Isaiah 43:10-13; St. John 8:23-24; 8:57-59; 14:6-9 Acts 1:8; 2:36-38; 4:10-12; Ephesians 4:5; Colossians 3:17 KJV

God's Hand.

Isaiah 9:6; 2 Corinthians 5:19; Acts 1:8; St. Luke 24:39-53; Acts 2:36-38; 4:10-11; Ephesians 4:5; Colossians 3:17 KJV
