Why I'm Returning Surface Duo 2

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I was so excited for the Surface Duo 2 but what changed from before receiving it up until returning it?

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Surface Duo 2

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Not sure why you bought it in the 1st place. You didn't like the 1st one. It's the same design... Not sure what you were thinking.


I can appreciate your view. It's definitely not for everyone. I love my Duo 2. I certainly agree that MS could have improved the camera software and added one or two cameras on the second screen. I've been saying this, since the bump became public.

However, since having the phone, it takes good enough pictures for most people, I believe. I'm still not a fan of the camera bump, but it doesn't turn me off, either. Having to fold the screen or holding it completely open to take pictures doesn't bother me. Then again, I'm not a huge picture taker.

With the most recent December update, the touch response has been improved and there is a clear difference in screen responsive from before, especially when typing.

I can also attest to the frustrations and need to find functional protection. The best you can get at the moment is the Pen cover. I dropped my then unprotected Surface Duo 2 and yes, the left screen is damaged. Fortunately, the screen is still flawlessly clear. The cracks in the screen are only visible near the impact area of the bottom right side of the left screen and when the screen is off or dark. So, I can appreciate that.

Overall, it's a good device for me, but it does require stepping out of the traditional way if doing things on slab style smartphones.

For anyone thinking of getting this device, if you are looking for a camera beast, this isn't it. Understand exactly what you need and want from a device. If you are extremely active and need your device with you, then you may want to find a nice sturdy sleeve to carry this device. The Otterbox case has yet to be released and there isn't anything else remotely close to that case design.

What I like most about the Duo 2?
I love the screen aspect ratio. I have pretty big hands and the wider screen just feels better and allows for better viewing of docs, web pages and gaming, for that matter. So far, the only game I know has been tweaked for dual screen is Asphalt 9. There is so much potential for apps to use. Hopefully, that will change with Android L.

I love being able to use two screens at once. I found myself trying to multi-task with my Note 8, when I first got it, but that was extremely frustrating. Viewing multiple sites or combo of site and apps have been a great experience and I honestly don't think I would ever go back to a slab style phone.

It is a very well built device, albeit, different. Yes, there are some improvements that could be made, but it is a nice device. I barely use the glance bar. I will say, many have said the Duo has underwhelming speak sound. It actually has extremely good sound, for its thinness. Is it the loudest, probably not, but I doubt it could be made much louder, without making the device thicker. I don't want MS to make this device much thicker than what it already is. The thinness of this device and engineering that went into keeping it relatively thin, while still addressing functional issues from the first generation Duo is amazing. I can understand the price point and making it any cheaper out the gate would not make sense, in my opinion.

Monthly updates... With the exception of the December update, the updates have been small and no new features. However, I would to see feature update every few 3 or 4 months, with everything in between being system tweaks and improvements. I know, not likely to happen, but on can hope. Lol

This is more subjective, but I like living outside the norm of everyone else, when it comes to devices and the style and the form factor of Duo does just that.


I love mine. Even though there are advantages the S22 Ultra and the Fold has over it, if I could only keep one phone, it'd be the Duo 2. It's the phone that got me to switch to Android. I'm especially excited for Android 12L and what it will bring.


Microsoft duo is not for everybody I love mine.


Typical clickbait series, some of those excuses for returning are poor at best, you knew the camera arrangement, you saw how it folded, you know it's got two screens etc... Hyped up the purchase now hyping up the return... It's all about the clicks..


I've contemplated several times returning mine and going back to my s21 ultra but I kmow the minute I do, I'll regret it.


so in other words you don't like this because it's not an apple or a Samsung, it's okay just say it. I think it's really only a reasonable pickup if you get it used and use it only as a secondary device, then it is very enjoyable.


I think you have something there. Maybe you should work for Microsoft. Take away the phone and camera functionality drop the price in half and market it as a foldable tablet. That would make a helofalot more sense


The phone is wide enough, it just need to be taller kinda like the Samsung Galaxy mega screen was if anybody remembers that phone and reduce the price to 128gb $899 - 256gb $999 add and sd card slot and it would sell well despite the software issues


Galaxy Z fold 3 is a much better device. I own both devices but can put the z fold down. I can tell when a reviewer is going to return a device. If they purchase no accessories for their device, it's going back.


They would have to go back to the original form factor and the cameras inside the bezels opposite the selfie camera to make this work appropriately like it should when you fold it. Yes it will be thicker but better than what it is now.


I have the Z fold 3 and the OG Duo. I really like the Duo. I think there's a target audience that will not appeal to everyone. It's a device that shouldn't be compared to any other device, including the Z fold products. This phone won't blow you away, it's not the purpose for it. It's designed to get stuff done. Both the first and second Duo's are the same. If you brought thr first one, you would buy the second one because the first one is missing a lot of features that would make it a better phone. My issue with the product is the bugs. Microsoft has released a lot of surface devices over the years. Their PC designs and quality were Apple-level, and forced manufacturers to really think outside the box in terms of design. There were some build quality issues at times with some products, issues with batteries, etc., but at the end of the day, for most part it worked more often than it didn't. I don't see that track record coming over to the Duo line so far. The Duo2 is much better than the first one, yet the bugs and lack of customization in the launcher is absolutely unacceptable. I hate to compare, but I feel happy about my Z fold 3 purchase because I feel like I got what I paid for. You can customize just about everything about the phone. I just got the pen and there is an app to customize the pen setup. The Duo 2 just got a feature where if you click on the Surface pen it does something. That's in literally every other product they have today. I just stop it here. I plan to pick up the Duo 2 once it drops to $400 like the first one did.


I could be very wrong on this... But I do believe that it was your video that showed me how to set the thumb prints (when you reviewed the earlier got the original DUO, could've been during your unboxing or shortly after). I ran with it and was able to take a picture in "Phone Mode", after setting my left thumb. I also put the camera app on the left side of the bottom app tray. So, when folded back, and previously had the camera app closed, I used my left thumb to open it up.. And be able to snap a picture in phone mode. I tried this on my DUO2. And it works the same. Granted, I believe that it's using the selfie camera and the picture quality is worse, especially in low lighting.... But usable for me. I can send picture comparisons, if you'd like, compared to the selfie (one handed) camera and the front-facing camera.


The main reason to return it is because it sucks


Surface duo and duo 2 are great devices


the latest smartwatch is a must with both duo's, makes life much easier, safe for walks, and protects the phone in some way


Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your day


Question: does the pop socket interfere with wireless charging?


From your videos you clearly were not interested in the either the Duo 1 or Duo 2 so you sending the phone back does not surprise me, you have always tended to sway towards the Samsung fold as being far superior


Yup, if the removed the camera bump, the phone part, reduced the price and added sd card storage I would be interested. This would make a better foldable tablet, than a phone.
