Celtic Music - Of Wolves and Men

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You can get the song here, together with all my other music, the song number is 364:
You can also support me and my music directly on Patreon if you wish:

I made a Fantasy language, you can get the 423-page dictionary and a 735-page book of Fantasy names here:

Man's history is inextricably linked to that of the wolf, since the dawn of our kind we have both feared and admired its strength, intelligence, loyalty and ferocity. And somewhere among the lost millennia of the past we have become one family. Hunters of the same prey and protectors of the same home.

This song is based on a section from my "Spring Morning" piece.

All music composed and arranged by Adrian von Ziegler.

The artwork was created by this great artist:
© All audio material is copyrighted by Adrian von Ziegler.
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Usage rights - please read:
I’m posting the usage rights and important information about my music right here in a comment on every new video so that they’re easily accessible to everyone. =)

If your project (any project at all, movie, photography, websites, live shows etc.) is non-commercial, which means it doesn't earn you any money, then you can use my music for free. Only given credits are necessary, that's the only condition. Credits would be totally fine as a small text in the movie, website etc. written "Music by Adrian von Ziegler". In live shows and other projects where including a text would be difficult, an oral mention would suffice as well. =)
On YouTube and twitch you can also use my music for free even if you monetize your videos by the way!
ANY school projects have automatic free permission to use my music, no license payment is required.

If the project is commercial, meaning it makes money in any way (except YouTube and twitch, see above), you would have to buy a license for the music you want to use. The license payment would be small in almost all cases except for big budget productions. It would be a one-time payment, so you can use the music you bought forever in that project. It does not give you any rights over the music however, so remixing the music, re-selling it etc. is not allowed.
Giving credits is also necessary in commercial projects.

Please note that "for free" only applies to the usage license. Music is my full-time job and is where 100% of my earnings come from. So no matter what you use my music for, whether it's commercial or non-commercial use, I appreciate that you purchase the music instead of downloading it for free. Many people misunderstand this part so I need to clear this up. I love making music, but if everyone would just get it for free I would not be able to pay rent, so please understand. It was always my dream to make enough money to survive with music being my only job, and that is only possible because of people who go and buy that music.

Remixing, sampling and other forms of altering the original song into a new piece of music is also generally not allowed unless the remix is 100% non-commercial and labelled with the original title and author of the song (me). Adding bird noises, nature sounds or similar things are allowed. Nightcore alterations are also allowed while non-commercial and labelled with original title and author (Google "Nightcore" in case of confusion).

I am currently and for the foreseeable future not available for requests or collaborations, I'm sorry.

I do not allow my music to be used in any project that has a clear political, racist or discriminatory message or is pornographic. By that I mean anything that goes from direct political, racist or discriminatory videos or underlining speeches with my music, onto remixing my melodies into a song that has lyrics with clear political, racist or discriminatory message and similar things that clearly promote these things. Same goes for explicit pornography. Media with nude art is allowed, if not pornographic in nature and purpose.

I hope you're having an awesome day, and thanks a lot for being interested in my music! =)


Man's history is inextricably linked to that of the wolf, since the dawn of our kind we have both feared and admired its strength, intelligence, loyalty and ferocity. And somewhere among the lost millennia of the past we have become one family. Hunters of the same prey and protectors of the same home.

This song is based on a section from my "Spring Morning" piece.

You can get the song here, together with all my other music, the song number is 364:
You can also support me and my music directly on Patreon if you wish:

I hope everyone reading this has a wonderful Sunday evening, I hope you enjoy the music and that you're in good health and spirit! I'll see you all very soon with more songs!


I have been listening to your music since I was 12(I'm 20) and I suffer from anxiety and depression but listening to your music fills me with pride, courage, and strength. Thank you.


An ancient Cherokee Indian told his grandson: "My son, within each one of us there is a battle between two wolves. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego.
The other is benevolent. It is bliss, peace, love, hope, humanity, kindness, empathy and truth. "The boy thought a bit and asked:" Grandpa, what wolf wins? "The old man replied:" The one who you feed...


That's a very Adrian Von Ziegler piece! Unique style, unique feel. Congratulations 😘


_In the Northern reaches of this Earth, the lands there belong to two beasts alone: the wolves and the men._


Ooh this is great. Would love a Native American inspired piece relating to wolves, too! I think that’d be neat, if you’re ever feeling inspired/up for it!


"Of Wolves and Men" (author: Barry Lopez) is one of the first, best books on the study of wolves from 1978. Mr. Lopez is still alive and living in Oregon (USA) last I checked. I've been studying wolves for 10 years now and have worked with them at sanctuaries in Florida and Oregon. I also started the non-profit Keystone Wolf Education here in Pennsylvania to help educate my fellow humans on the truth about wolves in hopes of undoing the fear and hate-based damage done by the myths, legends, misunderstandings, and lies. People on both sides of the wolf debate usually lack actual experience with the animal and portray them as something they are not, which only fuels the fires that cause wolves to be hunted and killed. If anyone would like to discuss wolves, let me know! I'm here to help. The great history between human and wolf is destined to continuously be recorded in art, book, and song...


We as mere men, don’t deserve wolves. Thank you Adrian.


In my funeral I would want this to be played, with my comrades around thinking about the good times we had.


I just love your wolf tracks. Takes me back to some fantasy medieval era journey. Its been over 8 yrs listening to ur music and it still sounds soo wonderful


I can imagine, with this song playing, ruling a kingdom in the snowy mountaintops, sitting in my throne before a long table full of family, friends & food, with a wolf, bear & eagle by my side, gold n silver claymore in my sheath, a large chalice of mead in my hand, and a big smile on my face. 🌨🏔🍺⚔️🛡🐻🦅🐺
Excellent job, Adrian my friend. Keep up the great work and don’t ever stop.


I love how Celtic this is. The Celts have always been into nature and value strength. It makes me feel uplifted. Such feel good music. Thank you for all that you do. ❤


I listen to this music late at night when the dome of the sky covers the earth. This music charges with some mysterious, ancient energy...


Haa im celtic and i love wolves 🤣🤣dreams of wolfs and me having a spirit of one. so cheers i enjoyed this 😊🤗🤗


😂 😂
"hey what kind of music do you compose?"

adrian: "wolf music"


After a stressful day, your music is the only thing that makes me feel good. Thank you. 💚


I always feel so happy when I listen to your music. It's just... so wonderful. Poetic. I feel inspired ! Thank you <3


I like the twist on "Of Mice and Men"


Listening this music felt one among those generation. The brave ancient Celtics that roams in ancient Spain.
