Are we using Christian social media wrong? | Rant video

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Sorry for the sub-par audio levels on this video, friends. I was playing around with my mic before and forgot to change the levels.

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Stay awesome,
Katie xo
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I hate those 'Jesus vs Satan who will you support' pictures on FB too. They give the ludicrous impression that the devil is somehow on equal footing with the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus doesn't need our petty likes to defeat Satan, he already did once he rose from the grave.


Wait, being a Christian is more than just posting shallow sayings on Instagram??!! who would've known


So true... I hate those pictures of "If you don't like or share this picture of Jesus on your page then you deny Christ" .... really???


When people post a false depiction of God, it makes me completely furious. also, when there's a post that says "to pray, type Amen". Like, typing Amen will LITERALLY DO NOTHING.


"Like this picture of a crippled child otherwise you're a heartless monster."


excuse me as I show this to eveRY CHRISTIAN TEENAGE GIRL I KNOW


What really gets me is when older people, meaning those who have been in the church for 50+ years, post these things. It makes me want to comment in all caps "YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN THIS!!" How about we stick to posting in-context Bible verses with serene nature scenes, people... ;)


YES!!! In fact I had been thinking about doing a MEME Monday series to address bad theology memes. Thank you for calling it like you see it.


Missed your videos Katie :) I totally agree with everything you said. Glad you're done with finals!!
PS Civil War was super good haha I hope you get to see it soon!


Oh my gosh... Too real. Prosperity Gospel is rampant on social media. Unfortunately though, it is just a reflection of the bad teaching that the church has failed to confront and is now commonly held. Also, that first one... yeah. Standard creepy fake-nice guy phrase. Also part two, I too have been entirely incapable of seeing Civil War thus far... We should take care of that this week while you're in PA!


It's honestly so great to hear how many of you would be willing to go see Civil War with me so I wouldn't be alone hahaha. THANKS, FAM. YOU DA BEST.


Thankyou for sharing, Katie. This is very good. This is the reason why I don't follow any Christianese accounts. True Christianity isn't punctuated by cute sounding sayings that may or may not be accurate. If we start worshipping God as depicted by social media, we will end up with a warped understanding of who God truly is. Idolatry is the art of serving a false image, so if we are taken in by a false image of who God is, then we could say that we've been sucked into idolatry. Heavy stuff.


This is so true. It's tempting to think that spending 15 minutes scrolling through our Christian newsfeed is as good as spending 15 minutes actually studying our Bible. But we miss out on SO MUCH that way. Thanks for an awesome video! PS Captain America Civil War was amazing. You're going to love it.


I saw a sign in a store the other day that said, "Prayers go up, blessings come down" and this instantly came to mind. #Godisnotavendingmachine


Katie, every time I watch one of your videos I just leave thinkng, "Thank you for speaking my thoughts." This is another one of those times.


Thank you for posting this!! It really annoys me when I see pictures on Facebook saying "type 'Amen' if you believe in God', as if posting your beliefs on social media will somehow make them more valid than telling people in person.


The worst is when people TAG you on those facebook posts so then you either have to like it or have them think you don't love Jesus... has that happened to anyone else??


Very well said Katie. I am so proud of you for standing up for all you do. I feel like what you are saying is something that today's young people (wow! That's makes this 34 year old sound old!) desperately need to hear. You stand up for faith, values, and you have a very clear way of articulating why it's so important to view these things the way you do. Don't stop hon. You are doing an awesome job. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this! ❤️❤️❤️


Luckily, I was refreshing YouTube and saw this posted. Great video and I agree with the message. I tend to avoid a lot of christian social media pages for this reason.


the first pic shocked me... wow. this is a really good point that should be brought up more👏👏👏nice video
