Leaving The Simulation.

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Leaving The Simulation.

What would you do if you suddenly found evidence that we live in a SIMULATION? Today's story explores Simulation Theory, and what happens when one man stumbles upon The Boswell Tapes, and uncovers a secret he wasn't prepared to handle. Ultimately, it's impossible to conclusively prove that we are NOT living inside of a simulation, which, like the other topics covered on this channel... is what makes the concept so fascinating. Leave your thoughts on Simulation Theory in the comments.

Many elements of this video were inspired by the CIA's... surprisingly very real "Gateway Experience" document, where they studied the Hemi-Sync tapes produced by the Monroe Institute.

Do you have a TRUE strange/creepy/unsettling story? Submit it below!


Music by 2003 Toyota Corolla
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Heads up for new viewers - all videos with a pink thumbnail border are FICTIONAL stories, and videos with a blue thumbnail border contain TRUE stories!


Fun fact: the blind spot mentioned in this story is very real and is caused by the small area of the eye that does not have any rods or cones where the optic nerve connects to the back of the eyeball.


I love the fact that this guy could've just read a biology textbook to stop himself from being so spooked about the eye thing


Maybe I'm just a nerd, but did anyone else recognize the tape sounds as the sounds planets make? I recognized them instantly


Dude this is incredible. Completely blown away, youre going places man. Going to share this around.

Incredibly calming but interesting narration and the story is so well written. Very believable & interesting.

NEED MORE. Could easily watch a 2 hour plus story with you narrating it.


these are legit some of the best original horror stories on YT keep up the amazing work


You are the most adorable person ever! I love your enthusiasm and energy, you have a pure heart, idk how to explain it there's just something very delightful and exquisite about you, and in many ways you have this wonderful healing, entertaining, chill just awesome vibe that I cannot fully find the words to express. Love all your videos and although I was so sad this one wasn't real, it's just a testament to how beautifully you write. Truly talented, I can't wait to see what you'll do in life. May your success and influence spread far and wide and don't ever stop being you :)


this sounds alot like the "tapes" i downloaded from the internet archive for this thing called "the gateway experience" it was like 22 or so mp3s and a bunch of pdfs that all supposedly were either acquired from or declassified by the cia, you were supposed to listen to them using stereo headphones, and they used different tones and frequencies to somehow train your brain to enter a different state that would allow you to have certain experiences. from the way i understood it, it seemed like it was some type of astral travel or hypnotic suggestion, im not really sure.. i had everything i could find on it stored in a folder on my sd card, but after a few months i hadnt even listened to one "tape" yet and it was taking up like 6 or 7 gigs of space that i felt could better be used for something else, so i just ended up deleting it all. now that i think about it as im typing this comment, im kinda mad i didnt think to upload it to one of my four google drive accounts... maybe ill grab it again for a rainy day, idk.. this story just sounds very similar to what the gateway experience was supposed to be and im wondering if this is meant to be a true story, or if someone decided to write a piece of fiction that was inspired by gateway?


The blind spot is literally just where the optic nerve enters the eye ball. It’s normal.


the thumb going missing thing is bc there’s so much stuff happening in the world the mind basically makes the least important thing disappear and that tends to be the things that arnt right infront of us. there’s this kind video on youtuber that explains it better then i did lol


The thing about us living in a simulation is that we most likely do.

You can choose to view this in two ways.

Nothing matters so why should you try


Nothing matters so you choose what matters to you

You can choose the prison or the ultimate freedom, decide what to bother being worried about, what people to care about, or what you wanna do in your life.
You won’t have to try to fullfill any expectations from the outside.


the ringing noise actually scared me so bad 😭😭 this was so good though </33


Don't know if you meant it but these instructions are almost the same as how you induce lucid dreaming, more specifically the WILD method, where you wake up after a short 4 hour nap an then go back to sleep while trying to not pass out as you pay close attention to all your 5 senses. Nice story


I actually tried one of the Hemi-Sync tapes last week crazy enough. I didn't lay flat or anything. I just sat on my floor and tied something around my eyes to keep them from opening. It was kind of cool. I did start to see something weird, but it wasn'y anything in great detail. My eyes were closed, but after a long period of time the darkness started to appear differently to me perception wise. It started to feel like I wasn't looking at closed eyelids, but rather a black curtain? I could also see this weird wavy pattern. It was like a circular wave pattern that started big, but it kept shrinking. At random moments I could see a flash of light out the corner of my eye even though they were closed. Nothing crazy like hairy people or being on an operating table though. I'd need therapy after that.

If you want to try it for yourself, you can find the Hemi-Sync tapes online. I started doing it because I said I wanted to try meditation in 2023, and I'm going to make a youtube video about it and give a review. I have a separate channel where I talk about weird stuff also. Need the subs. If you want it let me know!


i know its alot to ask but please make a series built around this universe, i need to hear more from this


I love your written stories and being able to hear a piece of you in each one, keep these up man ✌️


Came for the reddit videos, stayed for your stories. Great work!


damn that was INTENSE! i need those raw audio files just to listen to those haha


not setting an alarm when you want to take a nap is a very risky game


i'm amazed that you're both a great writer and narrator. love your work bestie
