Scientist Reveals How to ESCAPE Our Simulation | Exit Reality NOW...

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For over two decades, scientists have pondered the idea of living in a simulated universe, with some estimates putting the odds at around 20 percent. But what if we could hack our way out of this theoretical construct and access the baseline reality? In this video, a computer scientist from the University of Louisville explores different methods for humans to escape this simulated existence. But is it possible to break free, or are we trapped in this simulation for good? Watch this video to uncover the mysteries of our simulated reality and discover the truth about our existence.

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We are the simulators, the "overlords" hypnotize us through media, religion, repeating the same words over and over and if we try to leave the system, force.


Consciousness is not mind. We are Not Our thoughts, emotions or bodies. We reside as a consciousness within/around the physical body. Eckhart Tolle’s work ‘The Power of Now’ clearly shows this 🎉


So apparently we can only see 1% of the light spectrum. That means we cannot see 99% of what is around us. I’m going to research this a little more. I’ve always been told that the unseen world is more real than the world we see.


I love how you tie together science, philosophy, and spirituality. I haven't seen a more sensible approach


The first solution crash the simulation (there must be a limit) 7:03
The other solution construct your own game 27:25


Love your work. Hate your chat. Hate your board. Hate the secret services. And all things associated. Can't wait until it's a 30min summery. With that good good info.


It is possible through astrial projection, I pretty much did. A voice told me to " stop if you go any further you will not be able to return to that dimension, if you do your life will be extremely difficult" low and behold it's exactly that". I came back for my family, that was a big mistake. Ohh and btw, you/ your soul has to move in between the tesseracts in order to get out of this dimension.


we are closest to the true hidden reality when we lose consciousness..some are more aware, some less, during the day..some get closer to reality in meditation...but real meditation is underestimated (sleeping), sleeping only in certain short intervals while the dream lasts, which can to be aware. But the closest to home is when we are unconscious... being aware and close is difficult


I love this stuff and take it seriously, which is why I did not expect to laugh… the timing and leading up to saying, “the problem is this is a shitty experience” hit me right in the funny bone because it’s so direct and true haha


Well there are glitches my friend. All of the Mandela effects just to name the mass glitches that the masses have become aware of. There are a lot of other glitches as well like birds being frozen in the air mid flight. There's videos of this. There are even more glitches we just haven't noticed yet I'm sure.


We may have to fight to bring humanity together. Some want to stay slaves to the elites. Some will fight to keep this system going. Humanity is suffering, our world is suffering. We must unite to make it end.


There’s a one way trip to escaping this reality and it’s called Death.


I hate that it takes an hour to get started.


I always flash to a multiplayer game like Everquest II when i hear or read of life being a simulation or matrix. I believe its the best way to explain matter and life. I was taught that every life form is here on its own frequency, timing and on its own level of its own journey all the while interacting with others in life. This is incredible ive never heard any speak about so much that i agree with. This is truly a pleasure, thank you!!


The Unified field/Divine Consciousness is the base of all(all comes out of it) it is beyond thoughts. In physics even quarks breakdown smaller and smaller. Our (I reasoning ) is existence that we used to walk through this experience using mind(we are conditioned by family and past experiences, but in order for the 3D simulation to collapse one’s focus must be removed from the mind which has been conditioned by the 5 senses this is what meditation does 🧘🏾‍♀️. It unplugs you from the constant stimulation of simulation of the dimensional plane. Mediation is not to escape it is to connection to the unified field (All existing Self Awareness) so that one is no longer tricked into being their bodies or their names, race, history. This is what collapse the old simulation and builds a new one of peace and harmony you must unplug and go inward. Turn the power off by removing focused attention on the outer World redirect and intuitive hear.


Yes, and ironically the very same channel that got me interested in partaking of plant medicine is a channel where they have the viewpoint that this is a simulation and we have bodies outside of it in pods somewhere. However, when I finally had the chance to partake of plant medicine, the gnosis/ knowing I discovered/ remembered is pretty much what you are saying here, Morgue. 💜


About reality being a simulation, I’ve always thought about how it's similar to the game the sims. Sims — Simulation


Good content and delivery, it adds up to other complexities of theorists and researching done by many others in synch type confirmation which conveys as a truth.


Morgue! You rock! Another fantastic lecture!!


Like that episode in Rick & Morty. The author literally shows Rick and Morty in a simulation of a simulation of a simulation etc of some jealous aliens I forget the name of, where Rick overloads the simulation to the point it stops functioning properly, by asking the fake audience a bunch of different questions getting different groups of them to do different things that seem to be so utterly unexpected for the system to handle. And then they reach the edge etc. Anyway, I loved this video thank you Morgue.
